Multiplayer doesn't seem populated, is the playerbase low already?

  • Thread starter StIwY
Hello, i live in Europe but i struggle to find lobbies with 3 or more people, the searching just find 12-20 lobbies with only few players ( it's rare with 5 or more players ). Same situation i remember was before summer, but things didn't change so much i notice.

And if someone enters the lobby i made quit after a while, and then it's completely desert for minutes and minutes, it's like the game is played only by some few hundreds of people around the world ??
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Most play singleplayer and the online portion often sticks to daily races.
Not a lobby regular user, but for my experience and for what we read about the lobby situation, I think it would be expected...
There are many issues with the lobbies, in terms of coding, they work (or worked) pretty bad since day one, so many people lost interest. Also many other online racing games have the same problem in consoles for some reason
Hello, i live in Europe but i struggle to find lobbies with 3 or more people, the searching just find 12-20 lobbies with only few players ( it's rare with 5 or more players ). Same situation i remember was before summer, but things didn't change so much i notice.

And if someone enters the lobby i made quit after a while, and then it's completely desert for minutes and minutes, it's like the game is played only by some few thousand of people around the world ??
Those user-created "lobbies" have been a laughing stock since GT5.

Just play in Sport mode's Race A, B and C. They're always very populated.
I forgot about this Sport mode, i entered and....only three selectable races? And you also have to wait for the timeout. normal lobbies lacks of players, sport mode is full of limits......great!
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I forgot about this Sport mode, i entered and....only three selectable races? And you also have to wait for the timeout. normal lobbies lacks of players, sport mode is full of limits......great!
They have 2-3 races for each race per hour. No need to wait anything but a few minutes to get into a race and you can do qualifying time trial while waiting.
GT7 is just bad the way it is now. I put a huge amount of hours into gts but I just can't get into GT7. I was playing mostly mp lobbies since they switched from daily to weekly races and in gt7 you dont really wanna play in lobbies because they have lots of problem that PD still didnt fix. Not to mention the payout who are still ridiculous.

People already told me to do the sport mode race but A and B are just too short to be call race for me, no point in doing a 7 or 10 mn race for me. So it left me with race C which is fun but spamming the same race over and over for a whole week isnt my things either.

I was hoping single player content would keep me occupied but honestly SP content is a joke in this game. Barcelona have like 10 races when some tracks only have 1 race and they only add the same stuff over and over again, without things they promised. And again the difference in payout is ridiculous and dont make me want to play this game.

I feel like PD completely lost touch with their playerbase, Sony is probably part of the problem wanting to get more money out of the game and forcing a certain way of playing (gasha, super long grind to encourage you to buy credit to speed it up). But PD also lost their way since GT5 and dont seems to understand that people want the kind of game gt3 or 4 was with modern graphic and solid physics.

And I try to like the game, I still log every other day but I just usually turn it off 5 to 15 mn later because nothing really thrill me.
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I think they wanted to make it a bit easier for beginners with one whole week rotation cycle. Races that change every day are all about having experience of many car&track combinations. Beginner may have easier time when you have a full week to practice it even if you didn’t know the track at all.

For me it felt like that with around 1-6 months of GT experience. Now after 10 months I feel like I had more of an advantage if races changed often. 😅
Other issues with Sport Mode right now are that there's no GTWS exhibition season running, so people felt demotivated.
Me and couple friends usually host lobbies nightly.

The connection is still not very stable, and it dont matter if you spell out -no vgt- or write your requirements in the lobby title, people do what they want.

We spend more time regulating the room than enjoying it. kicking out chat box trolls, pit area donut kids, wall ridersand "rammers.

Its hard to find mature people with similar interests and taste- but we have some good times, we even made a foot' car livery and soccer ball fiat 500 livery and played fiatfutball"!
I haven't paid for PS Plus to be able to race online in GT7, but when I had a year's subscription and was racing online in GTS, there used to be a lot of people in practice lobbies for FIA races, because people wanted to practice with the exact same settings, and people would practice during the several days before each race. They were so popular that even lobbies restricted to A+/S ratings would have plenty of people in them. So if they currently have a season underway, you could try searching for practice lobbies for those (not called FIA any more).

For me, the fact you have to pay for PS Plus is a huge deterrent, as I can compete online in any other game I own for free. There are free to play games where you don't pay anything for the game AND you can compete online for free. I don't know how they justify charging to play GT7 online when you have to pay for the game at full AAA price.
I haven't paid for PS Plus to be able to race online in GT7, but when I had a year's subscription and was racing online in GTS, there used to be a lot of people in practice lobbies for FIA races, because people wanted to practice with the exact same settings, and people would practice during the several days before each race. They were so popular that even lobbies restricted to A+/S ratings would have plenty of people in them. So if they currently have a season underway, you could try searching for practice lobbies for those (not called FIA any more).

For me, the fact you have to pay for PS Plus is a huge deterrent, as I can compete online in any other game I own for free. There are free to play games where you don't pay anything for the game AND you can compete online for free. I don't know how they justify charging to play GT7 online when you have to pay for the game at full AAA price.
You need ps plus for just about any online multiplayer games. Except for the few free ones i believe.
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I bought the game for the low horsepower daily drivers online. I used to host a 305hp daily driver room that was a blast in 5 and 6

No chat
Not a lot of cars

I don’t get more than two people, I am not going to type out a lot of text to communicate with the room.

Online and single player are both a failure for GT7.
think they wanted to make it a bit easier for beginners with one whole week rotation cycle. Races that change every day are all about having experience of many car&track combinations. Beginner may have easier time when you have a full week to practice it even if you didn’t know the track at all.
Surely it's the other way around? Races that change every day are going to be fresh for everyone with no time to practice, whereas races that last a week give dedicated players plenty of time to practice and get better at it. Sure, if they changed daily sometimes they would suit people that know all the tracks vs those that don't, but you should be learning all the tracks outside of online mode anyway, and if they're daily then next day, new options that might suit you better.

It doesn't seem to be working, anyway. Still very low rates of people getting the trophy for one Sport race. 14.4%.
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The trophy for doing one sport mode race is at 14.4% the trophy for 50 sport mode races is at 2.2%. What a success.

I was in friends league that fell apart because lobbies are awful. I mostly quit playing the game months ago because solo content is awful and trickling out way too slowly for a live service game. I made sure to have a ps5 before this game came out and spent $70+ dollars. So disappointed in this game.
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The trophy for doing one sport mode race is at 14.4% the trophy for 50 sport mode races is at 2.2%. What a success.
I can't fathom how they expected things to go any differently from GTS given that they changed/added absolutely nothing about it in 7. Did they think there was a huge crowd who didn't buy GTS because it was online focused, but would buy GT7 and play...the online modes?

Or maybe they did expect it and don't care. It's impossible to tell with this odd company.
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Surely it's the other way around? Races that change every day are going to be fresh for everyone with no time to practice, whereas races that last a week give dedicated players plenty of time to practice and get better at it. Sure, if they changed daily sometimes they would suit people that know all the tracks vs those that don't, but you should be learning all the tracks outside of online mode anyway, and if they're daily then next day, new options that might suit you better.

It doesn't seem to be working, anyway. Still very low rates of people getting the trophy for one Sport race. 14.4%.
I feel like I ”know” the tracks by just doing single player but knowing is not quite enough to actually race on a track.

Every car class (and often even cars inside car class) behave differently and require different approach to corners, different braking spots, different braking weight etc.

Also you need to know the potential overtaking spots, know all the different lines what other players may take in whichever corner and how to attack in the most effective way when they do those. I’m often crashing into people in combos that are new to me because I just can’t predict how strange lines and braking spots people may take in some corners. 😅

Coming back to a combo that I have already practiced feels like requiring 5-10 laps to get to almost full speed. New combos take several days to get used to. Maybe more skilled drivers (sim racing’s Kimi Räikkönens) who just drive 1-2 laps on a totally unfamiliar track and are in full speed have it easier. 😸
I'd still just make A rotate daily. If it doesn't mean anything for SR/DR then you keep the competitive edge of B/C and get more variety in A.

Maybe make A have the same car requirements for the week but change the track daily. That'd make it easy on them and it would keep the variety. New week, new regulations.
Right. You need PS Plus and i don't play any other games online. I also won't renew PS Plus because i have a kid now and don't get to choose when to play and when to pause my games anymore. :-D
I'd use them significantly more if they'd get it together and put Host Migration back in, pointless to settle into anything currently if it's going to be killed if the creator has to leave/disconnects.
Yes this is a major issue right now. If you are not lucky to get in the lobby when they are in practice, most of the times it will be closed after the race.

And why can't we see if they are in race or practice at the lobby list, like we had in GTS? this game is really unnerving.
Several of the complaints I see here are similar to the ones 20 years ago with online PC gaming. You're always gonna have that one guy who joins and says "do hi spd ring plzzzzzz!!!" (that's how it'll look, and isn't how I'd normally post it here) or insists on camping out in your lobby with a car you've asked them not to use. Or worse, they don't embrace certain cars that are perceived as difficult to beat when, in reality, those cars are actually east to win against if they take time to learn how.
I remember the days of Red Alert 2 when everyone wanted to play a map called Tour of Egypt, thought the Allied faction was the only one worth using, and considered the Yuri's Psychic Army a cheat. I often rocked their world with Soviet forces, relying just as much on stealth and surprise as I did brute force. I was seen as an "inferior" player until the ladder rankings came out and the battles ended. And I hated that particular map, but 90% of the online games were on it.
Most play singleplayer and the online portion often sticks to daily races.

Personally, I hate it. The players at my level all play almost exclusively sport mode and are determined to play it in the most boring way possible. Even in the off-chance they do host a lobby, its always set up like the daily races or actually is one.

Now with the new PP system, I don't want to show up anywhere and just keep to myself...
Who would have expected GT to evolve into a game that is running the same race all week in GT3 and GT4 cars - week in, week out.

I'm not an online player anyway but it's really not how I expected it to go. I expected it to evolve into the same game as offline, but online. Races with a variety of tuned up everyday road cars, a few race cars thrown in every now and again. The GT formula.
The issues with the online lobbies are numerous and well documented. As yet PD don't seem that interested in fixing them...

For what it's worth myself and a few others host regular lobbies on Monday evenings with a set theme, for example a one make night. We have just kinda learned to deal with the lag and other issues and make sure to give each other extra space etc.