- 435
- Kentucky
- GumballCGT
Gum, based on your experience at GTA, Is GT6 really a game that can improve your real world driving skills? Or is it better to move on to simulators like iRacing and the likes?
I think any of the driving games can improve your real world skills up to a point. There's only so far you can get to the realism of driving a real car though. I haven't had the chance to really sit down and play iRacing or some of the other simulators so I cannot speak very much about them. As far as the simulators go I think it's great for learning the basics of driving and going around the track such as learning lines for example. But it will (almost) always lack the real physics of a real car.
Congrats Nick on winning US GT Academy 2013! Is there a chance we will see you rce the Rolex 24 at DAYTONA in a few weeks, I also wish you good luck in the Dubai 24!
Sadly, nothing of the sort yet that I've heard of for racing in the states for me in the next year. I only know up to Dubai for exact specifics. Definitely no Daytona 24H though as even Steve Doherty will not be racing it. A driver lineup was announced today for that race. Hope they do well and it's awesome to see Nissan taking a serious effort in the new Tudor Championship. I believe it will possibly lead me to some racing in Tudor in the near future. Crossing my fingers!
How do you feel like you compare to your European team mates?
Honestly, we are all pretty even but we each have our good and bad days. We have all progressed well throughout the training program and should have a good fast group for Dubai. But I've been told by Mr. Danny Sullivan to show those Europeans I mean business!
To answer those about salary, accommodation, etc...
I won't get into it and they probably wouldn't want me to but it's not a completely $0 contract nor is it a $1M contract either lol. But basically all my expenses are paid for and there's some spending cash. I'm not left to flounder at all. As far as accommodations the hotels we've stayed in haven't been bad either. I'd say average to nicer depending on where we go. But of course I haven't yet traveled outside the UK for that stuff yet. For food I will say I've had some really good lamb a couple times now to say the least