My First Drift Experience

United States

Sorry for the choppy cam resolution. Once i get my S-Video Cable from EB Games for $40 bux (:grumpy: Rip off artists) i'll have my Higher Quality Vids to post up
How does the points system work? Is it like in Project Gotham Racing, where it is judged by the types and lengths of drifts you do, built up by combos?

Nice video there, too. Makes me want to have a PS3 even more...

Edit: Found:

Jeremy Ricci
Drift mode is another welcome addition to many fans, and the experience of sharing it is even more so. The way Drift Mode works is through a meter that measures your drift from the start of a turn to the end. The downfall is that the meter does not start until a set point, not when you begin your drift. It works well, however, and the point system is represented by flags that “fill” as you drift. Maintaining a drift for a longer period of time yields more points, and getting the car dead sideways and making a great recovery even more so. I have found that if you begin a drift and lose control, but stay on the pavement, you still receive points. When you post a top 10 time or score in either mode, you can upload your replay to the PSN where other users around the world can download it.
That video is impressive, the physics look so real, its really graceful as it sweeps round the beds....and it definately sells the Ferrari... :)
The Ferrari is so ridiculously easily to drift, you don't need to accelerate to do it. The back end slides out on the tight bends while just coasting through them. But, it is the most hard to control since it spins out so easily. Very delicate throttle control is necessary to tame this beast.

The easiest car to drift is the Toyota, IMO. Even with race tires on it. It's very easy to control and the most fun, unlike the Ferrari.
I wish I can drift as good as you in GT:HD. I am trying to drift the G35 right now, but I am way slower than you. :dunce: It really looks like I am only drifting at 10 MPH....

What tires did you use by the way? I use the Racing 1 for the front and Sport 2 on the rear. I just pick those two out of randomness.
I would also like to know what tires everyone is using. I tried the Racing 1 and sport 2, and hated it...spun out too easy for me. I just went with both N2's and I've found that to be a lot least with 4wd Evo's.
I couldn't tell a big difference in tire compounds. I used N2s most of the time.

That's exactly what i used. N2 for the Front and Rear. Keep a lookout! my Lancer Evolution VI or (VII cant remember) Vid is coming up! (alott better then the Ferrari, Drift wise)
wow, thats pretty amazing. and about the graphics, that still looks pretty good for a vid from youtube 👍
I so badly wnat a PS3 and that demo now. :drool:

Going to have to wait a long time till I have one, doesn't come out till March and the 60gig version will cost $1200. Ouch! I don't have that kind of money.

Great looking video, the Ferrari looks mint. 👍
Man, I'm very disappointed in that those sounds. I would think even a company like Ferrari would get them to do it right.
I would also like to know what tires everyone is using. I tried the Racing 1 and sport 2, and hated it...spun out too easy for me. I just went with both N2's and I've found that to be a lot least with 4wd Evo's.

If you click on the persons name on the leaderboard you can view exactly what they used, if they had traction control, which transmission choice and the tire choices.
Great work Sileighty. I saw you saw some of your runs. I enjoyed a few tops spots for a few minutes. Over night I went fro 6th 144th.
Great work Sileighty. I saw you saw some of your runs. I enjoyed a few tops spots for a few minutes. Over night I went fro 6th 144th.

Thank you very much, I appreciate it. What board did you go from 6th to 144th? That's pretty crazy.

Well get back in there and kick my butt off the top.
Yeah, I finally made the leaderboard. lol Right behind you-know-who.

I pulled off a 4403 point drift. That was a good one. 👍
I'm getting the S-video cord tomorrow for $40. It turns out, Best Buy and Circuit City will have a similar cord for 30 bucks, but it won't be released until February. so i think spending the Extra $10 now is worth it.
I'm getting the S-video cord tomorrow for $40. It turns out, Best Buy and Circuit City will have a similar cord for 30 bucks, but it won't be released until February. so i think spending the Extra $10 now is worth it.

if you don't mind spending the money i don't see why not?
Wow, that Ferrari does sound horrible. Just what I feared. Get some of the greatest-sounding cars in the world and make them sound like crap. Hopefully they'll fix it with Version II of the concept, or at LEAST in GT5. The only reason I'd care about driving a Ferrari is for the sound. Without that, all it has is looks, and looks are only good for pictures.

Oh, nice drifting though. Looks like the drift physics are nearly the same, although possibly a little easier. Can't wait to see what it's like when they release GT5-level physics with the next update.