My Scapes and replays are lost after upgrading from PS4 Pro to PS5

Hey guys, I just upgrades from a PS4 Pro to a PS5. Nearly all my saved data was taken to the PS5. But in my presenting room "my scapes" and all replays aren`t shown anymore. Are there any possibilities to fix ist?

Deleting saved data and also complete new installation of the whole game waren´t a solution. Nothing helps to get the data back.

In my PS4 Pro all scapes and replays are available...
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Okay thanks. For me it makes no sense, because my othe items like "stickers" all are available, both if shared ore not shared.
The cool thing was, that I could open for example one scpae again, put fastly another car in it and could make the next cool scape in few as it seem I have to do lot of new scapes..
You could try logging in at and seeing if any of them are showing in your gallery. I made a mistake early on and lost some replays but found all my photos etc. were online still so I managed to save them.
You could try logging in at and seeing if any of them are showing in your gallery. I made a mistake early on and lost some replays but found all my photos etc. were online still so I managed to save them.
On there are all my shared scapes. The "shared" scapes are also available in the game itself.
Only the "not shared" scapes und replays are not there. :-(
Replays and photos aren't sent to PDs servers unless shared I think. Everything else is.
Okay. I can understand it now technically. Thougt with moving the data to the PSN-Cloud would transfer them, but that will not be the case...

Thanks to all of you. So I will CLEAN UP my whole PS4 Pro Console to sell this one.

Bye bye my old scapes and replays. :-)

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