My best friend commited suicide...

  • Thread starter Powripper
Thanks for all the support guys, It really does mean alot.
I"m trying to stay strong for his family, but at times this proves to be very difficult, I'm hanging in there though :)

His mother is taking it very hard, she has been on medication for depression for some time now and even had to have an early retirement because of it, so she definatly needs all the support she can get right now. On the other hand his dad is basicly going nuts blaming himself for justins actons. A month prior to this they got in a huge argument and have spoken very little scince.

Anyways, thanks again for all your kind words, and though it may seem little, It does mean alot to me at a time like this.

Chris Dwyer.
This is very sad news, especially right near Xmas.
I know you feel as if your world has ended but please hang in there, I promise things will start to get better soon.

My thoughts are with you and everyone concerned.
My friend Jamie hung himself over this last summer. Last October two girls left my house and died. November before last my friend Nicole passed away in a car accident. They were all 20, 17, 18, and 17.

I've been through young deaths my friend. Let me know if you need anything.
Suicide is just a permanent solution to a temporary problem, it should never happen.
That sums it up right there. Dude tonite I will say a prayer for this kid. I really cant understand why someone would give up the most precious gift of all, life. Whenever I am down I try to think about what my family and friends would go through so i could nver do it. It is really unfortunate that he had to go like this. Powripper, stand stong man.
On the other hand his dad is basicly going nuts blaming himself for justins actons. A month prior to this they got in a huge argument and have spoken very little scince.
What a way to lose a son. I don't have any kids(not that I know of :odd: ), but I couldn't even begin to imagine how painful it must be to lose your child, especially when they are still so young. I feel really sorry for the dad in this situation. :guilty:
Sorry to hear that. It is really unfortunate that he had to go like this. My condoleezzas to those who loved him.

"Let thou gods assemble in peace, for they shall bless him and his family in heaven."
That sucks bad, I hope everyone affected can pull through in what must be hard times, but please, do not blame yourself. I'm sure he sadly had his reasons for what he done.
Sorry to hear about it. My brother last year attempted suicide...almost made it...cut both wrist and stabbed himself in the heart..but he lived.

If it would help I can try to give you some of his reasoning behind it and the thoughts/ logic....

I warn you though it may make you feel worse. If you think it would help PM me .
Thanks again so much for the kind words and support, it all helps and really makes me proud to be part of such a caring online community.

the last few days have been very busy, funeral planning, viewings and the actually funeral its self. all very hard but provided some closure.

thanks again for the support, It really does mean allot.

I know how it feels to find out one of your friends committed suicide. Almost 2 years ago a friend of mine killed himself, nobody knew why either. And it really didn't hit me until the funeral. Its just something you cant understand, why someone would feel the need to kill themselves. I'm terribly sorry for your loss.
:( :( :( So sorry to hear that man.

I've thought about suicide a few times myself but i just don't have the guts - and i physically and mentally couldn't do that to my family.
Just have to trundle through life no matter how bad it is because you never know what might happen.
Been there. Hell, I went and got a T Shirt. Anyways, that happens. Nothing you can do now but comfort his family and get on with your life. That doesn't mean be a coldhearted dick, I mean, you can't forget a true friend. I've had suicidal thoughts. Almost 3 years ago I attempted and failed. You just have to get through it. He'd want you to succeed in life so do it. Good luck.
Hey Chris,

Haven't spoken to you in ages. I'm really sorry for your loss. When I was 16 my best friend got himself killed, so I know exactly what you're going for. Although it's been 14 years since my loss, I still miss him, so don't think that'll stop. The good thing is that eventually you'll start feeling... better? No, just more composed.
man a lot of people here's friends have committed suicide:(:(:(:(:(

I don't know anyone who has committed suicide, but i feel like i want to sometimes, my cousin ran away when she was 16, and i never saw her again, but some of my relatives have heard from her, apparently she has a baby now and she's 23.
My condolences as everybody else here bro, stay strong!

Always remember the ones you have lost, but look foward to the future and the ones you will gain!

Now that's what I call brilliantly said 👍
Nobody who hasn't been depressed doesn't know what it makes you want to kill yourself. It's a psychological and physical condition.

Thanks for all the kind words and support once again guys, each day gets a little easier (minus the days I feel like I'm taking a step back) but Its all a part of the healing process.

I'm hanging in there, spending alot of time with his family (since it really has been my second home) and thing are slowly getting back to normal, Ive gone back to work, seeing and going out with freinds once again... the road to recovery isnt easy But I'm taking one step at a time. :)

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