NA Vs. Turbo

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A supercharger's parasitic loss is a mere fraction of the power that it adds. Combined with next to zero lag time (in the case of a Roots-type, it IS zero), that means a WHOLE lot of power (read: torque) available as soon as you hit the throttle.

Turbochargers (since they rely on flowing exhaust gases) suffer from lag, which is again sharply overcome by the facts that they are essentially "free power" and they do add quite a bit of power when they hit boost, and generally more, the higher you rev. (unlike most superchargers, which become inefficient at higher revs)

However, given that BOTH are forms of forced induction, Scaff's point still stands.
Yes they both push boost but turbos use exaust gas not the engines power.👍


Petrol and diesel engines use different fuels, but they are still both internal combustion engines. From an engineering perspective a turbo is a form of supercharger, it uses residual energy from the engine itself (be that exhaust gas or driven from the crank as in a supercharger) to increase the airflow into the combustion chamber.

They both increase power by increasing the pressure of air supplied to the engine, allowing more fuel to be burnt and more power to be produced, they only differ what they use to increase the intake air pressure not in how the additional power itself is generated (hence the diesel and petrol engine comparison) have a read of the following, it may help...


You cant have the HP from both NA and Turbo because the NA works by NOT having the turbo..its hard to explain but the answer is out there.
^Actually it's been explained pretty thoroughly by myself and several others through the course of this thread (apart from the hijacking by "certain parties"). Read up!
There is some good stuff in this thread. Thanks to all who shared.

One point I'd like to make is that turbo lag can substantially mitigated when the motor is attached to an AWD vehicle, especially when speaking in terms of accelerating from a dead stop. Fans of evo's, AWD skylines, subies (hello), and other similiarly set vehicles enjoy the complementing factors.

That said, I'd like to share with you a comment (I can only paraphrase) I read that I thought was an apt analogy - if not mechanically, at least in spirit. It was made in the print edition of Automobile magazine in a review of a new Lotus with a turbo.

When you blow into someone's mouth when they yawn, they wake up.

Have a good Friday!
We should make a difference between big and small NA engines. I usually don't like those big V8's but i love highrevving VTEC :)
As long as the gears are short enough NA is good.
We should make a difference between big and small NA engines. I usually don't like those big V8's but i love highrevving VTEC :)
As long as the gears are short enough NA is good.

What about high reving big V8's? They exist, Audi's 4.2 V8 peaks at 7,800rpm and the new BMW 4 litre V8 (to début in new M3) hits 8,300rpm. With both kicking out around 414 bhp, they are large capacity, powerful and high reving.



BTW - The swear filter exists for a reason, if it replaces a word with a series of *'s, then don't use the word, I've edited your post to take care of it, but please do watch out in future posts. Thanks.
^Not to mention the Chapparal 2J's 427cid could rev over 7k pretty easily in the game (and I'm sure in real life). And, the Peugeot 905's V10 displaced a whopping 5.0 litres, and still revved over 10k.

The coolest thing about those big V8's though, is that they don't HAVE to rev that high to make power. Torque makes a huge difference. Recently, a user on GameFAQS ran (bone stock) a Camaro Z28, RX8 and S2000 against each other. The Z28, with its massive torque at low engine speeds, ran right with the other two, despite having about the same power, revving only 2/3 as high, and weighing in nearly 300kg heavier.

Power is produced in 3 different ways:
1) Displacement.
2) Induction.
3) Revolutions.

Practicality and/or regulations dictate which you will use.
The superchagers aren't very good in GT4, I don't think DP quite got it right there. Anyone who's ever bolted a 6-71 on a BB knows what I'm talking about.... 👍

I do wish some of the upgrade options were geared more for big blocks and big horsepower. Like being able to overdrive the supercharger, and say tuning the valve train a little better. How about high-rise manifolds with dual carbs? And instead of NOS it would be better to have the option of running alcohol or methanol in a blown engine. :scared: Sweeet..... And how about some nice 10 inchers for tires... Ladder bars and better a tranny selection would help....

Hmmm, Dear Santa... 💡