So little SIC EM will be ever-so-slightly famous!
limeandcustard by
Murcie_LP640, on Flickr
limeandcustard2 by
Murcie_LP640, on Flickr
Here's the basic gist of what's going down: a workmate of mine (who owns the green Monaro in these pics) and myself are entering an annual charity rally called the Mystery Box Rally (this only started up this year, stemming from its more famous and bigger sibling the 🤬 box Rally). Basically starting from Melbourne each team buys a car to rally with (which have been picked up for no more than $850 apiece) and we depart from Melbourne for 5 days with an itinerary given to us each day, covering several thousand kilometers on all types of surfaces, before finally ending back in Melbourne. I don't remember if asking for donations is against the AUP here so to be safe rather than sorry I will not ask, just explaining what it is.
tl;dr, the reason why I took these pictures is because our team name came from (in a rather genius move by yours truly
) the colour of our daily drivers: Lime and Custard Tarts.
Sadly it's also very quickly coming up to time to pass the WRX on. I'm almost completely set on what I'm getting next but for the sake of opinions and possibly forgetting something I've missed I will ask for thoughts. I'm looking at rear-wheel-drive this time for something different to the rather grippy and "safe" AWD/FWD vehicles that I've been used to for a while now. And while they're very good cars which I can attest to as I've driven several, for me the answer is not MX-5.
Top of the list at the moment is the
Nissan 350Z Coupe, which is something that I've never actually been much of a fan of until now (always been under the impression that it's a bit too fat and heavy), when every alternative I look at keeps bringing me back to it. However in the interests of keeping my choices open I've also been deeply considering the
Honda S2000 (AP1 models, can't get an AP2 for the money I'm looking at) and *gasp, shock, horror, etc.* a
HSV Maloo R8. Yes, a ute :3