NASA Loses Original Moon Landing Tapes

  • Thread starter FoolKiller


Don't be a fool.
United States
Frankfort, KY

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I would simply like to clarify that the tapes are not lost as such, which implies they were badly handled, misplaced and are now gone forever. That is not the case," John Sarkissian, operations scientist at the Parkes Radio Observatory in Parkes, Australia, told the Web site.

Sarkissian also rejected any suggestion of wrongdoing on the part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

"The archiving of the tapes was simply a lower priority during the Apollo era," he said.
Yeah, we just didn't think that videotape of men walking on extraterrestrial soil was a big deal. Someone recommended locking it in a heat and water resistant safe, but we recorded the Packers game over it instead.

Someone please explain how the same people that mamnaged to put men on the moon didn't think that an archive vault of some sort would be important.
Okay, confession time. Anyone here still have an original 8-track of the BeeGees "Staying Alive"? In working condition?

If you turn the tape inside out, Neil Armstrong's practice runs are recorded there. :lol:
Who knows, soon they'll be hoaxing tapes of astronauts touring Mars!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist...

And I know it wasn't funny.

Anyway, I love the quote from John Sarkissian. :lol:

Oh dear, this is huge ammunition for conspirators believing Man has never been to the Moon. I can't wait...

I don't think so... lost evidence is an equal blow for both sides of the debate. If anything, it is a bigger blow to the conspiracy theorists since their (frankly ridiculous) argument is so flimsy, they need all the 'evidence' they can get.
They'll probably still have the 'set' at Groom Lake - they could easily just film a new tape, all the actors had those reflective visors anyway, no one would notice the difference.,2933,208408,00.html

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, we just didn't think that videotape of men walking on extraterrestrial soil was a big deal. Someone recommended locking it in a heat and water resistant safe, but we recorded the Packers game over it instead.

Someone please explain how the same people that mamnaged to put men on the moon didn't think that an archive vault of some sort would be important.

OF COURSE they " lost " the didn't think they would let them ever be tested by modern methods did you ????

The wires would be shown and the puppets and models from the star trek set they used would be seen .:crazy:
I don't think so... lost evidence is an equal blow for both sides of the debate. If anything, it is a bigger blow to the conspiracy theorists since their (frankly ridiculous) argument is so flimsy, they need all the 'evidence' they can get.
I agree. As The Cracker said, they could easily re film it.

If the conspiracy were true and they lost the tapes they could just dig up an old, cheap camera somewhere and refilm it. Who would notice since the original goal when this started was to essentially remaster the original so it would be an excellent quality video?

I am still trying to figure out how they didn't find archiving footage of what could still be argued as man's greatest achievement wasn't an important idea.

It just goes to show that just because you are a genius it doesn't make you smart.
I guess all we have left are footsteps, left-over equipment, a flag, a couple of rocks that you can touch with your own hands, and some recordings of the original broadcasts.

Dang, I guess that isn't enough for some people.
My dad ordered the set of 8mm films that NASA made available, so if they call nice, I can dupe them over to DVD for them. I think it's just Apollo 11, though, no the whole program. We also have the audio tape set, but I'll have to find a player that loads 1/4" open-reel tape. (Come to think of it, I think I've already duped that to CD.) Apparently my dad thought it was important enough to remember.
TM - your comment makes sense, but if I was a desperate conspirator in this situation, I would immediately point fingers at Nasa claiming they're covering something up by "losing" the tapes. It oculd go both ways for the theorists. They need all of the evidence they can get, but they also need all of the oppurtunities they can get, including this one.
TM - your comment makes sense, but if I was a desperate conspirator in this situation, I would immediately point fingers at Nasa claiming they're covering something up by "losing" the tapes. It oculd go both ways for the theorists. They need all of the evidence they can get, but they also need all of the oppurtunities they can get, including this one.

Agreed. This is what conspiracists have been waiting for. Expect new threads to spring up everywhere.
Why is it, that when NASA makes a mistake, they always do it in a spectacularly idiotic way, and it's always over usually something that is difficult to overlook/not notice at any point? And I thought crashing a probe because of beacuse of conflicting measurements (ie metric vs English) was dumb :rolleyes:

"So where should we put these tapes? They look pretty important."
"I dunno. Just put 'em on that shelf over there by the trash can. They'll be fine."

However, there is another possible scenario that isn't too unlikely. It is possible that they were stolen.
I don't know which is harder to believe; NASA staging the lunar landing, or losing these tapes. :confused: