my new rig won't run

  • Thread starter km
I'm getting my new mobo next week it will be better than my first one as it only had a max fsb of 533mhz. But my new mobo has a limit of 800 mhz fsb it is going to be sweet as i can upgrade my cpu till the deside to change the pin count.
Upgrade to what? The 3.06 GHz will be one of the last Pentium 4 chips. If your CPU only supports a 533 MHz FSB, save some money and get a mobo that supports 533. It does you no good if you get a mobo that has a 800 MHz FSB and a CPU that doesn't support that speed.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Upgrade to what? The 3.06 GHz will be one of the last Pentium 4 chips. If your CPU only supports a 533 MHz FSB, save some money and get a mobo that supports 533. It does you no good if you get a mobo that has a 800 MHz FSB and a CPU that doesn't support that speed.
no u are wrong my cpu can still go in to the mobo as it is backwards compatable so i can upgrade when the new cpu's come out plus the mobo only cost me 155 bucks canadian
Originally posted by km
no u are wrong my cpu can still go in to the mobo as it is backwards compatable so i can upgrade when the new cpu's come out plus the mobo only cost me 155 bucks canadian

Sounds like you got a good deal, too bad it doesn't work, eh?

Have you heard anything yet?
Yes, a 800 MHz FSB mobo is backward compatible with a 533 MHz FSB CPU. I never doubted that. What I am saying is why bother since the last Pentium 4 is a 3.2 GHz (you have a 3.06 GHz). After that, Intel is going to a different pin count. The only processors you will be able to upgrade to would be a 3.06 GHz with a 800 MHz FSB and the 3.2 GHz with a 800 MHz FSB. Not much upgrading, huh? So, save yourself some money and get a mobo that only supports 533 MHz, but you probably have all the money in the world to spend, right?

No, the FSB is NOT on the CPU, it's on the motherboard. The FSB connects the CPU to the system memory and sends data between them.
i get my new mobo today wish me luck should take me three hours to hook everthing up so i will give u an update if it works or not just for the peeps that care anyway