Multiplayer doesn't seem populated, is the playerbase low already?

  • Thread starter StIwY
I have been running Racing League every Friday, the lobbies are so much better than they used to be, however, they still need additions such as qualifying and reverse grids. The reason the lobbies are dead is because of these words "70 mph RP Need Cops".

This sums up GT7 Lobbies:

Racing Lobbies

Rarely populated with just a handful of people, unless it's either of these two options.


I was laughed at on reedit for wanting to race
these, which regularly in real life get grids of 30+ entrants

Freeroam Lobbies
Usually more populated, but only in the below server formats, you get 90 people across 6 RP servers but only 2 people wanting to race at 450pp.

70 mph RP Need Cops.
Nurburgring Trackdays (8-10 people sat by the pits revving their hondas and Nissan's).
How fast can I go in a state line at Route X.
Drifting Yo!
Honda Drags Yo!
Carshows (if I beep my horn 999999999 times they might like my chrome Ferrari even more)
Lets Cruise Slowly (what I mean is let's all go as fast as we can)

All jokes aside, if you create and host something people will join, occasionally I see some fun lobby that is organised and policed, but for the most part, it's one of the options from the list above. I have never enjoyed sport mode as for me it's always the same cars and tracks with the same rules, people find the meta car so it becomes dull. The quality of driving I see online is shocking too, I wish PD would highlight all the great leagues and things people are doing out of sport mode.
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I roam the lobbies from time to time and I find this to be quite annoying when Lobby owners will set up a race with restrictions and usually other impediments that makes it very hard for anyone else to win but the owner. I also find that Lobby owners are very selective on who they let in I've been kicked out many times just because I use a PS4 and will cause lag that is not fun either.
... I find this to be quite annoying when Lobby owners will set up a race with restrictions and usually other impediments that makes it very hard for anyone else to win but the owner.
Hear, hear mate.

Bad sportsmanship.
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