Mysterious Experiences You've Had In Video Games?


Mystery: During the Silly Season in career mode Glenn Tingan got put into the Number 43 car twice, this caused a weird situation where he would get extra points from races and won every season of despite the fact Ben Collins who was in the Silly Season after taking over the 14 winning 2/3 of the races (and Tingan never won)

Glenn Tingan wasn't unbeatable, I eventually did NEXTEL Cup and was barely able to win after winning most of my races but it's very peculiar
Game: Need for Speed Underground 2

Mystery: Back in 2006 when I used to play this game a lot, I noticed their was an area in Pigeon Park on the map, but strangely, it was inaccessible.

I found this rather strange because why on Earth would it be on the map if it wasn't accessible?! 🤔Making matters even more confusing, it even had gaps in the bushes and streetlights indicating something is supposed to be there, yet it wasn't!

So my brother asked a friend he knew about it and I think he said you had to beat the game and it was very hard to unlock. So I did, but even then, the area was still inaccessible. Although I haven't actively played the game again since 2006, this was a mystery for me that left puzzled for many years after.

Explanation: So I asked about it in this thread here on GTP, but go figure, I ended up answering my own question not even a few minutes later. :lol: That said, what happened here is this was the original location for the Brad Lawless Memorial and in a demo for the game, it was there, but was later moved somewhere else in Pigeon Park by the time the game came out. The devs had not updated the map, so that was why the area was still shown on the map even though it no longer exists and interestingly enough, the area it was moved to is not even shown on the map. So long story, it was an oversight that the area was shown on the map and it doesn't actually exist in game.

Though why it was moved, why the map wasn't updated, and why it has those gaps in the bushes and streetlights in it's place, is still unclear. (I haven't read TCRF's page on the game in awhile though)
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Game: Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

Mystery: Something I didn't fully understand for a long time was how you actually defeat NOS-4-A2 on Canis Lunis 1. As a kid, it confused me because every other boss in the game can be defeated pretty easily once their shields are gone, but NOS-4-A2 was a different story. Shooting him when his shields were gone did nothing and he proceeded to laugh upon being hit, indicating he wasn't taking any actual damage. While I eventually did defeat him and have done so many many times over the years, how exactly I was doing it, was still rather unclear to me.

Explanation: Turns out those laser turrets were the key. Since NOS-4-A2 is an energy vampire, he obviously feeds off the energy from them, so it makes sense why destroying them would result in his defeat. I had been suspicious of this for years, but I never really bothered to look into it until recently since I usually just destroy everything anyways. Fortunately, as of today, I finally have the answer.
Game: Gran Turismo 2

Mystery: So when I was a kid, around 2005ish, I can remember seeing the Toyota GT-One Race Car '98 in a license test and loving its color scheme, so naturally I wanted the car. Eventually, when I learned you could apply racing modification to cars, I had a gut feeling racing modification could be applied to the GT-One Race Car and the result would be the one I saw in that license test. So I tried it and to my shock, it had no racing modification. This dumbfounded me because it seemed so plausible for that car to be a racing modification for the road car in the game, I couldn't picture it being anything other at the time. Adding to the confusion, I later beat the game and to my knowledge, I never got the car, which led me to believe the car was unobtainable and could only be driven in license tests.

Explanation: Much like the GT-90 mystery I posted earlier, I eventually learned the truth. The truth was, it was obtainable, and something I didn't know until MANY years later was GT2 had randomized prize cars and it could be obtained in the Gran Turismo World League with a 25% chance of receiving it. I evidently didn't get it the one time I did that event, so that was why it was never in my garage.

In a twist of irony though, something I found out in a thread here on GTP about 5 years ago was an old beta build of GT2 had evidence in the game's code suggesting the '98 Race Car was supposed to be an RM for the Road Car, much like I initially assumed. I guess in hindsight, it wasn't so illogical for me to believe the '98 Race Car was an RM for the road car after all.
I swear this actually happened to me, or at least that I genuinely believe it did - playing a Gran Turismo on a PS2, I think it was GT3, with the PS2 standing up vertically, the game suddenly turned black and white while the console made a LOUD whirring sound. Terrified, I immediately paused the game and tried to turn the console off by pressing the power button but nothing happened, so I ejected the game instead. The disc tray popped out with much more force than usual and the game, still spinning, flew out of the tray and rolled across the room.

Now, as I say, I swear I believe that actually happened, I remember telling my mum about it and I remember we got a PS2 Slim shortly afterwards so something definitely happened to my original PS2, but knowing a bit about electronic engineering as I do now I absolutely can't explain what happened (although I don't know really anything about how the PS2 itself worked so that's whatever) and wouldn't believe it if someone told me it happened to them, but... I swear that actually happened. Maybe a power supply fault doubled the voltage to the 12V rail, making the whole disc drive run at twice the speed? I dunno.
That is pretty creepy. 😲 I've had my screen turn black and white before during certain parts of a game, oddly enough, GT3 was one of them and Red Faction was another, albeit only parts of the screen were black and white. I've also had times when the power button was a little uncooperative, but the console getting loud like that however, that is new to me. Whatever happened, I hope you can find the answer someday because I am genuinely curious to know what happened to yours now.

For the record, mine is also a fat model.
Game: Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) on PS2

Mystery: I don't remember exactly when, but many years ago, I can remember playing on Geonosis, and whenever I made my way to the hangar where the CIS command post was, I was greeted with a dialogue box telling me that standing next to RS droids would repair my vehicle. This was strange to me because while the first game had them, this game omitted them for some reason and was nowhere to be found on the map, or any map for that matter, yet the tooltip mentions them anyway. Oddly, I was unable to trigger this dialogue again afterward.

That was until just a few days ago, I saw it again, this time it was on Utapau near the roadway. Once again, I am not even sure how I triggered it besides getting in a vehicle and going somewhere with it. I played this map a lot back in the day and have no recollection of seeing this dialogue on that map, so I am not sure why it just now showed up.

Explanation: I don't have any direct confirmation on how this happened yet. However, I can be reasonably certain these repair droids were intended to be in the game at some point in development and they had made tooltips mentioning them prior to their removal. Only to forget to remove them once the droids were cut from the game. Now how they are triggered, I am not entirely certain, but I am thinking about investigating on a fresh save game and see if I can trigger it again.
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It wasn't actually mysterious, but as a kid I remember finding the Dolgellau stage in Colin McRae Rally (Rally GB, long stage at night) creepy and being convinced that something was going to jump out at me at every turn. When I found out there was an actual alien abduction Easter egg in that game, I think they missed a trick not putting it into that stage. It just had that feel. I think its also partly because at the same time I had a book called the 'Great British Ghost Guide' and Dolgellau was listed in that. I used to take that kind of thing quite seriously! In a way I wish I still did, it made life more interesting.

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