Name the car that got you interested in cars .

When I was 2, my brothers came out to Oregon to visit, and to pass the time on trips, they would have me identify cars as a bit of a game. I feel that's one of the first things that I did that got me into cars. I think the first car I probably went "WOW, that's so cool!" at was the late 90's Dodge Viper GTS. Blue with white stripes. Still very fond of both the car and the coloring scheme.

Been into cars to long, but if I had to choose one, it would be white 1964 Dodge Polara owned by my dad that was rotting in my driveway until I was five. It was full of rats and bees, but I had dreams of restoring it and driving it during high school. I woke up one day and the frame had bent in half. The middle of the car was sitting on the ground.

I already knew a lot about cars since I was a kid reading car magazines, but I think this was the first car I truly fell in love with, and made my car passion really serious.
I had a few hot wheels and the likes as a kid, but I still remember that one day when I was leaving for vacation with my parents to Florida when I was four years old, on a Saturday morning, and we slowly passed a yellow '69 Chevelle coming up to a redlight. I asked my dad what it was and he told me he didn't know. I still remembered exactly what it looked like after many years, and when I was 7 or 8 I got a classic muscle car book from my grandma and boom, there it was. By that time I had already been playing GT3 and NFS:HP2, but as soon as I got that book I really got into cars, including design.

It was just so unlike everything else I'd ever seen in my life. It looked just like that except it had all-black tires.
Been into cars to long, but if I had to choose one, it would be white 1964 Dodge Polara owned by my dad that was rotting in my driveway until I was five. It was full of rats and bees, but I had dreams of restoring it and driving it during high school. I woke up one day and the frame had bent in half. The middle of the car was sitting on the ground.
So , what happened ?
It was probably my dad's 1997 Commodore that got me interested and if it wasn't that, then probably V8 Supercars. Or maybe even a toy car I had when I was a baby...
A 1957 Chevy Bel Air. I loved that car as a kid.
The C5 Chevrolet Corvette Z06.


It had such a smooth and futuristic design to it, and the power and grip was unmatched at the time even by other European manufacturers. I think this was the one car I became obsessed with from the start, and I still am.

I'm serious. It was our family car, I used to think that these looked really nice, and I still think they're quite handsome. The Camry is what first got my attention on cars.
Daughter has a '96 SE V6 coupe and I'm inclined to agree--they are somewhat handsome.


I wasn't exposed to cars growing up, but I lived with my grandparents after my folks passed when I was 14 and my grandfather had one (albeit with cycle fenders). Learned to drive in it. Truthfully, I didn't really get into cars until I was 17 and had one that I loved, but his MG has influenced my preferences.

I'm serious. lol

My parents say I started liking cars after playing with a particular plastic school bus as a toddler, but the first real car I can remember liking a lot was my friend's mom's Honda Odyssey. I can't say I'm a minivan enthusiast anymore, but I still have a soft spot for these.

I also have a soft spot for those. My dad had one and it was fun, it even kinda pulled if you full throttle it, it was a 2002 red EX.

Anyways, The car that got me into cars was Lightning McQueen, then when I was 12, The 86 from Initial D made me a hard core fan of cars.
Just to begin, I was born in 1991. I don't remember exactly when I started getting into cars. My parents bought me GT1 when it first came out knowing I already liked cars and F1 so it was definitely before 1998.

I was always a total mark for the BTCC at that time. Think that is what got me started; seeing normal cars as race cars too was just the best.


But even if I go all the way back, I remember my dad's first car, a blue Austin Metro:


My granddad's Mazda 323 (dad's side):

Don't remember the colour though. Beige/silver.


My grandmother's blue Nissan Sunny (mum's side):


All this between the ages of 2-5. Cars have just always been something I liked.
When I was kid, I got this folder for school with a lime green Lamborghini Murcielago on the cover and inside pocket. I fell in love with it instantly, and that's what basically made me interested in other cars. I had known about the Shelby Cobra from my father and I thought it was cool, but the Murcielago just blew my mind. Needless to say, I was overjoyed the first time I actually saw one in person, albeit several years older.
There were many (most likely watching V8 supercars in the 90s with the old man). One that sticks in my mind though is the TVR speed 12.

I remember seeing it in a magazine when it was due to be released as a road car and have been hooked ever since.
I have always been into cars... Mum said even before i could talk...

French version of hotwheels.

Growing up, I had hundreds of them...

One of my many many favorites was (and probably still is) this one:


Props to anyone who can guess which car this is (another one of my favorite in my collection):

Yet another one that i like(d) even more:


With this one being on top of my list:

Together with this one:

Going to Kindergarden,i clearly remember this car to be my most favorite: i thought it was the most beautiful car :


_I couldnt find the image of the molded plastic toy car)

Ahhh the fond memories...

Eventually i moved on to like these as well...:




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