A really fantastic thread here !
You guys really inspired me, to give this all a try and within the blink of an eye, you got this old, fanatic simracer from just casually using a PS3 with DualShock controller to building a rig with three PS3 and multi monitor setup with 27" screens.
This really is pretty addictive and might as well lead me straight back to PC simracing as in the old days of GP Legends, GTR mods and alike!
There is at the moment one main issue, I have with screen alignment, mentioned before not extensively with overlapping screens:
I use three 27" Asus LCD displays, angled at approximately 40º to the main screen.
I overlap the outer screen slightly, to result in thinner bezel space (the server screen is therefore behind the client screens, as seen from the seating position).
I am still in the early stages of experimenting with different settings, while my first findings are these:
- you should use the middle FOV setting in the in game menu (FOV medium, NOT wide)
This is the only setting, where your client screens do not show wide angle FOV distortions, displaying anything at the outer edges of the view in an unnatural, distorted way.
- My main goal is, to replicate a view, where the cockpit displays at a real to life 1:1 scale, while I compare the scale, based on the in game steering wheel and hand size.
- I want to achieve, that my real wheel and my own hands more or less 1:1 obstruct the virtual steering wheel and drivers hands, while the cockpit instruments are properly visible through and around my real steering wheel, giving me maximum immersion (this seems to be extremely difficult, especially, as of the different views in different cars, but I base my setup on the favorite cars, to use).
If anybody does have a more detailed lead of how to counteract the alignment issues, when overlapping screens, I could possibly work on resolving this main issue.
At the moment, I get a "rolling screen effect" at the frame borders between server screen and client screens, as the alignment is slightly offset (client screens displaying slight misalignment towards the top).
The angle alignment seems to be affected by overlapping screens as well.
I am looking already forward of adding another two screens for a 5x1 screen alignment, once the issues with three screens are perfectly solved.
I second though Mr. Latte's comment of physically not being able, to perfectly align the screens in the center line AND the top and bottom, as alignment with canted screens really is only possible perfectly within one horizontal line, falling off, once, you move your view away from that line towards the top or bottom of the screens.
You indeed end up with the >-< effect.