Just did 7 laps in the Ford RS200 Rally Car ('85). ~440HP. R2 tires (my mistake as they come stock with R1's but i forgot I'd changed it)
tranny set to auto 20. Max downforce. Some suspention tweaking.
Story goes like this:
Caught up with the 2 leaders (TT-touring car and M3 GTR race car 1/3 round the first lap)
1. lap: 7:21
2. lap: 7:16 (really smooth driving)
Pit (after 2 laps
Exit pit side by side with GTR, TT 5s ahead.
Due to blue tires didn't catch up with TT until last long straight
3.+4.laps: 7:19 and 7:20
Pit (
) Exit 16s behind TT 3s behind GTR
5. lap 7:19 finally the GTR pits!! 9s behind TT
6. lap 7:18 500m before first carousel i spot the TT, Is he in trouble?? YES! bad tires. yahooo! So long MF!
Pit, both me and the TT. I change to R1 tires.
exit pit with 10 s lead on TT
7. lap: 7:22 (tires?) finish this lap with 16s lead.
The car handles perfectly, lots of torque, great accel, superb suspention, I love it! Seems I have a winner here, but 24hrs alone. hmm. Must spread out, 4hrs pr day=6days....