My Forza Motorsports Review & Impression

  • Thread starter LegacySTI
Ok, you assume I am biased, care to point out where the bias is?

PS2's advantage is that PS2 can do photorealistic colors with great color accuracy, something Xbox lacks due to the X86 and nvidia chip. (Yes, even PC(x86)
/Windows cannot do true color accuracy!!)

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa—— you mean to tell me, I can take my xbox video card out and put it in my comp?!
How exactly is Forza better than GT4 physics-wise?

From what I have played its not. But as a "game" it has all the bells and whistles one could ask for. That would also make sense for the review from gamespot. As a "game" I think it rocks. For a sole driving vote still goes to GT4 (not that anyone was asking :) )
I picked it up about 2hrs ago (release date was broken in Australia) and my first impressions are that it's a decent first attempt.

I've only had 1hr on Tsukuba Free Run mode (the track looks amazing, so life like it's not funny), but I've run into a couple of issues which I'm not sure whether it's me or not.

1. I took a stock Toyota Altezza RS200 [D Class] around Tsukuba and the best time what I would call just "too fast" for the car was 1:04.800 (I think I could go at least 1.5 seconds quicker, this was with a full tank of fuel).

[Is this right for a Altezza? I didn't think they were great unless they were tuned?]

2. Removed as I fixed the braking problem.

NOTE: Don't use the right stick for Accel/Brake it just doesn't work propely, I went back to the triggers again and the braking works without ABS this way. So it was me. :lol:

Maybe I'm too used to GT and have to lighten up a little. :nervous:

Actually thinking about it this actually compliments GT nicely, you'd be crazy if you enjoy these types of games to ignore this one and Enthusia. There's just too much variety between the three titles to ignore them. 👍

One more update: The AI is awesome well at least a trained Drivatar, this is growing on me the more I spend time with it. 👍

Well well well.......I post in the forza thread months ago....And what do I get ......I get
"Flopza sucks, GT4 is 1337 H4X0rZ pwns u 4 FREE"......NOW people start to see the light....Amazing what some wheel time can do..
I supported Forza from the day the demo came out. The demo sucked but I knew the game would be good. My store will have Forza in tonight and thats what I will be playing all night as soon as I get out of work in about 9 hours. 👍
If its anywhere as good as Toca 2 on the x-box then I will be very very happy. :)
I will post MY review in here tomorrow. I might even try a little online tonight too. How many cars on the track online???? 8? 12?
It's 8 cars online.
That will be plenty. Toca 2 had 12 but most of the time the rooms were never full anyway. I cant wait until tonight! Finally another race game online that will be road and track racing. :dopey:
And Forza allows you to play the Career mode online! That´s something I would really enjoy, if I had an Xbox, and Live. :(
I can't find any shops near me that sell X-Box's, I may have to order online, but that could take a few days for delivery. Amazon has X-Box's in for just under £100, £120 with the S pad, are thoes good prices or should I keep looking?
I can't find any shops near me that sell X-Box's, I may have to order online, but that could take a few days for delivery. Amazon has X-Box's in for just under £100, £120 with the S pad, are thoes good prices or should I keep looking?
I got my latest Xbox in Argos at October/November for £99. That might have been a sale though.
ahhh what?

yes on paper xbox is faster then xbox....but that does not mean that a driving game on xbox will automatically have a better "feel". I can tell you flat out after playing the full version of Forza, that its no where near as good in terms of mass simulation...or "feel" of the car in general. It feels very much like PGR with more over/understeer. Its still a really good game. But in the "feel" dept not even close to GT4. I would also like to point out, that most of the cars "feel" the same in Forza. where as in GT every car has a distinct feel.

Dont make stuff up to back your argument. AND PLAY THE GAME BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING would be even better.

Assumingly you didn't read the last sentence in my response to Kinigtt's post,
a consoles hardware does not automatically give the game a better rating
in terms of playability and graphics, it's all in the hands of the developer's to have enough patience and knowledge to take full advantage of the consoles hardware so the game can have a better physics engine, better graphics and possibly a better AI.
Oh and please edit your post's because....
yes on paper xbox is faster then xbox....

Don't make yourself look so idiotic in front of 10,000+ people. ;)
I am planning on playing the game, but my opinion won't change;
Neither game deserves criticsim, they both have flaws and henceforth the two are equal IMO.
Assumingly you didn't read the last sentence in my response to Kinigtt's post,
a consoles hardware does not automatically give the game a better rating
in terms of playability and graphics, it's all in the hands of the developer's to have enough patience and knowledge to take full advantage of the consoles hardware so the game can have a better physics engine, better graphics and possibly a better AI.
Oh and please edit your post's because....

Well thats not what you said at first now is it? Not to mention the fact that you were inaccurate with about 90% of the tech specs (and their roles) you provided in your post.

Don't make yourself look so idiotic in front of 10,000+ people. ;)
I am planning on playing the game, but my opinion won't change;
Neither game deserves criticsim, they both have flaws and henceforth the two are equal IMO.

Well if you think a simple typo is of the "idiotic" level then I guess that nothing in your life will be up to your amazing wit and standard :) But I will change it so thats one less thing you can use to diverge from this fine chat we are having.

So to conclude...who looks more like an "idiot"? someone who blabs on and on about incorrect tech specs of said hardware or someone who makes a typo?
I know I'm new here and this may seem like trolling, but whatever. I was reading this post and alot of the people said the physics were more realistic in gt4. That is just not correct. Click this link.
They are both very fun, but I can't stand stupid people who don't know what they are talking about/don't know how to communicate.

I'm sure some of you meant, the physics feel more nice to me, so I like them more. If so; Don't say forza's physics are soooo fake, gt4 is amazingly real. It makes you sound like a retard.

Example, I know they created the handling of the Integra perfectly because I own one and went autocrossing with it in real life. I know what it does in real life, and it does the exact same thing in the game. From the way when cornering extremely, the back end kicks out 10-15 degrees and it helps push the car around the corner under acceleration, when trying to break when the tires are very hot the car understeers very badly. You have to break before the turn or you go off the track. To pull the e-brake and do a 180degree turn, you need to be going more than 40 mph when on dry ground, same as the game. Those were just some examples. Well anyways, if you don't believe me then go read the popular science article I linked to. Again sorry for joining your thread just to rant, but I hate it when missinformed people say **** they don't know about or assume.
Let me give my own review. This time it will really be un-biased and I have played both games for a while now.

GT4 vs. Forza

I'll begin by saying both are great games and deserve merits for what they get right. Unfortunately, both don't get everything right and I'd argue that neither one gets more things right.

Forza's handling is very nice for most cars. Some cars feel artificial and that may be how the feel in real life. However, the impression I got for some cars was too...unrealistic-feeling. This was with mostly lower-spec cars, though. A lot of cars drive very well and you'll really fall in love with a car just because it handles nicely.

Braking in Forza is really difficult. I mean, almost insanely so when you first start. I attribute the problem to the rumble function in the controller; you just can't feel when you starting to lose control because there's practically no indication that you're about to do so. The only indication is the sound of the rumble engines inside the controller trying to spin (they don't spin fast enough to actually rumble and I've tested this with several controllers). Sure this is realistic, but you have to listen to the wrong thing to know when to let off the brakes.

GT4s handling is great. I hate the way you can mash the brakes, as was stated in an earlier post by someone else, but in its defense, you could, in theory, adjust your braking system so that it's difficult to lock them even without ABS turned on. In GT4, though, you have to remember that you START with sports tires and in Forza your tires remain stock or whatever that car is equipped with. So, for example, a Porsche's tires will be sporty while a Civic's will remain stock in Forza. The Porshce will stop much easier because of this. In GT4, however, it is hard to fall in love with a car for it's handling. I love the improved engine, but it feels more intermediate than Forza: you don't get that variation between artificial and uber-realistic that you get with Forza.

Forza's cars look like crap. GT4's in comparison are amazing. Forza's tracks look amazing. GT4's tracks look like crap. For the most part.

Tuning is a very difficult thing to do in Forza. In GT4 it's almost too easy. Thankfully, in Forza you can tune WHILE YOU DRIVE as long as you are driving in practice mode. I think that's really cool. I haven't mastered this skill yet and I'm sure it's invaluable with GT and LMP cars, but I only have stock cars.

I miss some cars that are in GT4 that aren't in Forza. The Dodge Charger for example. I miss the Porsche's from Forza in GT4 because they aren't really there. I know "RUF" is there, but they drive so much differently than the Porsches in Forza, it's ridiculous. The selection of cars in Forza is frustrating, too. I have played for many many hours and by now I'd have raced in at least two GT type races in Gran Turismo. I'm still racing mostly stock cars and while I could buy an LMP class car, there's no reason. Besides I have to unlock the others and I hate that. The level system ruins the car selection in Forza. :(

Anyway, that's my write up and my opinion. Take it or leave as you will.
Enjoy. :)
I have to agree with the opinion about the feed-back, The steering wheel I have is the mad catz one as described earlier and the rumble is pathetic. It really does almost nothing cause you almost can't feel it. The controllers don't do too much, they work, but not great. I agree that one of the downfalls in forza is that the only way you can tell you are loosing grip is listening for screeching tires or watching skids start to come out, but with most of my cars now that are rear-wheel drive, the tires skid all the way around corners, so it doesn't even matter.

p.s. The only handicap I use in the game is abs. I find it essential or braking is just way too difficult, I can breake without abs in real life but not the game. I think that is part of what RedWolfRacer was talking about.
Oh yes. I forgot to mention all that. I play with everything set to offer me the most bonus money. Manual tranny, ABS and TCS off, no line is displayed.... the only exceptions being limited damage and normal AI. Simulation damages is too sensitive (I'll damage my engine by scraping the ground HOW if it's safely above the chassis???) and hard AI likes to run me over a lot.