MY F1 2010 PS3 is CORRUPTEDF1 2010-2016 

United States
LoomRock, CA
All I did was played online today with my F1 game and it not only crashed but it destroyed all my saved data. After a couple hours of trying to just get back to where I was with the rest of the PS3 as in just trying to get it to play the other games that I have, they were locking up and I would have to restore the system. Finally they would play and everything was starting to come back to life after about 7 - 8 crash and restorations. LBP came back ( little Lefty won’t be sad ), Shift started working ( yah I didn’t lose all my livery work), and then F1 came back to life and all I thought I had lost was my saved data. I thought I dodged a bullet. The game forced me to fill out my info again and went through the intro. I checked for my setups on my cars and they were all missing. So I figured that all I had to do was start from the beginning and I would write it off as a learning experience.

After I shut down the PS3 properly and took care of some other business I came back to my beloved PS3 and once again fired it up and there waiting for me was the restoration routine. Great here we go again, so I went through the procedure again and everything seemed ok so I put the F1 game in and It wanted to start all over again, again, just like this wasn’t my now third time. One thing led to another and I tried to save the new Autosave file and got the error code from hell “8003051E”.

Nothing would fix it, everything I tried would come up w/ the error code and I couldn’t change the results so I decided to remove the entire program. I went into the saved data area saw my pray and snuffed all traces of the game. I thought to myself “we’ll see who’s error code this or that now”. I put the game in thinking I was going to install from new and the stupid game has left something on the system that won’t let it reinstall the game because it’s telling me that the game data is corrupted, but there’s nothing there.

Maybe I haven’t removed all aspects of the game and I am looking for help, I don’t know what else to do. I’M OUT OF BISUINESS. No more F1 game for me, I think I will have to sent the thing into the shop for a forensic removal of data or put a new hard drive in it. It’s not like a regular computer where I can look at the HD and see any leftover files. H E L P !!!
After you login and are in the XMB:
1. scroll over to "Game"
2. select "Game Data Utility" (has a little folder icon)
3. find F1 2010's install file
4. triangle and delete!

I really hope this works for you.
After you login and are in the XMB:
1. scroll over to "Game"
2. select "Game Data Utility" (has a little folder icon)
3. find F1 2010's install file
4. triangle and delete!

I really hope this works for you.

That's where I snuffed the thing and it still thinks the game is there when I try to reinstall it, and it's a no go.
I cant help you and I am sorry because that sounds like a real bag of 🤬.
This past weekend my game froze in multiplayer and since the hard shut down things havent been the same. I reinstalled the game after deleting like you did, and I still get occasional timing errors from within the game. Anyway good luck with that dude, its a shame.
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I cant help you and I am sorry because that sounds like a real bag of 🤬.
This past weekend my game froze in multiplayer and since the hard shut down things havent been the same. I reinstalled the game after deleting like you did, and I still get occasional timing errors from within the game. Anyway good luck with that dude, its a shame.

It a real shame because I really liked the game and thought that the odds of the stuff I had read about, just happened to other people. Now it is that I have now joined the victims of the game and may have to send the PS3 back to SONY to get it repaired. At least I bought the extended warrantee and it shouldn’t cost me anything, but I’m sure they will say that it’s my fault.


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Sounds like CodeMasters fault man. They REALLY need to change their name. My PS3 crapped out on me while racing online on Dirt2 -_- coincidence? Thinking not anymore lol
Sounds like CodeMasters fault man. They REALLY need to change their name. My PS3 crapped out on me while racing online on Dirt2 -_- coincidence? Thinking not anymore lol

I’m so sad dude I had a game that would fill the time until GT5 would get here and now I’ll be lucky if I get my PS3 back in time to play it when it comes out. Don't blow me out of the series until I get enough feedback from the forum and hopefully I’ll have an answer weather I toast or not by Fri.
Excuse my ignorance but is there any way back up data externally and start from scratch/re-format, so to speak?
Excuse my ignorance but is there any way back up data externally and start from scratch/re-format, so to speak?

Well I guess there is a way to format the HD but I don’t know how to spoon off my pass code file or my game data for my other games without bring with it the info that is telling the thing that the F1 game data is corrupted. If you could point me to a location that could tell me that would be great.
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Well I guess there is a way to format the HD but I don’t know how to spoon off my pass code file or my game data for my other games without bring with it the info that is telling the thing that it is corrupted. If you could point me to a location that could tell me that would be great.

Happy to investimagate it but that won't be until I get home and that's not for another 3-4 hours and I think someone else can probably get in with some answers before then. I'll keep an eye on how this thread progresses. Best of luck.
Happy to investimagate it but that won't be until I get home and that's not for another 3-4 hours and I think someone else can probably get in with some answers before then. I'll keep an eye on how this thread progresses. Best of luck.

Thank you 👍
Wait your wanting to completely format your HD?

I will if I have to but I have stuff on the HD like all my LBP files, SHIFT cars, and other game files as well as my pass code info. If I could surgically remove that stuff and reinstall it after the HD formatting I'm all good w/ that. It's just a Fn computer after all, Gerrrrrrrr
Lefty, you on whirlpool forums or anything like that?
Bound to get some quick advice on anything PS3 related. Not sure how good the official PS forums are but maybe worth a try.
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Whirlpool is an Aus tech forum with a solid gaming section. I've just opened the issue up over there and I'll let you know if I get a bite.

Edit: yup, that's it.
Whirlpool is an Aus tech forum with a solid gaming section. I've just opened the issue up over there and I'll let you know if I get a bite.

Edit: yup, that's it.

I searched the forum and maybe there might be a thred, I'll have to sighn up and then throw out a question.
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Aww man, that sucks. Hope this doesn't happen to me. So, you can't even play the game because of it? Which means you wouldn't even be able to download the patch then. :\
Aww man, that sucks. Hope this doesn't happen to me. So, you can't even play the game because of it? Which means you wouldn't even be able to download the patch then. :\

I just know that formatting the HD is somewhere in my future When you remove a game and then try to reinstall the game, and it tells you that there is part of the game still there, and it is corrupt you know your Fd. :(
Hi lefty, sorry to hear about that mate.
I've been browsing the F1 forum for awhile now and this issue has not come up there.

Believe me, if this existed then that forum would explode.
Maybe theirs another issue. I'm only saying so that you don't put all your eggs into one basket when trying to locate the fault.

Hope it works out for you mate.
Lefty, still no feedback on whirlpool. My question seems to have been ignored, and I dropped it in a general F1 thread where the discussion is pretty broad.
Have you had any progress?
I had similair problem with Mafia II.

It corrupted my save data and everytime I turn on PS3 it was getting worse.

Even if I connected to PSN, my XMB froze. So everything I've done was offline. The only thing that saved me was formating HDD on full. Took me less than 20h (I was sleeping, no big deal then right :)).

Then everything was normal again.
Lefty, still no feedback on whirlpool. My question seems to have been ignored, and I dropped it in a general F1 thread where the discussion is pretty broad.
Have you had any progress?

I did get one link to a PS3 how to troubleshoot Hard Disk Drive page and I know that the Fn thing is going to have to be nuked. My biggest fear is the loss of data from my other games and my pass code information to log onto PSN. I think I can cobble my pass info stuff again but it’s my game files and trying to get back to where I was before the Fn game boned me.

------------------------------------- UP DATE (UNBLEVABLE) -----------------------------------

Somehow I think I was abducted by space aliens and taken into Wonderland. It’s like a day of hell had been dropped at my feet to put the fear of not backing up the F1 game at my feet as well as all the possibilities that can come w/ a game crash from this game. I looked at the game disk and there were some finger prints on it and that must have been what was causing the nightmare, this game is just as it was before it took me down the rabbit hole. I can’t explain it, I literally deleted the game off of the system and after I cleaned the disk and watch it finally install its self it was like I had never had any problems. All I can say is “Make Mine A Double”

I put the disk in the box and something was different I thought that it would just show that error code again but it didn’t the little spinny thing was spinning and no error code but it just kept on spinning and spinning when the next step should have been the instulation. I ejected the disk and the PS3 locked up again so I rebooted it. This time it said that it was rebuilding the database and I thought before it was saying that it was restoring the hard drive. After that the PS3 fired up I stuck the disk in and Wah Lah it started installing the game and it was like nothing had ever happened. My progress in the game was still intact, my car setups were there, everything was back. What a journey through HELL.
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Mate, good to hear that it's all in order again. But I advise against using your game discs for coasters in the future :)
hey lefty mate this EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!!!!!:crazy:
WHAT A COINCIDENCE...i bought this game so i could play it before GT5 arrives. but on Sunday 10-10-2010 i did the usual turn on the PS3 put in f1 2010 I waited for that auto save business to come up. when it did my game started loading. (THIS IS THE UPSETTING PART) it told me my data was corrupted. i didn't no what to do. so the next morning i told my mates at school and they said I had lost my data and there wasn't any point of calling Sony and shouting down the phone to them.So when i got home i had to start the game all over again. so all those 6 races that I did all those qualifying sessions and practises ALL FOR NOTHING!!! I REALLY AM PI**ED OFF:grumpy:. I actually thought i could trust play station more than x box.
oh and a question who do you want to win the f1 2010 championship I want it to be Fernando Alonso. 👍
SABMAN this has just happened to me i was loading up and it come up with saved data is corrupted. So this really has got me annoyed as i was at monza qualifying and have done all practice and qualifying and 50% race distance in my season.