Mr. Chavez Goes to New York

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Super-Cool Since 2013
United States
Unfortunately it just happened, so I don't have the full text of his address... But I found it both to be hilarious and somewhat disturbing at the same time.

The most quoteable quote from the address was his remarks twards President Bush:

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his verbal battle with the United States to the floor of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday, calling President Bush "the devil."

"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said. "He came here talking as if he were the owner of the world."


Well, what I can I say. If anything, Mr. Chavez is just as much of a danger to this world as what our President, and he taking his personal hatred to the UN is simply irresponsible. His condemnation of the US' foreign policy was quite funny, not to mention his criticizms of American "freedom" given that he as a dictator of a "democratic" nation lacks all of the freedoms that this nation provides.

It certainly is a difference of ideas, and one that cannot be resolved easily. Hopefully Chavez's neighbors realise that he could become the bully in South America, and hopefully will unite against him. Added to that, hopefully the world sees how crazy this man is, and takes the appropriate actions against him.

But, I digress... His words aren't a "huge" deal outside of showing that he is crazy...
Amazing, he doesn't mind selling the devil his soul(oil) does he?
I just watched it on FOX news. The translator lady s\is either good at conveying the idea the guy is presenting, or she was super surprised when Chavez said "And it still smells like sulfur". I don't get how the UN could take that seriously, but I think most of the reps will just dismiss him as a crazy. Everyone knows there wouldn't be a UN without the US.

No Swift, he doesn't. He's making money, isn't he?
Well the worry is becoming that he may stop selling oil to the US in order to "punish" us for our actions just as Iran has said they were going to do as well.

...Interestingly enough, neither of them have done it. I think they still have a few brain-cells floating around, as they seem to have figured out that there is quite a bit of money that would be lost there...

But even then, Chavez has been working with China to begin pumping their fuel right onto boats headed there as well.
No Swift, he doesn't. He's making money, isn't he?

Hand over fist my friend. My point exactly. Everyone hates America and loves American money. Hypocrites. :grumpy:
Yahoo News
He also said the U.N. "doesn't work" in its current system and is "antidemocratic." He called for reform, saying the U.S. government's "immoral veto" had allowed recent Israeli bombings of Lebanon to continue unabated for more than a month.

Good job mate! Attack the system that you are speaking at!

Why does he care about Israel bombing Lebanon?
Well the worry is becoming that he may stop selling oil to the US in order to "punish" us for our actions just as Iran has said they were going to do as well.

well, counting that in 1998 Venezuela supplied about 70% of the oil to the US and is now down to about 15% (or the 7th largest, down from the 2nd), I wouldn't be too worried about what Chavez and his crazy ideas would mean to the US supply of oil.

What is dangerous, or a little worrying is the "dumb axis of doom" he's creating in South America, firstly with Castro in Cuba, then Argentina (after buying their international debt (when he refused to pay Venezuela's and thus, now Argentina's as well) and now with Bolivia and their natural gas production.

The problem is populism and pseudo-communism/socialism, which are making South American countries a place for all these idologies to be reborn and where countries like the US and some of the EU have big investments and will eventually be expelled by nationalist governments trying to "save" their resources.

I've said this before, Chavez should be taken out. Do a Noriega on him and take him away in a helicopter... half way through the ride, suicide him.
Hand over fist my friend. My point exactly. Everyone hates America and loves American money. Hypocrites. :grumpy:
Personal quibbles do not a foreign policy make. He understands that (and that was not a political slant, so do not take it as one). If he was to stop selling the U.S. oil his country would suffer. You can not run a country on your ideals, and he is in no way hypocritical for that; because if he was than every single country would be (including ours).
I think my biggest worry is that some in the UN will think he has a point. For some reason socialist ideas seem to catch on much quicker than capitalist ones.

Well the worry is becoming that he may stop selling oil to the US in order to "punish" us for our actions just as Iran has said they were going to do as well.
He can threaten all he likes but he and Iran both know that doing that would hurt their economy as much as it would ours. Losing your largest customer is not the best way to do business.
I think my biggest worry is that some in the UN will think he has a point. For some reason socialist ideas seem to catch on much quicker than capitalist ones.

He can threaten all he likes but he and Iran both know that doing that would hurt their economy as much as it would ours. Losing your largest customer is not the best way to do business.

of course socialist ideas catch on. Because they sound good. It sounds like everyone will be taken care of. But we all know that the exact opposite is true.

I really hate it when stuff is lead by "commitee"
I don't think you're looking at the full spectrum here. He's obviously making "friends" with other countries, preferably non-US allies in an effort to stop Venezuelan economy from its US-dependance. This could be good of course, because you can't base your whole country on the exports of just one, but in doing so, he's taunting and making enemies in the democratic world.

This guy could've bought his presidential airplane from Boeing (US company) for about 60% of what his actual one cost (from Airbus) and everytime it must be serviced, it's got to be flown to Europe (6+ hour flight) rather than the US (3-4 hour flight).

And that's just putting it lightly and going through little examples. Venezuela has gone from a largely US-influenced country (in culture, products, laws, etc) to a very socialist, very Cuba-like place.

EDIT: Communism is great... on paper. In reality it doesn't work, as the USSR proved.

I think this image perfectly proves the point of how Chavez is seen outside Venezuela.

I really hate it when stuff is lead by "commitee"
Ever find it ironic that businesses working in a capitalist system are full of committees?

How many years until China is their largest customer?
Good question. But if the American economy suddenly dropped to 1980's standards we would still think that we have just had a collapse. I mean we had a relatively small step backwards in 2001 and everyone acted as if it were the depression all over again. If he cuts off the US his economy will still suffer greatly because it would suddenly take a huge step backwards.

I don't think you're looking at the full spectrum here. He's obviously making "friends" with other countries, preferably non-US allies in an effort to stop Venezuelan economy from its US-dependance.
He probably should as their is a huge push in the US to get away from a foreign oil dependance. It will more than likely happen one day. Last oil industry report I heard (a week ago) said that it was the worst performing industry so far this month and the reason being given is because of the Gulf oil find by Chevron. I know my gas has gone down nearly $.50 a gallon.

Whether it be alternative fuels or just improved technologies in the oil industry allowing us to find and access more oil locally we will slowly pull away from our dependance on them.
I don't know how much truth is in that, but what I can tell you is that Venezuela has A LOT of oil. Reserves are good for about 120 years. Actually, by the time new technologies and fuels are all over the world, Venezuela will still have loads of oil.

The other issue is that 85% of Venezuela's economy depends on oil.
I don't know how much truth is in that, but what I can tell you is that Venezuela has A LOT of oil. Reserves are good for about 120 years. Actually, by the time new technologies and fuels are all over the world, Venezuela will still have loads of oil.
But if the US finds ways to not need it then how usefull is it?

Especially when you consider:
The other issue is that 85% of Venezuela's economy depends on oil.
How much of that does the US purchase?
in 1998, about 80% of that. Nowadays, less than 30%.

My guess is that the number has decreased because of Chavez's anti-US speech and the US's dissasociation with the absurd.

Personally, I'm completely against Chavez and everything he's done in Venezuela and for Venezuela. The sooner the US and the rest of the world are less dependent on oil, the better IMO, whether they buy oil from Venezuela or not.

Funny fact: In 1998 Cuba wasn't an oil producer. In 2006, Cuba exports oil. :odd:
in 1998, about 80% of that. Nowadays, less than 30%.
That is still like 25% of their economy (if my math is right 30% of 85 is 25.5), or something like that. It's enough to hurt a lot.

Funny fact: In 1998 Cuba wasn't an oil producer. In 2006, Cuba exports oil. :odd:
We call it the middle man.

Think of it as Venezuela giving Cuba foreign aid, only it gets measured in barrels instead of dollars.
...I liked Sec. Rice's reaction to his words (I'll paraphrase), "Hes and idiot, and it isn't even worth commenting on."

Hell, maybe if we are lucky more countries will back further away from Chavez and his government, and maybe enact a change in government (assuming he allows it) indirectly.


...I wonder what Chavez thinks about Mercenaries 2?
Well the worry is becoming that he may stop selling oil to the US in order to "punish" us for our actions just as Iran has said they were going to do as well.

You'd have to be mad to buy Citgo in the first place.

I caught the last part of Mahmoud's speech, and I agreed with it. The problem is that Mahmoud is still controlled by the Iatolah (forgive my spelling).

I don't know why all the nations can't just sit down and talk instead of delivering "j00 R teh devilz!" addresses.

Diego, communism isn't even great on paper. It's the biggest false-promise of government ever.
Is that guy one of the craziest leaders of a country or what ? Between him and Abadabadoobabob from Iran praying for the end of the world ...the UN is starting to look like a Python skit .
Just thought I'd throw this out here:

Originally Posted by kennythebomb
Why does he [Chavez] care about Israel bombing Lebanon?

Simple. Because Hugo Chavez wants peace for the world and thinks everyone should just get along. :rolleyes:
Just thought I'd throw this out here:

Simple. Because Hugo Chavez wants peace for the world and thinks everyone should just get along. :rolleyes:

I want to know how he stays between the lines in his coloring book wearing that straight jacket .
You know, what I found funny is that he said the world must unite, and destory the US.

Umm, ok, last time I checked, destroying us could mean bad economies for the world. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe there are a few resources we have in the states many countries would like, is there not?
Mr Chavez is the name of my principal :lol:

Anyway, wouldnt destroying us mean killing us, then invading what's left and having their way with the resources
Is that guy one of the craziest leaders of a country or what ? Between him and Abadabadoobabob from Iran praying for the end of the world ...the UN is starting to look like a Python skit .

I always thought Bush had a funny gait.

I have bought Citgo before as it seems to be cheaper in Chicagoland... but it's less quality gas.

Just thought I'd throw this out here:

Simple. Because Hugo Chavez wants peace for the world and thinks everyone should just get along. :rolleyes:

You forgot the third part of his three-part dream.

Everybody singing 'Share the Land' by the Guess Who, Everybody pumping by the station now, pumping, singing, name-calling, smiling, laughing, hating...

"Maybe I'll be there to call Bush an ass
Maybe I'll be there to pump your gas
That we'll not be giving away
When we all live together on a commune."
Simple. Because Hugo Chavez wants peace for the world and thinks everyone should just get along. :rolleyes:

You forgot your sarcasm brackets.

Just a side note here. Latin American socialists very often claim how the US is stealing their resources, and making a billion out of them while they buy them at a fraction of the cost. The funny thing is that these "pocket communists" as I like to call them, always claim that they should stop selling their resources to the US, since it usually is their biggest market and start selling them to countries more in need.

What would happen in Latin America stopped selling their exports. What would happen if they just closed all their exports to the rest of the world and built a wall around their countries.


Latin America counts up for 8% of the world's total economy, and with cheaper and more effective manufacture in Asia, these pocket communists in power should be opening their countries to more investments. But, sad is the life of the ignorants.

The Bush administration should just take him out for spite. He's been calling Bush a demon, a monster and a drunkard since 2001.
Or, perhaps they should just ignore him, because even the mere contemplation of the assassination of a world leader for any reason (not to mention that you don't like each other) would cause far, far more of an uproar in the world stage than any war could. He has a right to state his (crazy old grandmother) opinions, even if everyone else is writing him off as nuts.
At the time of my last posts in here yesterday I had only read the speech. On my way home (with a side trip to the bar) I heard the audio on the radio and the translator sounded like she was about start laughing.

It was nice to hear that not even the UN translator could find this normal.