Let me give my own review. This time it will really be un-biased and I have played both games for a while now.
GT4 vs. Forza
I'll begin by saying both are great games and deserve merits for what they get right. Unfortunately, both don't get everything right and I'd argue that neither one gets more things right.
Forza's handling is very nice for most cars. Some cars feel artificial and that may be how the feel in real life. However, the impression I got for some cars was too...unrealistic-feeling. This was with mostly lower-spec cars, though. A lot of cars drive very well and you'll really fall in love with a car just because it handles nicely.
Braking in Forza is really difficult. I mean, almost insanely so when you first start. I attribute the problem to the rumble function in the controller; you just can't feel when you starting to lose control because there's practically no indication that you're about to do so. The only indication is the sound of the rumble engines inside the controller trying to spin (they don't spin fast enough to actually rumble and I've tested this with several controllers). Sure this is realistic, but you have to listen to the wrong thing to know when to let off the brakes.
GT4s handling is great. I hate the way you can mash the brakes, as was stated in an earlier post by someone else, but in its defense, you could, in theory, adjust your braking system so that it's difficult to lock them even without ABS turned on. In GT4, though, you have to remember that you START with sports tires and in Forza your tires remain stock or whatever that car is equipped with. So, for example, a Porsche's tires will be sporty while a Civic's will remain stock in Forza. The Porshce will stop much easier because of this. In GT4, however, it is hard to fall in love with a car for it's handling. I love the improved engine, but it feels more intermediate than Forza: you don't get that variation between artificial and uber-realistic that you get with Forza.
Forza's cars look like crap. GT4's in comparison are amazing. Forza's tracks look amazing. GT4's tracks look like crap. For the most part.
Tuning is a very difficult thing to do in Forza. In GT4 it's almost too easy. Thankfully, in Forza you can tune WHILE YOU DRIVE as long as you are driving in practice mode. I think that's really cool. I haven't mastered this skill yet and I'm sure it's invaluable with GT and LMP cars, but I only have stock cars.
I miss some cars that are in GT4 that aren't in Forza. The Dodge Charger for example. I miss the Porsche's from Forza in GT4 because they aren't really there. I know "RUF" is there, but they drive so much differently than the Porsches in Forza, it's ridiculous. The selection of cars in Forza is frustrating, too. I have played for many many hours and by now I'd have raced in at least two GT type races in Gran Turismo. I'm still racing mostly stock cars and while I could buy an LMP class car, there's no reason. Besides I have to unlock the others and I hate that. The level system ruins the car selection in Forza.
Anyway, that's my write up and my opinion. Take it or leave as you will.