Got a few of the intricate bits done today. I also gave it a second coat of paint. My hands are currently still covered in the stuff despite my best efforts to clean my hands!
Ive made the pieces for the dashboard and used a drill and the router to cut it down at the back for the switches. I dont have enough switches for the amount of holes Ive made, but I thought I may as well get the work done while all the tools were out as I will get more switches soon. I have to order 300R resistors anyway, so until then, the switches will not be wired up. They are just decorational at the moment.
I also drilled all the mounting points for the wheel etc, so it will be hard mounted. I also attached the monitor deck and painted it. I cut-out the wheel shape from the monitor deck and you can see that the cooling vents on the back of the wheel are perfectly clear, so there wont be any over-heating issues to resolve. This was more by luck than forward planning.
The dashboard which has the switches attached to it was screwed on upside down, so you can see its not fitting properly. I will turn that the right way around tomorrow. Im so annoyed with myself for doing that because I was struggling to screw it together in alignment and now I can see why. It makes the entire thing look awful. So it will be flush tomorrow for a fact!
Here is the monitor deck on.
I had to put some wedges in to secure it all. The wedges next to the wheel have been chopped down a bit to allow fopr switch cabling in the future.
Here its all been painted.
Trying out the switches after drilling some holes.
Ive now painted the small part of the dashboard and you can see where Ive used the router to allow the switches to be screwed into place. I know its not all that neat, but its out of sight so isnt all the important.
This is the front of it.
Ive put all the switches onto the other side. Dashboards now attached, still to paint the screws to hide them.
You can see what I meant about it being attached upside down. Schoolboy error.
So its starting to take shape. The dashboard, apart from not being lined up properly on the right hand side, is looking a lot better than I thought it would. Its nice and simple. I much prefer this to a chunky buttonbox which doesnt look integrated with the cockpit.