Movies You Regret Seeing

  • Thread starter That90sGuy
Really, is it that bad? I love the Mario Bros.

^Bowser between a koopa and a goomba. Need I say more?
This and this.

I know the latter was never to be taken seriously in any way, but in the end it's like when a friend tells you "Hey wanna hear a bad joke?" and then it doesn't even turn out to be bad enough to cause a chuckle...
Just to name a few:

Any movie starring Will Ferrell.
Dragonball: Evolution - Utter disgrace to the anime.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Get Him to the Greek
The Happening - God.....

I've heard any movie from "The Toxic Avenger" series is really tough to sit through. I'll have to look into it.
The Toxic Avenger is infinitely more entertaining than "The Happening".

To be fair... the movie does have its share of tense moments... as long as you don't think about how ludicrous the whole thing is... in other words, it's a movie best enjoyed when halfway between drunk and sober. So you're not so sober that you realize what a steaming pile of bull the whole story is but not so drunk you can't actually follow what's happening.

Doesn't remotely compare to the utter mess Shymalan made of "The Last Airbender."
Super 8.

Not really sure why I didn't like it, just seemed a bit boring. There isn't many films I don't like but this was definitely one of them. Maybe I'll watch it again and see if it gets better.
Fight Club - Not as good as hyped.
Sucker Punch - My friends only wanted to go for a perv. I didn't want to go at all.
Transformers - CGI blows.
Shark In Venice - Please...
Fight Club - Not as good as hyped.

It's one of my top 10 favourite movies, so I obviously have a different opinion out it.

Sucker Punch - My friends only wanted to go for a perv. I didn't want to go at all.

Same thing happened to me. A few of my friends wanted to see it, but I wasn't as keen about it as they were (even if the main protagonists were hawt).

I already knew the plot would suck (which it did), plus the action wasn't that great either. Certainly the worst film I've seen at the cinema this year.

It was basically a re-tread of a thirty year-old James Bond film (THE SPY WHO LOVED ME), which wasn't particularly original when it was made, so GHOST PROTOCOL was just incredibly lazy. It also had a villain with virtually no presence in the film (aside from a news report that was little more than exposition, I cannot recall a single thing he said, and I saw the film yesterday), and instead decided to concentrate on the dynamics of a dysfunctional team (but because they're all dealing with the same problem, they're all boring). It is also riddled with plot holes that are never explained (at least MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2 made the effort), has silly stunt sequences late in the film, and the whole thing runs out of steam once the film leaves Russia. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the film was intentionally squandering its setup. What makes it all the more worse is that the film is packed with talent on both sides of the camera. But no matter how hard they try, they just can't salvage a dismal script.
Wrong Turn 4.

Other than the fact that they had laughter fill time in order to call it a movie instead of a short story, it was filled with poor acting and lame "gore" scenes that make you lose IQ points for even watching it. I took away all of my girlfriends future choices on movie night due to this movie.

Cube-it scared me
And another I think is called John Q.(the one with Denzel Washington)? Again, kind of scared me since I'm a hypochondriac...
Splice - I never really could get into it,I thought it would be better,but it just bored the heck out of me.I usually like Adrien Brody's films so I felt bad that he had to play in such a bad movie.Oh and that one scene(you guys know which one)had me saying "really,they actually just did that?".
Hobo with a Shotgun (sort of),
Superhigh Me,
Suprsize Me,
Wizard of Oz,
Starwars Ep. 1,
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
Mission Impossible GP (re-hash of old 🤬. I'd dislike it if Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner weren't in it),

Just to name a few (and I mean a few).
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The girl from Suckerpunch looks pretty good in that movie though, I didn't see it so I dunno if it's any good but she looked pretty hot in the commercials.

I just watched about 2 minutes of the movie "Paintball" and I turned it off. What an utter load of bull. The way they depict paintball is nothing like what it is in the real world. Consider me pissed.
Transporter 2
Alone in the Dark
Silent Hill

I guess horror movies are usually dissappointing, after watching a 100, one of em is decently scary. 👎
Avatar. I sat through 3 hours of it, well I say 3 hours but I spent 1+1/2 of them asleep. :lol:
Avatar. I sat through 3 hours of it, well I say 3 hours but I spent 1+1/2 of them asleep. :lol:

Lol, kinda agree on that. Movie wasn't as good as it was hyped to be by people.
Machete. I was already writing my last will and testament while watching this bucket of toss.