My rant: new Toyota commerical ticks me off

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
It's the 40s/50s and grey dollar bracket.

It goes like this:
Car shown diriving fast on public roads.
Woman (always) writes into Daily Mail (always) complaining about "X" car company's irresponsible attitude to road safety.
More people write in and agree. The phrases "Speed Kills" and "What's the point in buying a car that can do 155mph, when our limit is 70mph - you won't be able to use it legally" are often used.
Daily Mail runs story about irresponsible manufacturer.
Housewives read Daily Mail and refuse to allow husband to buy anything from "X" manufacturer. Grip on testicles tightened at any dissent.

Or something like that. :D

I don't recall the last car manufacturer advert where a car was actually driven fast. There was a comedy one for a Peugeot 106 GTi, which showed a snapshot (edited) of a Pug 8 feet up off the road after a humpback bridge - and rising. But that's about it.

The only TV ads with cars going fast are now anti-drink-drive ads and anti-speed ads ("Speed Kills!", "Kill Your Speed, Not A Child!").
Here in the US BMW, Mazda, ///M pointed out Subaru, Infinity... I'm gonna go with most car companies have a car or two that they advertise going fast on public roads (at least they make it look like it's going fast).... which I think is fine.
Originally posted by Famine

The only TV ads with cars going fast are now anti-drink-drive ads and anti-speed ads ("Speed Kills!", "Kill Your Speed, Not A Child!").
I like that, it reminds me of this time near my old work about 3 years. . . This lady driving either a 7 series or a 8 series BMW goes flying down this road called Markham Woods Road. . . She got no more them 500 to 750 feet down the road and got the car up to 80mph and loses control and hits a tree at that speed, it tears the car in half and kills three kids in her car including her own daughter. . .
I dislike the "Speed Kills!" slogan, as it doesn't. Andy Green managed 741mph and spectacularly didn't die. Thousands of people have travelled at 1,360mph and somehow managed to survive (Concorde). And then there's Maj. J. Sullivan and Maj. N. Widdifield, who flew from New York to London in 1h 54'56.4s.

Speed doesn't kill. **** drivers who think they can drive at whatever speed they like - and ignore all other road safety rules - kill. Usually themselves, happily, but often others too.
Originally posted by danoff
I’m sorry that you didn’t put this one on the opinions board (rather than just making it a rant) because I think there are some good social issues with this one.

Originally posted by Famine
I dislike the "Speed Kills!" slogan, as it doesn't. Andy Green managed 741mph and spectacularly didn't die. Thousands of people have travelled at 1,360mph and somehow managed to survive (Concorde). And then there's Maj. J. Sullivan and Maj. N. Widdifield, who flew from New York to London in 1h 54'56.4s.

Speed doesn't kill. **** drivers who think they can drive at whatever speed they like - and ignore all other road safety rules - kill. Usually themselves, happily, but often others too.
It is truly Natural Selection but in this PC world, if the slightest comment is made to offset what people think, they go into this "This is not right frenzy. . . We have the power if it is not our way then take the Farking highway". Now it is all fine and dandy until they hit a nerve with something that you feel impeeds your freedom. . . Let alone a ton of these people are truly peons for the fact they don't know how to lead themselves. What pisses me off the worst is that one or two people screw something up, next thing you know the whole community makes it look like an act of the devil. Peons. . . I believe they should just walk themselves off a cliff like the Lemmings they are, but that is my opinion and feelings towards population control.
Please don't take this as racism or personal insult, but... there is one toyota commercial that got shot down by minority groups even though it was funny as hell.

(magazine ad)
Basically, it showed an up close picture of a smile, and the smile had gold teeth.
But the gold was actually across the 2 front teeth in the shape of a small car.

Then the caption wrote...
"unlike your boyfriend, it will actually get up and go to work in the morning."

Since it was the smile of a black person the expected racism/boycott threats were made by up-standing moral leaders of the afro-american community. (jesse jackson. :lol: ) Since then, it has never been used again, oh well. Still made me laugh. :lol:
Originally posted by Famine
It's the 40s/50s and grey dollar bracket.

It goes like this:
Car shown diriving fast on public roads.
Woman (always) writes into Daily Mail (always) complaining about "X" car company's irresponsible attitude to road safety.
More people write in and agree. The phrases "Speed Kills" and "What's the point in buying a car that can do 155mph, when our limit is 70mph - you won't be able to use it legally" are often used.
Daily Mail runs story about irresponsible manufacturer.
Housewives read Daily Mail and refuse to allow husband to buy anything from "X" manufacturer. Grip on testicles tightened at any dissent.

Or something like that. :D

I don't recall the last car manufacturer advert where a car was actually driven fast. There was a comedy one for a Peugeot 106 GTi, which showed a snapshot (edited) of a Pug 8 feet up off the road after a humpback bridge - and rising. But that's about it.

The only TV ads with cars going fast are now anti-drink-drive ads and anti-speed ads ("Speed Kills!", "Kill Your Speed, Not A Child!").

I need a 155mph car eventhough the speed limit is 70mph because .......................there are tracks in this world u know!!:irked:
Tell the guy/girl who wrote the letter to go eat cowdung.
No - that's the form that every anti-car letter takes. In their head, the equation goes:

Car = Fast = Kills People
Therefore Car = Kill People
Originally posted by GoKents
Please don't take this as racism or personal insult, but... there is one toyota commercial that got shot down by minority groups even though it was funny as hell.

(magazine ad)
Basically, it showed an up close picture of a smile, and the smile had gold teeth.
But the gold was actually across the 2 front teeth in the shape of a small car.

Then the caption wrote...
"unlike your boyfriend, it will actually get up and go to work in the morning."

Since it was the smile of a black person the expected racism/boycott threats were made by up-standing moral leaders of the afro-american community. (jesse jackson. :lol: ) Since then, it has never been used again, oh well. Still made me laugh. :lol:
Hey Kent if you ever get a link to that commercial please give me the link my friend. . . anyways peacinated :D
I need a 155mph car eventhough the speed limit is 70mph because .......................there are tracks in this world u know!!

This is a perfectly fine justification for wantinga fast car. Of course, the responsible thing for the car company to do would be to advertise that 155mph car on the track (like that awesome ford gt commerical during the superbowl!!!)

The irresponsible thing to do (which I'm still cool with) is to advertise cars going fast on regular streets, especially wet streets. In my mind those are every bit as irresponsible as a car with a girl putting lipstick on.

It's just easier for car guys to get upset about that because they like going fast and don't mind not putting their lipstick on in the car.
i think what klos said way earlier in this thread describes what i think about this whole situation.

Originally posted by Klostrophobic
On the topic of putting on warnings, I say just remove them and let the problem fix itself. If you're dumb enough to drive and make-up, you deserve to be in a paralyzing car crash.

hell, he has a great point.
Folks, we're talking about people not paying attention for signifigant periods of time while behind the wheel of a large, heavy vehicle which has a crash intrusion point level with the heads of most people sitting in cars.

That's a bit like letting a monkey loose in mall with a pistol and assuming the only thing it will shoot is itself.

Originally posted by ///M-Spec
Folks, we're talking about people not paying attention for signifigant periods of time while behind the wheel of a large, heavy vehicle which has a crash intrusion point level with the heads of most people sitting in cars.

That's a bit like letting a monkey loose in mall with a pistol and assuming the only thing it will shoot is itself.

So basically if I get this straight, we are talking about monkeys on Acid driving SUVs with guns huh???

In common Monty Python sense. . . Run Away!
Originally posted by danoff
This is a perfectly fine justification for wantinga fast car. Of course, the responsible thing for the car company to do would be to advertise that 155mph car on the track (like that awesome ford gt commerical during the superbowl!!!)

The irresponsible thing to do (which I'm still cool with) is to advertise cars going fast on regular streets, especially wet streets. In my mind those are every bit as irresponsible as a car with a girl putting lipstick on.

It's just easier for car guys to get upset about that because they like going fast and don't mind not putting their lipstick on in the car.

You know, danoff, most car guys will argue there is a distinct difference between exceeding the posted speed limit on public highways and performing an action outside of driving --especially one that forces you to take your eyes off the road.

Personally, I believe that speed alone isn't dangerous. But speed, carelessness and inadequate car control is deadly. An alert, well trained person behind the wheel of a proper automobile at 100mph on the highway is less of a threat to public safety than a person reading the newspaper and drinking coffee in traffic doing 55. All the proof I need to support this is in Germany, where world class training standards, roads and cars.. not to mention a culture that takes great pride in driving skills and strict enforcement of violators clearly show that high speeds can be achieved with safety.

I'm not saying there should be no speed limits in the US. I'm not even saying our current limits are too low. Its not just that the average skill level of drivers here is about on par with trained monkeys, its that most drivers don't care to focus or apply themselves to the task of driving.

This is why that commerical hit a nerve with me. The problem isn't speed, the problem is apathy. Putting on makeup while you drive says "This activity is more worthy of my time than making sure I don't kill someone."

I posted about my frustration with American driving culture HERE ..about half way down the page.

EDIT: I'll also add that I think driving much past speed limits in residential areas is dangerous no matter what. And if you're in someone's neighborhood speeding in the rain while acting like a hooigan, I'd gladly support a law that confiscates your licence for doing so.

This is why that commerical hit a nerve with me. The problem isn't speed, the problem is apathy. Putting on makeup while you drive says "This activity is more worthy of my time than making sure I don't kill someone."

It's a good rant ///M and you have a good point. I don't want to claim that people putting lipstick on in cars is safe by any means.

And you example of driving over 100 on public highways is fine and dandy. I agree with that too.

The commericials that I think fall into the irresponsible category (with the lipstick commericial) are the ones with people driving fast on windy back roads. It's never good to drive fast when you can't see what's around the corner. It's almost like taking your eyes off the road.... you reduce the possible reaction time to whatever is around the bend to something almost meaningless. It's like saying, "My enjoyment from driving too fast is more important than making sure I don't kill someone."
Originally posted by danoff
It's a good rant ///M and you have a good point. I don't want to claim that people putting lipstick on in cars is safe by any means.

And you example of driving over 100 on public highways is fine and dandy. I agree with that too.

The commericials that I think fall into the irresponsible category (with the lipstick commericial) are the ones with people driving fast on windy back roads. It's never good to drive fast when you can't see what's around the corner. It's almost like taking your eyes off the road.... you reduce the possible reaction time to whatever is around the bend to something almost meaningless. It's like saying, "My enjoyment from driving too fast is more important than making sure I don't kill someone."

When I lived in San Francisco I used to drive highway 1 up to Pt. Reyes. Much of the drive is very windy and there's lots of blind turns, and cliffs. After five or ten times I knew the road well and used to drive it pretty fast, as fast as I could without getting too scared. Fear is good. It keeps you alive. Unless you're very stupid.
When I lived in San Francisco I used to drive highway 1 up to Pt. Reyes. Much of the drive is very windy and there's lots of blind turns, and cliffs. After five or ten times I knew the road well and used to drive it pretty fast, as fast as I could without getting too scared. Fear is good. It keeps you alive. Unless you're very stupid.

The fear comes from the fact that something could be sitting in the road around the blind turn - perhaps a tree, animal, car or person - something you didn't see the other 10 times you drove the road.

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