My review of 6 & GT's future from PD

  • Thread starter SPORTVAN
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Firstly I'm not the most literate of people and don't consider myself a writer of any form so I will apologize in advance if this isn't the best reading of posts.

Since the last great title in this series that was GT4, the Internet is the worst thing that has happened to the GT series, and I fear it will also be the end of what was once THEE greatest racing title.

GT1 ,2 , 3 & in particular GT4 didn't have the benefit of " online updates " they had to be shipped in a finished & final state, and GT4 so was.
Sure there were things that it needed and some things that weren't entirely finished, but overall GT4 was a finished title. I don't recall playing it thinking this isn't right or why have they left that out .. or why cant I do this. There were no distracting things that were blatantly bugs and unfinished parts of the game.

So then comes GT5 ..

The release of this game from day one to me and many others felt unfinished / rushed and a cash cow for Sony, and simply because they knew they could update it at a later date.

I can almost hear the conversation had by Sony bosses and Kaz.

" its time we released a GT game on the PS3.. get it to a state that passes as a game with as much content you have ready , put it together and release it to get some cash coming in, we can make updates and patch it later, that's what other developers are doing and PC games have been doing it for years"

Kaz & PD explained that a new engine had been rebuilt and a lot of content had been created and this was some of the reason as to why GT5 was unfinished on release, which to some extent I could understand and appreciate. For GT6 There was no need to release an updated NEW physics engine or new tyre model, the community were not expecting it and it should have waited for the Playstation 4 ,when it was also polished and working fully. However Fixing the bad bits of the GT5 engine should have taken place and GT6 should have been a highly polished version of GT5 with a lot more content like the livery editor / track maker and career racing, for example.

look at the content & how much was produced updated and worked on between gt4 & gt5 .. then look at how little has been done between gt5 & gt6.

Its very poor indeed the little amount of work that has been done in three years, and when I say little amount of work I mean the fixing of the bugs and faults that GT has had for many years particularly in GT5 on top of creating new content and such.

So once again I think Sony had a little chat ... and GT6 was born from what ever was lying around on the PD servers .. with the attitude... We can update it later.. we did with GT5... make something and get it out for Christmas.

On almost the very day of announcing GT6 .. Kaz was explaining a day 1 patch...So almost straight away he was telling us we were getting an unfinished product which would be updated and patched as we go.

I really feel we have seen the end of a finished working title.. and from now on we are continually going to be playing half finished constantly patched & updated excuse for a game, whilst PD & SONY promise the earth to keep you wanting more and keep the cash cow going.

GT5 for me was a pretty bad step in the series of Gran Turismo but I bought it and played it anyway.. I hoped that in tradition the 2nd title on a console would deliver a finished GREAT title especially for the sum of £ 60:00. Unfortunately my hopes were misplaced and they have done it again. GT6 for has failed in a very big way to deliver on its release, and unless the updates and patches come thick and fast with some seriously game & state of mind changing content. I feel my relationship with Gran Turismo will be coming to an end.

I know this is quite futile, but in hopes that someone at PD does actually come on here and read some of these posts, its worth a try.

If you feel you want to contribute to this.. please do.
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Given what we know about PD's resolute fixation on the GT 'formula' and what you found in GT5, I am surprised you shelled out for the fancy £60 version. Sounds like you may have just accentuated your disappointment there.

I paid £38 for the standard version, and given the amount of play I've gotten out of it already, and what's coming up, I think it's reasonable value.

I am not seeing bugs so far. Seems pretty stable to me. I think that might be your definition of a bug there that doesn't match mine. I see unwise design decisions (e.g. Rolling start, pass everyone races) but that is not a bug - it's been in too many GTs for it to be so.

I'd say after buying 2 GTs and them both disappointing you, stick the copies on eBay, count your losses, and move on.
Given what we know about PD's resolute fixation on the GT 'formula' and what you found in GT5, I am surprised you shelled out for the fancy £60 version. Sounds like you may have just accentuated your disappointment there.

I paid £38 for the standard version, and given the amount of play I've gotten out of it already, and what's coming up, I think it's reasonable value.

I am not seeing bugs so far. Seems pretty stable to me. I think that might be your definition of a bug there that doesn't match mine. I see unwise design decisions (e.g. Rolling start, pass everyone races) but that is not a bug - it's been in too many GTs for it to be so.

I'd say after buying 2 GTs and them both disappointing you, stick the copies on eBay, count your losses, and move on.

I have purchased every GT title .. and Playstations pretty much solely for GT however I purchased the special edition this time.. as I said earlier .. historically the 2nd title from PD on one console in generally far superior in almost every way to its predecessor, unfortunately for me .. GT6 isn't.

As for moving on.. I will see what the updates & patches bring over the next few months after all I have paid £60 for it.. if I feel they are still not putting any attention to the faults and bugs and core attributes... then yes most likely I will return to PC sim racing.
Sportvan, thanks for you post. Here's a thought:

As I read through all the new GT6 threads here on this site, I am fascinated by the wide range of emotions, thoughts and opinions of GT6. It's all entertaining reading. But I think for me to add value by commenting in any of these postings going forward, it would be helpful for me to understand how much time each Poster has invested in playing any of the GT Titles in the last year. For me it's avg. 6 hrs per week. And then it would help for me to know what percentage of time that you spend on "hobbies and recreation" do you spend on playing GT? My answer to that would be 25%. Help me understand a bit more about your own investment in the game, I can then relate that to my own investment, and hopefully create more valuable comments.

Sportvan, thanks for you post. Here's a thought:

As I read through all the new GT6 threads here on this site, I am fascinated by the wide range of emotions, thoughts and opinions of GT6. It's all entertaining reading. But I think for me to add value by commenting in any of these postings going forward, it would be helpful for me to understand how much time each Poster has invested in playing any of the GT Titles in the last year. For me it's avg. 6 hrs per week. And then it would help for me to know what percentage of time that you spend on "hobbies and recreation" do you spend on playing GT? My answer to that would be 25%. Help me understand a bit more about your own investment in the game, I can then relate that to my own investment, and hopefully create more valuable comments.



GT1 , GT2, GT3 I played for years after release

GT4 I played solid for years .. and I mean solid most nights I would be on it for hours either by myself or with friends split screen racing & memory card battles.

GT5 - I played solid ( every night & days off work ) for a good year. then I kind of lost interest in it due to the frustrations every time I played it I wished things weren't so broken or screwed up. the menu system in GT5 didnt was so slow.

GT6 - I have played for around 25 hours since release& I am around 65% complete so far... ( I do work and don't get much time when i get home ). Already I find myself playing it and thinking in my head.. why have they done they don't that.. or why is this missing .. or where has that gone.. I should just be able to play it without all these questions... Thats what I would like... to be able to just play .. enjoy & not have to think how broken it is.

I play a lot of racing titles.. and I play them a lot. Gaming particularly racing sims are a big part of my recreation.
You have a lot more experience than me for sure. My motorsports gaming experience is with AMA Superbike, Nascar 2003, Flight Simulator, Viper, GT5 and now GT6, so I certainly can't relate to your massive knowledge with the GT series. I reread your OP with more effort (now that I know you know what your talking about!) and certainly have a great deal more respect for your comments. Cheers!

O yeah, and Moto GP titles too!
.. then look at how little has been done between gt5 & gt6.

OP, i wish i could agree with you there, but i honestly cannot. There ave been many improvements, lost of tracks, a whole bunch of new cars, updated standards, online for me is a huge plus, new events and online racing keep thing allot more fun, way better menus, better physics (the best in any GT game sofar), etc.

I think you are too stuck looking in the mirror. Look ahead, the road is not as dark as you make it. Yes it has it's flaws, but so did the other GT games. That the game is released the way it is released now is like you said nothing new, and tbh not a problem. Now if the game was in such bad state that it was not playable or extremely much content was missing, then sure i would agree. But we get a perfectly fine game, and just a few missing advertised things come later.
And i like it this way. I rather have it now and updated at a later stage, then wait another 4 months to be able to play.
Besides, now PD has the time on their hands to fix what ever bugs there are and to finetune the stuff that did not make the final release and add it when they feel it is ready.
PD has the time on their hands to fix what ever bugs there are and to finetune the stuff that did not make the final release and add it when they feel it is ready.

This is the whole point...

They don't ... because now whatever time they are spending fixing GT6.. .will eat into GT7 development time... so I am already slightly concerned that GT7 will be released unfinished due to the fact GT6 was a mess.

And so the snowball starts...
Nah, they don't need a full team to work on GT6. CHances are another part of the team was allready at work on GT7 before 6 was finished.
GT6 isn't a mess, welcome to 2013 and online gaming. Stop being so negative
Nah, they don't need a full team to work on GT6. CHances are another part of the team was allready at work on GT7 before 6 was finished.
GT6 isn't a mess, welcome to 2013 and online gaming. Stop being so negative

Next time you go out for dinner.. and your steaks raw and uncooked ... say to yourself.. Don't be so negative... welcome to dining out.. enjoy your uncooked food.

That's a hard mouthfull to swallow ... especially when it cost £60:00
Sorry to hear that, it for me however is a big improvement from GT5. I agree GT5 had its problems and was rushed. Despite that I felt it was enjoyable and a good game. GT6 is what GT5 SHOULD have been so I'm happy with it.
Sorry to hear that, it for me however is a big improvement from GT5. I agree GT5 had its problems and was rushed. Despite that I felt it was enjoyable and a good game. GT6 is what GT5 SHOULD have been so I'm happy with it.

I'm glad you are happy with it 👍
This is a joke, right? GT6 has one of the weakest online gaming I've ever played.

I mean with that, not just online modes inside a game, but the fact that the game gets both distributed and patched online.
Next time you go out for dinner.. and your steaks raw and uncooked ... say to yourself.. Don't be so negative... welcome to dining out.. enjoy your uncooked food.

That's a hard mouthfull to swallow ... especially when it cost £60:00

Nope, that is a wrong example. It in this case all the food is fine, but maybe the cola was flat, of the sause a bit salt.
I honestly don't understand, that if you where so critical to this game, why on earth did you not do some research before buying it?
What bugs me is that you (and many others) only focus on the bad, and so much in fact you totaly fail to see how much good stuff actualy is there, and there is quite allot, and most other stuff will come in the near furure.

But anyways, have fun, and try atleast to get some fun out of your 60 bucks.

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