I should probably update on the happenings to my car so what better time than midnight.
So the battery was replaced after having used the OEM for 8 years or so it was time for a replacement and the difference was surprisingly noticeable. All the lights became brighter and it started much easier.
Also I got a buddy to do an oil change, which btw still got two oil leaks, and when he lifted the car up he noticed how cambered my car really was. As in the front were now positive from being 6 feet in the air but the back were still negative. So he said I might have a bent control arm but i'll need an alignment to be sure. Which sucks but I'll need to figure something out soon since my tires are already bald again and it's getting to be winter.
Anyways photos starting with the battery:
OEM battery
Cover removed
THIS THING. It was meant to go on the left panel where there it covered nothing of importance but instead they were installed on the right so instead of having an easy turn 90 degrees and remove I had to force this out and ended up but breaking a inner clip so darn but i got it out so that's all that matters.
No photos of install sorry was too busy installing, but it went smoothly surprisingly.
Then more recently I've been caring more about how my car looks so I wash it weekly and two weeks ago I cleaned the wheels to look presentable at H20i.
Wheel after years of break dust build up cleaned off.
H20i Parked in a random spot far back as possible.
Also got a sticker, that I only put on a few days ago.
Then I went to fortune auto open house.
And that's all up to date, currently I plan on rotating the front tires to the back for a little longer life span and less skids in the rain, as fun as they may be. Not gonna buy new tires just yet in case of the slim chance I save enough money for new wheels and tires just cuz, but as far as small stuff I'd say some halogens for now since the yellow circle doesn't really work with the blueish low beam and to fix the back bumper since it's still full of scratches.