mp3 cbr vbr questions???Music 

Race Idiot

Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tome and Principe
Ok ive been using MP3 for ages and ages but to encode my music ive either been using .mp3 encoder (old software ive had it scince 1999) or soundforge 4.5 (yes another old software package). Now ive stopped using both of these programs and I usually convert stuff with music match (its helluva fast) and Ive noticed that there are two options for encoding VBR (which im assuming stands for variable bit rate??) and CBR (which I think is the one Ive always used). I know that the bitrate changes on a vbr encoded MP3 but why does it do that and instead of a bitrate to select it gives you a percentage. Is there any advantage over either one or the other. Oh and is ogg vorbis better than these (I mean is the compression better) if someone could be nice and explain the differences?
i keep all my winamp settings in the middle, i hate adjusting that stuff. and i doubt anyone sets it to how the artist wants them to hear it. and i'm not big on that personal touch stuff. middle everytime unless there is a hissing or something. equalizers. :P
vbr is better quality. (lame vbr is the best) it is variable bit rate (if you watch the bit rate it changes, constantly (or infrequently)

cbr is a set bit rate you change it from 128 to 160 to 192 or what ever you want. (i normally use 160+). the whole song is then encoded in that bit rate.

The % on vbr has to do with quality, although i dotn know the exact reasons.

click on the ripping guide to get one of the best guides to ripping music.

But the gfa guide takes forever to rip.

Just continue using MM:D
Originally posted by space
And on a side note...

That must be the Chrono trigger OST in you wiamp pic huh?
Yeah Im starting to get a collection of RPG music that I like, although id like to get some of the soundtracks on CD but thats kinda impossible in the uk.
OMG this site is cool! it has loads of FF music!
thanks for the link
I dont rip much though I usually downlad stuff and then if I like Ill buy it, then it gets deleted off my computer.
What on CD or on your comp?
You know I once saw an FF7 soundtrack CD once and it was like £40!! I could buy about 10 copies of FF7 for £40!
Although I wouldve bought it if I had the money at the time.
Im downloading GT3 Moon over the castle remix it is a TUNE!
Originally posted by Talentless
i keep all my winamp settings in the middle, i hate adjusting that stuff. and i doubt anyone sets it to how the artist wants them to hear it. and i'm not big on that personal touch stuff. middle everytime unless there is a hissing or something. equalizers. :P

I have to tweak the equalisers because I have my comp hooked up to my hifi and it sounds kinda crappy on the default setting. I like to have rumbly bass although one of my speakers is kinda knackered because of this.
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN
What on CD or on your comp?
You know I once saw an FF7 soundtrack CD once and it was like £40!! I could buy about 10 copies of FF7 for £40!
Although I wouldve bought it if I had the money at the time.
Im downloading GT3 Moon over the castle remix it is a TUNE!

On my computer:D

These are all the full albums that i have:D


  • myvgm.jpg
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I managed to rip a few tracks from games PS1 and DC games mainly but is there anyway I can rip audio off PS2 games, I have software for ripping FMV and audio from DC and PS1 games. But I dont know where to find simmilar software for PS2.

Oh yeah where did you get the orchestral game concert stuff??
MFaudio for ps2 games.

I dont know where to get it, but it works.

although there is not a 'definate' guide, is kinda guess work.( you can rip all GTA3 audio 100%)

The orchestral stuff came from various ftps, i have 2 of the 5 in the series.

You should be able to find some OGC stuff here:
I just posted my playlist int eh new thread, so if you want to see all my vgm, it the latter half of that playlist.
Yep you got some game music :D
Although at work now I can download stuff at 800kb + per sec (well when its not too busy!)
Im just getting me the FF7 soundtrack, its making me want to lug out the old PSX so I can compete it for the 23rd (or was it 25th??? time?)
I actually only own the ff7, ff8, re1 symphony and chrono cross soundtracks.

My brother owns the Seiken Dentetsu 3 ost (secret of mana 3).

But i got the mgs, chrono trigger, blue stinger, and one mroe (i think) from a friend, direct from the cd, not downloaded.

The rest was downloaded.

I also visit:

Very good vgm remixes