my experiance in iracing!!!

United States
so i have been in iracing for about 36. it has been a very large learning curve!!! i have raced on consoles for years and thought i was pretty good.. with iracing im finding that it is very close to as real as real can get.. i have watched all the video's on youtube and they were very helpfull(i sudgest watching them to everyone). as for my driveing skills, well i have not caused any crash's or crashed anyone, but man are they'r some dumb people on there!!!! everyone seems to think they can still win the race on the first lap and in the first corner... hope to see some of you out there.
everyone seems to think they can still win the race on the first lap and in the first corner... hope to see some of you out there.

It happens more often than you think in real life too. But if you haven't accidentally ruined someone's race yet, nice job it even happens to the best of drivers sometimes.
You can fast track promote by getting your SR over 4.0 and meeting the MPR or you have to maintain your SR over 3.0 and wait for the official promotion date that can be found on the iRacing calendar.
i dont want to do the fast track thing. i dont want to be that guy that people complain about!! im haveing more fun just watching all the retards crash within the first few laps and i get a top 6 finish!!
Fast track can happen accidentally...if you race clean all the time and hit 4.0, iRacing will automatically promote you to the next class. People don't complain about drivers that are quick promoted. They complain about the drivers that try to race before they are ready. If you are still learning the track, you have no business being in a race. If you are still learning the mechanics of the car, you have no business being in a race. If you can't turn consecutive laps, you have no business being in a race.

Typcial course of action would be

Take car to skid pad...learn max braking and turning/acceleration/deceleration mechanics

Take car to test session and learn the track lines...continue until you can turn a race with no cars on the track with you.

Take car to open practice... turn laps with traffic... also a great time to work on accident avoidance.


If you do the steps in that order, you shouldn't really have to worry about people getting upset with you. It's understandable that you may get in a wreck and from what I've seen, members are fairly forgiving if you accept responsibility and try to not repeat it. The issue is that people will do the same thing repeatedly and expect different results (definition of insanity)

My personal problem is that I sometimes progress to the race before I'm fully prepared...then I realize very quickly that I need to go back to practice and I'll withdraw from the race (eat the SR and iR hit that you take for withdrawing) and practice until I feel fully comfortable with each corner of the race surface.

My $.02.
well i did get to the d class, then one race with some *** clown and my sr went threw the drain... i was very upset about that... as for the road side, the new track they setup for the mazdas was a pain to learn but im getting there. i still haven't wrecked anyone on purpose or by driven stupid. once again i am useing a controler so my time are much slower then people with wheels(ordering it in a few weeks). so in that case i usually start in the rear of the field anyway. thanks for everyones input and advise.
The good news is, once you hit D class, you can't be demoted. That wheel will come in handy and work wonders for your lap times. Sounds like I could be seeing you on the track soon. I'm pulling top splits in Oval and middle splits in Road. Currently I think I'm going to focus on Oval...I love road, but I don't have the time right now to learn the tracks and be competetive, so those series are on hold unless a race pops up at one of the 2 tracks that I know.
so it has been a few days sense my last "experience update", I am now a c in oval, and a d in road, I have "fast tracked" myself way faster in oval then I wanted "can afford", and running with a controller the cars are becoming very difficult to get a hold of. but I am learning a ton, and there has been a few people out there that have been more then willing to give up a setup or 2. my main cars are the national, and the late model, both very fun to drive. as for the road side of things, I have been playing with the ford spec racer, again fun little car but a hand full.
my experience with iracing right now is somewhat sceptical if it is the most realistic sim I've ever played. I will update when I can start tuning my cars, i'm at C license right now so cant tune. Stock cars do not feel very realistic to me when the back wheels start to slide, take the Mazda cup car for example. Once the back wheels start to slip it is almost impossible to save. Other than that the physics is incredible.

iRacing has given me an experience of driving that no other can deliver right now, it has everything a sim racer should. The iRating is the best thing ever with full damage on and the safety rating for each individual is a great idea.

Even with the rating system you still get some very dumb drivers. These types of drivers I think have issue's and just drive angry. Like road rage, ready to rip anyone's head off. I have experienced 2 such people, one was a French guy and the other was Iranian. Now i'm usually a calm and clean driver but when I met these two on separate occasion's they brought out the beast in me.

Both were divers to overtake and would even use your car as a guard rail on purpose!
I was so P****D the way this guy was driving so I played his game. I'm gonna record it and post it up here soon.
I hit him, he hit me and was driving like 2 maniacs. Was funny though thinking about it now because he must of got a After the race I checked his stats and guess what he is in the top 10 of incident's in the world! but then I stopped laughing because I saw my name in the top 20's in the WTF!?!?

both these guys that I had a war with made my Inc stats go through the roof and btw when I show you these guys you will see why I was so angry, they would do anything to pass and I let them pass but then when I realised I was faster I attempted for an overtake. What did I get?, once I managed to pass cleanly they then resorted into paint exchange.
It's funny with those sorts of people. There's really not much you can do apart from making sure you protest after the race. If you're quick enough to pull a gap after you pass them you can go for it, but you have to be about a second a lap faster to be able to do that nicely.

Otherwise, the best tactic I've found is just to stick on their rear bumper and not try and actually complete a move. You can fake moves on them, but you don't want to get alongside them or into a place where they can actually crash you. You just want to pressure them into getting out of their comfort zone so that hopefully they'll lose control and go off track. Wait for them to make a big mistake that will cost them several seconds, then you can capitalise and pull the gap you need to get clear.

Sometimes you'll be stuck behind them all race, but long term you'll get better results by waiting for those people to take themselves out. The reason they drive dirty is that they're trying for results that are above their skill level, and chances are high that they can't hold it together for race distance.

Otherwise, if you work on finishing in the top half of every race you're in you'll quickly get an iRating above about 1600 and you'll see very few of those sorts of people anyway.
It's funny with those sorts of people. There's really not much you can do apart from making sure you protest after the race. If you're quick enough to pull a gap after you pass them you can go for it, but you have to be about a second a lap faster to be able to do that nicely.

Otherwise, the best tactic I've found is just to stick on their rear bumper and not try and actually complete a move. You can fake moves on them, but you don't want to get alongside them or into a place where they can actually crash you. You just want to pressure them into getting out of their comfort zone so that hopefully they'll lose control and go off track. Wait for them to make a big mistake that will cost them several seconds, then you can capitalise and pull the gap you need to get clear.

Sometimes you'll be stuck behind them all race, but long term you'll get better results by waiting for those people to take themselves out. The reason they drive dirty is that they're trying for results that are above their skill level, and chances are high that they can't hold it together for race distance.

Otherwise, if you work on finishing in the top half of every race you're in you'll quickly get an iRating above about 1600 and you'll see very few of those sorts of people anyway.

That's what I would do normally and you will see that in the video when I sort out how to record.
I did afew thing's with both of these guys without the dirty tactics for them to have something to think about, but then his answer was just plain dirty. Dirty drivers will wreck your race if it means they will win. Both these guys knew I was faster hence the blocking which then leaves the outside line open which is a danger zone with these type of people and is a very risky move. I did however manage an outside overtake with one of them ^^
He didn't like it though as the video will

I also tried an overtake on the outside with the other guy but he just run me off the track.
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I'm assuming you're the car in the video? The only thing that blue/purple guy did wrong was hit you up the back at turn 4 (which you did to him twice the previous lap). You then ran him out of room on the exit of turn 5 - he was always going to try and hang on around the outside in a move like that.
A lot of those bumps (from both drivers) were completely un-necessary.
here's one of the video's

Nah. You're the one who was being a dick there. He was driving fairly smoothly and showing you defensive lines very early. You were all over the track trying for the hero pass. You hit him several times in doing so.

Once you got in front you were far less predictable than he was. You brought that final crash on yourself. You knew he was alongside, yet you drifted left leaving him no room at all. You think he's going to back out of that? He knows that he's got the inside line, and that if things go wrong the one likely to get the worst of it is you. He did completely the right thing staying there and letting you crash yourself.

Sorry, but that video is a prime example of racecraft needing to be improved. He was not the dirtiest driver in that room. If I was him, I'd be pissed at you for banging my rear bumper and not giving room when we were side by side.