Anyone finding the online experience inferior to GTS?

  • Thread starter mattikake
I think Sport fans will get their wish soon enough. For fans like myself, and basically every Gran Turismo fan I know (in real life), this is the game we've waited for for 8 years. Sport did nothing for me, and I've played every GT game. I'm glad a lot liked Sport. But at least those fans don't need to wait 8 years. Possibly only 8 days
OK so let's look at the non-sport aspect of this game. To me, it seems very sparse, i mean once you're done grinding/collecting etc what else is there? There doesn't appear to be a proper career mode for example. Custom races are still pants, multi class is still pants, the Ai is absolutely laughable...... what exactly are you enjoying other than the accumulation of cars?
That's PD for ya. Don't know if it's Kaz's boneheadedness or whatever, but it's been a pain watching them pour effort into the form over function things, while ignoring things that actually make for a better experience.

I really don't care about how pretty and classy your menu and menu music is. If you're going to force me through them every time i need to make a small change they'll just become annoying.
This has been my issue since GT3 i swear. I had my issues with GT2 but thought GT3 was so, so bad I did not play again until GT Sport. We get music rally (what???), virtual cafes, forced monologues, forced intro/musical tribute etc. SO much focus on essentially fluff whilst mainstream mechanics are broken. The menu system is a total hodge podge, the aforementioned AI, the penalty system etc etc etc all need serious work but yeah the credits are stunning.

I am not even touching how the entire focus of the game is to force you to spend on micro-transcations either.

Focus Kaz, focus.
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OK so let's look at the non-sport aspect of this game. To me, it seems very sparse, i mean once you're done grinding/collecting etc what else is there? There doesn't appear to be a proper career mode for example. Custom races are still pants, multi class is still pants, the Ai is absolutely laughable...... what exactly are you enjoying other than the accumulation of cars?
What am I enjoying? I like cars. I appreciate them. Classics especially. Grinding and collecting? By that do you mean racing and having new experiences in different vehicles? GTS was very online focused, mainly on Gr.whatevernumber car. That's boring to me. Driving a wide selection isn't. The career mode is a blast, like GTs of old. This is what I and a WHOLE lot of other players have been screaming for. There's a reason GT7 has much higher scores than GTS. It's a game for most of us, not just the select few whoike racing online.

I have raced very little with friends since GT6. And I certainly don't like racing randoms online who are very talented drivers and who obviously have wonderful setups and time to practice.

Not to mention the expansive tuning, which to me is a gold standard in this game. The upgrades are so good too. I spent about 200K upgrading my 4C into something I absolutely adore. I could never do that in Sport. This game is so much more.

I don't begrudge Sport fans, at all. I think patience may be in order, but I have a feeling they'll have Sport mode humming very soon. The game has been out 3 days, give it time to get sorted
As far as sparsely populated lobbies, that'll change soon enough once every works their way through the "campaign".

Not everyone can get on for 8 hours a day and blaze through content.

It'll get there.
Spot on.

I find it quite funny how you can track the progress of the 'grinding majority' by which cars suddenly start appearing on the leaderboards, and then when I catch up I see how and when they got them.
What am I enjoying? I like cars. I appreciate them. Classics especially. Grinding and collecting? By that do you mean racing and having new experiences in different vehicles? GTS was very online focused, mainly on Gr.whatevernumber car. That's boring to me. Driving a wide selection isn't. The career mode is a blast, like GTs of old. This is what I and a WHOLE lot of other players have been screaming for. There's a reason GT7 has much higher scores than GTS. It's a game for most of us, not just the select few whoike racing online.
Wait. What racing? I'm up to menu 23 and there hasn't been a single race yet. Just chase the rabbit time trials.

I've done some of the red chili races and those are actually a blast, but a lot are sorta out of reach until you can afford good cars and upgrades. But even these don't have qualifying, just random grid start.

For a game that teaches you how to race it doesn't have a lot of actual racing.

The game got good scores cus it's nostalgic. It's a good game for sure, for what it is, which seems to be primarily a virtual car collector. But imo, if this was a brand new game series, I'd only be giving it 7 max mainly because it lacks any sort of racing career, in what I would think was a racing game.

Nevertheless, the driving itself is fun, and once they fix online lobbies (can't change lobby settings???) and more people jump on Sport mode, then we'll be able to have some proper races which will be a lot of fun.
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Wait. What racing? I'm up to menu 23 and there hasn't been a single race yet. Just chase the rabbit time trials.

I've done some of the red chili races and those are actually a blast, but a lot are sorta out of reach until you can afford good cars and upgrades. But even these don't have qualifying, just random grid start.

For a game that teaches you how to race it doesn't have a lot of actual racing.

The game got good scores cus it's nostalgic. It's a good game for sure, for what it is, which seems to be primarily a virtual car collector. But imo, if this was a brand new game series, I'd only be giving it 7 max mainly because it lacks any sort of racing career, in what I would think was a racing game.

Nevertheless, the driving itself is fun, and once they fix online lobbies (can't change lobby settings???) and more people jump on Sport mode, then we'll be able to have some proper races which will be a lot of fun.
The lobbies are definitely a problem right now. I mean, for me they could exclude sport mode and I would never notice in a million years. But in multiplayer you have to go out to change tracks and settings, which is not good. But it looks like it's supposed to be there. I'd expect a patch within a week, maybe two. No source for this, other than they know there's an issue.

The game doesn't get good scores because it's nostalgic. It gets good scores because the cars look, sound, and drive beautifully. Yes, the AI is rubbish. But the star of any Gran Turismo game are the cars. If people didn't know what they're getting, they either never played a GT game before or had (unfounded) hope the AI would be better.

I find the progression wonderful. Basically going through a whole slew of cars, car types, races, tracks. For me it is so much fun and addictive. Playing one more book just because you need to see what's next. Being disappointed (Ford ;)) or excited (Alfa) by the menu.
Yeah the lobbies aren't great. But I really think it won't be long before they fix some issues.

What I don't understand is everyone comparing this to Sport. Sport is not a mainline GT game; this is. Sport is essentially a spin off. This is much more like GT 1-6. As it should be
GTS stayed relevant for 4 years with a huge boost through lockdowns. If they don’t fix online 7 will lose relevancy with a few months and become another FM, and a laughing stock of sims.
GTS stayed relevant for 4 years with a huge boost through lockdowns. If they don’t fix online 7 will lose relevancy with a few months and become another FM, and a laughing stock of sims.
Sales numbers so far say otherwise. Not to mention GT7 already has WAY more content than GT Sport ever did, even after the updates. They'll have multiplayer fixed soon enough
They need to bring back BoP asap. Either make daily race A the tuning race, or open up a new class that allows tuning. I remember Kaz was talking about how they got a lot of feedback from the world tour players during the development of GT7. I have a hard time believing that they thought this was a good idea.

It's a shame that I bought all this gear to enjoy GT7 (especially the new multiplayer) yet I have little desire to play until they improve it.
They need to bring back BoP asap. Either make daily race A the tuning race, or open up a new class that allows tuning. I remember Kaz was talking about how they got a lot of feedback from the world tour players during the development of GT7. I have a hard time believing that they thought this was a good idea.

It's a shame that I bought all this gear to enjoy GT7 (especially the new multiplayer) yet I have little desire to play until they improve it.
Excellent post. Race A tuning street cars. Race B BoP'd race cars with fixed setup. Race C BoP'd race cars with setup allowed. I think that would be great.

Your point about the feedback from the World Tour participants I had forgotten about, and your assessment is very rational.
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This game has been out less than a week. Less. Than. A. Week.

Yes, of course the lobbies are suffering. People need credits to buy cars to.....guess what...race in the lobbies!

Cant show up to a lobby w/o the right car.
Cant get the right car w/o working for credits.

What is so hard about this?

People complained about GT Sports rather lacking single player mode.
Now people are complaining because people are playing single player mode and not online lobbies. :rolleyes:

Games been out 5 days. There are bugs. There are issues. They will get fixed. Things will get tweaked.

I found a bug in the livery editor last night that skewed some decals that I hadn't touched, while working on others.
I didn't run to my computer to complain about it....I did mention it here, to see in anyone else had seen it.

But after less than 5 days, in this age where content can be added, bugs can be fixed..... after 5 days to hear: "this is the last GT game I'm buying, blah blah blah...…........really?

People like that woulda loved the cartridge game era....what you got was what you got.

I've said this before....this site has some of the most complaining/over the top outrage of just about any site I go to.

And before someone says the "if you don't like the complaining don't come here" attitude, don't worry.
I can wade thru it. I'm a big boy.

Just makes me laugh sometimes. So absurd.

5 days.....LOL.
So far, this is my impression:

- Online menus are a total mess, way less intuitive and immediate than GTS. I'll have to get used to them.

- I don't get why the removed the option to save and load lobby settings, it is quite frustrating having to set up everything every single time.

- Also the removal of the "You leave, another player takes the lobby" setting: if the host decides he's had enough and quits, everyone gets the boot, which is quite frustrating if you're racing and on lead when this decision is taken.

- They could've added a quick upgrade buy "button" in the setup menu, if i need a certain tyre or upgrade for a certain car, i could buy it rapidly there instead of having to go all the way back home.

- Absolutely lol'd at the fact that the tires you have affect the PPs.
Seeing folks around monza with supercars on comfort tires because they can't meet the requirements otherwise is beyond hilarious:
F-150 raptors, R35 GTRs and R8s going fast as hell on straights, but going shoveling gravel because comforts just go "nope" when steering, just made my day.
I was kinda hoping they would literally just keep GTS’s formats, add some options, add some variety. They were like nah, just blow it up fam, see where it lands. Maybe it’ll be a hit, maybe it’ll be a quit DNF.
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This game has been out less than a week. Less. Than. A. Week.
Let's not forget that the game had been in development for 4 years, too... Not to mention they didn't even really develop a lot of things. The race menus online, for instance, are pretty much pulled straight from GT Sport. As a matter of fact, Polyphony Digital quite obviously pulled a lot of things from GT Sport and put them in GT7 which makes all these shortcomings even more of an insult.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of the Gran Turismo franchise, but in 2022, after four years of development by such a prestigious group of developers, I expected more.
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So, I've been doing this for a few hours today and as is the GT7 model, it's as I feared; the public online experience is a poor second best to GTS.

This is because of several reasons specific to the design of GT7;

- A larger majority of players are now of course playing through the story mode collecting cars and this has decimated the number of lobbies. They are running at about half GTS capacity from what I can see.

- if you want a full set of tyres to use in a public lobby you need to buy them first, meaning to start with at least, you have to do single player stuff to win money to buy all the tyres.. for each car.

- The PP system appears to override car class, meaning you find many lobbies that have a non-class car beasting round several seconds faster than anyone else. E.g. I just came out of a GR4 lobby where someone had that Alfa 155 touring car, which is legal and lapping 5s faster than I could go.

- or there is a race class but tuning is now an option, so there are more lobbies with tuning on and souped up cars, reducing the number of proper/fair/balanced race lobbies.

- mistakes are now much more common and this appears to have dramatically increased rage quitting. E.g. I won one 5 lap race that started with 14 players and because I was not making mistakes, I was the only one left in the race by lap 3!

- PP ranged lobbies take aaaages messing in car setup to actually get a car legal and competitive, by removing mods... by which time the host has started the race.

- and PP ranged lobbies are worse if you mess around and find you need to buy mods... which means leaving the lobby.

I could go on all night. I knew this would be the case because of the way GT7 has more single player elements but nevertheless the online experience has diminished, depopulated, become laborious and frustrating. I fancied a random online race and I would've been far more successful starting GTS. The future of gaming is online not offline.

If a lobby is set to "gr4" then it should just be current/modern gt4 cars and tyres at least should be free and maybe mods too.
Can you set up a lobby and after the race, change the track for the next race?
Let's not forget that the game had been in development for 4 years, too... Not to mention they didn't even really develop a lot of things. The race menus online, for instance, are pretty much pulled straight from GT Sport. As a matter of fact, Polyphony Digital quite obviously pulled a lot of things from GT Sport and put them in GT7 which makes all these shortcomings even more of an insult.
The customization parts are a MASSIVE upgrade. Game changer really. Sport is just a mode in this that a lot won't even play. Yes, they pulled cars. But the physics have changed slightly. The things wrong are options in multiplayer, and changing how the races are in sport (apparently, just seeing what others are saying). These are very little things that I am sure will be fixed soon
I did a lobby race last night, 3 laps at Route X , 3 of us, i came in 2nd, i got less than 100 credits, that's bad.

I did a custom race , 2 laps Route X ,pays just under 35,000 credits in GTS, in GT 7 same race pays 9200.:irked:
So far, this is my impression:

- Online menus are a total mess, way less intuitive and immediate than GTS. I'll have to get used to them.

- I don't get why the removed the option to save and load lobby settings, it is quite frustrating having to set up everything every single time.

- Also the removal of the "You leave, another player takes the lobby" setting: if the host decides he's had enough and quits, everyone gets the boot, which is quite frustrating if you're racing and on lead when this decision is taken.

- They could've added a quick upgrade buy "button" in the setup menu, if i need a certain tyre or upgrade for a certain car, i could buy it rapidly there instead of having to go all the way back home.

- Absolutely lol'd at the fact that the tires you have affect the PPs.
Seeing folks around monza with supercars on comfort tires because they can't meet the requirements otherwise is beyond hilarious:
F-150 raptors, R35 GTRs and R8s going fast as hell on straights, but going shoveling gravel because comforts just go "nope" when steering, just made my day.
Agreed. I think the two points I’ve highlighted are actually some kind of mistakes or similar because it makes zero sense to remove such options. Expecting that to be fixed in early patches, honestly.
we're what, 4/5 days in... give it a minute to normalise before passing judgement. We've still only got 2 out of at least 3 daily races, and it's only the first batch at that. The next bunch could be exactly what you want.

They've also flagged from launch day that more MP lobby options are incoming.
Honestly the car group system in sport was one of the best thing that happend to GT series. I really didn't want it to take a back seat or to be interfered with greatly. It worked fine and all we needed was sub categories. (I'm going to post a thread sometime about how that can be realised hopefully) But by what many have said, it seems to be a bit messy getting car grouping to work uniformly in GT7.

I have only been tuning and testing road cars at the moment, not done much real racing online or used racing cars much, apart form the licence tests and 1 circuit experience. Man the single player stuff has me totally engaged right now.

From what's being said I don't feel I'm missing much eiter. Could it be because we have more freedom to set certain parameter that's created new problems from what as a simple and effective formula from spprt? Yeah give it some time I reckon, they'll(PD) wil have to attend to some quality of life improvements for online play.
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This game has been out less than a week. Less. Than. A. Week.

Yes, of course the lobbies are suffering. People need credits to buy cars to.....guess what...race in the lobbies!

Cant show up to a lobby w/o the right car.
Cant get the right car w/o working for credits.

What is so hard about this?

People complained about GT Sports rather lacking single player mode.
Now people are complaining because people are playing single player mode and not online lobbies. :rolleyes:

Games been out 5 days. There are bugs. There are issues. They will get fixed. Things will get tweaked.

I found a bug in the livery editor last night that skewed some decals that I hadn't touched, while working on others.
I didn't run to my computer to complain about it....I did mention it here, to see in anyone else had seen it.

But after less than 5 days, in this age where content can be added, bugs can be fixed..... after 5 days to hear: "this is the last GT game I'm buying, blah blah blah...…........really?

People like that woulda loved the cartridge game era....what you got was what you got.

I've said this before....this site has some of the most complaining/over the top outrage of just about any site I go to.

And before someone says the "if you don't like the complaining don't come here" attitude, don't worry.
I can wade thru it. I'm a big boy.

Just makes me laugh sometimes. So absurd.

5 days.....LOL.
Otoh you can voice a concern on a global forum, word gets around and eventually back PD... then you get the fixes you want.
What really boils my blood is for a 3rd time in row they released a game where you can't buy parts while online. They did the same thing in gt5 and gt6 and patched it after. This company doesn't seem to learn from past experiences and keep making the same mistakes. There is a few other things I want to rant about but not going to waste my time. Mark my words though Im sure we are going to see the same bugs like we seen in gt6 and sport (stuck in pits and stuck at the starting grid) nothing this company has done for the past 10 years has proven otherwise.
For me the open setup and modifications on sport mode is a huge no-no, I don't have neither the time nor the will to tune my car for one race to have to do it all again the day after. I think it completely kills the huge potential that the sport mode showed. And even with a dedicated race that allows open setup or tuning, the majority of races should stay with closed setup and no tuning allowed. Way too much sunk costs for one race otherwise.

Basically, casual users are completely cut out with the open setup, even if it were weekly and not daily races
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For me the open setup and modifications on sport mode is a huge no-no, I don't have neither the time nor the will to tune my car for one race to have to do it all again the day after. I think it completely kills the huge potential that the sport mode showed. And even with a dedicated race that allows open setup or tuning, the majority of races should stay with closed setup and no tuning allowed. Way too much sunk costs for one race otherwise.

Basically, casual users are completely cut out with the open setup, even if it were weekly and not daily races
I'm a casual player and I would rather more open races than BoP races. From what I used to see of popular GT Sport players, they would just do Race C over and over and not use the two others even though they provided some variety. I'd like to see one or two BoP races for people who aren't into tuning and two or three PP based races for everyone who is into it.
If they used the PP system instead of power/weight like Race B currently, it would also reduce the need for tuning if you didn't want to do it.
I for one will have cars in my garage that I like. Over time, they'll already have a set up that works, they may just need minor tweaking per track type which could even be saved as setups saving time again.
I think it won't take long and there will be enough drivers who want to register, here you could eg. insert an option if you want a race with setup or BoP.

I see the first days / weeks as difficult because you still have to find yourself in the game, because you first need the optimal cars, then the tuning parts and then the right setup, but once you have all that, it's definitely a great experience.
For me it is important that it will still not be possible to cheat in the game and that you can be proud of your lap times.
Some of the tone in this thread exemplifies the issue I think - that Sport and the traditional single player GT experience aren't necessarily compatible. I'm glad the single player focus for GT is back as that's my bread and butter too, but I did enjoy Sport, and unfortunately it looks like the single player elements have diluted the online experience in this game. Based on what I've seen so far, I think enabling tuning and not having proper vehicle classes has broken the balance of the online experience.

There was speculation before release that GT7 would just be Sport with a better single player mode bolted on. Honestly, I wish that's what we'd got. I don't want the offline tuning or PP experience in Sport. On the plus side, you'd think introducing some lobbies with the GT Sport "rules" around car classes and no tuning SHOULD be an easy fix.
I think we're going to see a more lifelike scenario on GT7's Sport Mode.

That is to say, don't worry about having to spend hours upgrading cars every week, it will be more like you have your stable of pet cars that you've pored over and they are your go-tos your most races.

I can see that you might have to occasionally buy a new more (or less) powerful car, or one with a certain drive train for example every so often but I don't think the game will have you spending your credits week after week to suit the races on offer.

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