Multi-Screen Setup finally available in GT5

  • Thread starter amar212

Update 1.06 has bring one long-awaited option - multiscreen support.

Here is the official guide for setup - maximum of 5 monitors for 170 degree confirmed.

What is the Multi-monitor feature?
The multi-monitor feature allows you to display the race screen of Gran Turismo 5 on a wide display environment connecting multiple monitors together.

What is required to use the multi-monitor feature?
To use the multi-monitor feature, you need the same number of PS3™ units and copy of Gran Turismo 5 as the number of monitors. All PS3™ systems running Gran Turismo 5 must be updated to the latest version of the game. The PS3™ systems that run the multi-monitor setup must be connected through LAN, connected together through a high speed switching hub.

* This feature only connects the monitor viewing fields horizontally, and does not expand the field of vision vertically. Also, the number of simultaneous monitors that may be used is either 3 or 5. See below for additional details.

* Some features such as tracks created in Course Maker, 2P Split Screen racing, and B-Spec are not compatible with the multi-monitor feature.

Overview of Multi-monitor Feature Options
To enable the multi-monitor feature, set the Multi-monitor option in [Option] - [Devices] - [Multi-monitor].

There are three Multi-monitor Enabled Modes in the multi-monitor option.
- Server
- Client

When a Multi-monitor Enabled Mode is selected, individual setting items will be displayed.

* When OFF is selected, the multi-monitor feature is disabled. The other modes are explained hereafter.

[Server] Multi-Monitor Enabled Mode
This will set the PS3™ to operate as the multi-monitor server, or master unit, to which client PS3™ systems can connect to.

Of the PS3™ systems that will be a part of the multi-monitor setup, set one PS3 to the server setting.
Avoid running in the server mode when you are not using the multi-monitor feature.

Current IP Address
This shows the IP address of the current PS3™ that will be used as a server.
Set the [Server IP Address Setting] field of client PS3™s to this address to ensure a proper connection.

Specifies the screen layout. 3x1 means 3 screens wide horizontally.
The server will always be the center screen of the multiple monitors.

Monitor Frame Border
This specifies the width of the physical frame surrounding the perimeter of your monitors.
This is specified by the percentage of the width of the monitor frame in relation to the width of the screen itself.
For example if the screen width is 50cm, and the total size of the monitor including the frame is 60cm, it will be 20% ((60-50)/50x100=20%).

Angle of Screen Curvature
This specifies the angle formed by the left and right monitors when you angle them towards the driver.
For example, if you have a setup as shown in Fig. A, you would set the field to 80.
*See additional explanation at bottom of page


Adjust Screen Angle
Adjusts the angle of view. Specified by a ratio to the standard vertical field angle of 52 degrees.
*See additional explanation at bottom of page

[Client] Multi-Monitor Enabled Mode
This will set the PS3™ to operate as a client to the multi-monitor server PS3™.
The PS3™ and monitor will display a race screen synchronized with the specified multi-monitor server.

Initiate Multi-Monitor Client
Pressing this button will start the multi-monitor client mode and go into standby.
The multi-monitor client mode can be exited by pressing the cancel button.

Server IP Address
Specifies the IP address of the multi-monitor server PS3 to connect to.

Monitor Number
Sets the screen position of this PS3™ monitor in the monitor layout. The left most screen will be number 1.

Use Server Monitor Settings
Sets whether or not to copy the layout, frame width, screen panel angle, and field angle adjustments of the server.

Same as server

Monitor Frame Border
Same as server

Angle of Screen Curvature
Same as server

Adjust Screen Angle
Same as server

Regarding Angle of Screen Curvature and Screen Angle
The vertical field angle of the interior view in Gran Turismo 5 is 52 degrees. On a 16:9 monitor, this equates to a horizontal screen angle of 82 degrees. If the horizontal width of a monitor is 1m, if you view the screen at a distance of 1.15m from the monitor panel, your field of vision will match your field of vision in real life, taking up your full horizontal field of view.

If you want to set up a true to life viewing field, you should set the Angle of Screen Curvature and Screen Angle based on this.

For example when you have 3 monitors, if you set to an Angle of Screen Curvature of 120 degrees, with a Screen Angle value of 69%, it will cover your field of vision all the way to the direct sides, and the view in each monitor will be facing flat towards your viewpoint, providing an image with no distortion.(Fig. B)


Thank you PD, my shopping spree is now imminent :D :D
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5 screens! I can't nor won't be doing this, but will be eagerly anticipating the first video showing it up and running.
Will be testing out the three screens later, actually have 5 ps3s in my house, and 5 copies of GT5 but only 4 screens of similar size or would attempt that.
Will be testing out the three screens later, actually have 5 ps3s in my house, and 5 copies of GT5 but only 4 screens of similar size or would attempt that.

Thank you in advance for that! Make sure you make some pictures 👍

Few issues to test please:

- Premium/ Standard car cockpit
- what happens in Premium cockpit when left/right views are selected during race
- multiscreen replay
- multiscreen integration on in-game menus (for various menus)
- try online if possible

ALSO THIS: does change of FOW while in fake Server mode (only ONE monitor attached) changes in-car position and FOW (as in Forza 3?)

Thanx 👍 👍
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I will test all these, never set-up a multiscreen before so it will be a big adventure!

Am pretty sure I will be using three screens for the testing though.
This is great.........if you have a ton of cash burning a hole in your pocket. I would dearly love a three monitor setup, but there is no way I can justify buying two more screens and two more PS3's.

I feature for the super rich only me thinks :D
If anyone does do this I would love to see a video of it in action.
I am a student, but in my student house we all have our own PS3 with GT5, this is how I am going to do it!
I could do this if my brother were to get GT5 (unlikely) and GTP_Beefski were to pop round with his PS3, except I have two 22" screens and one 58". In other words, less than ideal. Kind of wish I'd kept my YLOD'd fat PS3 and repaired it... Then again, will this really make a huge difference if you use bumper cam? (no one answer that, I'm trying to make myself feel better)
5 ps'3, 5 big-screen tv's and a B-Spec mode.. there goes the planet

"Gran Turismo 5 - The Power Consumption Edition"

Still, it would be awesome to play with such a setup but only very few people will be able to afford it or have room for it. I hope this isn't another gimmick that they gave priority over other stuff, for instance the Spa circuit or more premium cars..
DAm so at least 3 PS3s are required, 3 copies of the game, and 3 monitors :embarrassed: Id love to give this a go but its *never* going to happen.

Donation fund for asdfg11 PM me for my paypal address lol

Question, must only the main PS3 be connected to PSN?
I hope this isn't another gimmick that they gave priority over other stuff, for instance the Spa circuit or more premium cars..

It is not gimmick, it is a regular GT series feature since GT3.

I presume it was left out from the initial release because they had other priorities.

But basically, it is just a few lines of network code, same as in GT4.
I can't wait that JumboGT makes his setup and then we're into Q&A session :D

And if all my concerns are ironed, I'm into shopping :D

Will never go for 5, but 3 is pretty much inveitable :)
I can't wait that JumboGT makes his setup and then we're into Q&A session :D

And if all my concerns are ironed, I'm into shopping :D

Will never go for 5, but 3 is pretty much inveitable :)

Amar, only 3 screens, you can do better then that :-p
If it was only getting a special adapter + additional monitor i would a probably went with a 3 monitor setup but 3. But buying 3 PS3 + 3 copy of the game is mental, the could even have put a special option on the install so we don't require to have 3 copy but that force sales.

HDMI 1.3 have a 10.2Gb bandwidth capacity (all PS3 have HDMI 1.3a or 1.4).

RAW Blu-Ray Data use: 53.95 Mbit/s
Audio+Video+Subtitles: 48.0 Mbit/s
Video only: 40.0 Mbit/s

So don't tell me that with a "special" adapter and some software modification they wouln'd be able to send 3 stream over the HDMI cable and have the PS3 understand it need to divide the screen in 3.

This is purely commercial ********.
If it was only getting a special adapter + additional monitor i would a probably went with a 3 monitor setup but 3. But buying 3 PS3 + 3 copy of the game is mental, the could even have put a special option on the install so we don't require to have 3 copy but that force sales.

HDMI 1.3 have a 10.2Gb bandwidth capacity (all PS3 have HDMI 1.3a or 1.4).

RAW Blu-Ray Data use: 53.95 Mbit/s
Audio+Video+Subtitles: 48.0 Mbit/s
Video only: 40.0 Mbit/s

So don't tell me that with a "special" adapter and some software modification they wouln'd be able to send 3 stream over the HDMI cable and have the PS3 understand it need to divide the screen in 3.

This is purely commercial ********.

But how do you expect one PS3 to push out a screen resolution of 5760 x 1080 at 60fps?
I have a Triple Screen setup for Forza / PC, so I guess I will be going on a GT5 shopping Spree today!

Just waiting on confirmation of online and which hud options are useable.

Here's my old Playseat setup with Multi Monitor - now have Obutto w/triple screen mount 👍
Yes, I would also like to know how can 256+256MB graphic chip output simultaneous 3x1080p/60fps from one console :lol: :lol:
We have one big and 3 medium flat screens, my son got a PS3 for xmas, maybe my daughter needs a PS3 for her next birthday ? ;) :lol: Then it is off to game store to buy two pre-owned copies of GT5.

My wife would probably throw me out !.. oh well, we can dream.
i like multi monitor setups, but from my point of view the need to have the same amount of consoles as you have monitors is just plain stupid. Even more so the need for the multiple game versions.
Multi monitor stays on my pc. Its also expensive, but you only need the game once and a decent graphics card for about 500€. All in all this is fairer to me.
Their goes my weekend.
Ive wanted this for 2 years...

This is MEGA news... 👍

*Thanks Tinker
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