kb18 why r u always trying to be the voice of reason on here?....ppl have the right to need/give help...not sure what your PSN name is but if it's close to ur name on here then i've NEVER seen u in any NASCAR LOBBY & cant 4 the life of me understand why u are on here giving ur opinions....r u a troll? seems u are
If you need them friend me in game, Team_GR-dsweat, i'll try to reply to all posts. i do not mind helping others if it cleans up the track so maybe ya'll can all go four wide every lap with no wrecks. Thanks.
Team Geico Racing.
You will not go 4 wide on any track with anybody's tune.Not going to happen in this game.Clean up the track?Do you think a tune cleans up bad driving?Really it's Nascar not to difficult to turn left.
@ killerjimbag I've gone four wide before with friends for five laps just for fun before, it can be done, cause my group has done it. So before you open your mouth agian, gain some skill on the track. like i said before, IF YOUR NOT IN NEED OF HELP THEN KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOUR SELF OTHER THEN THAT IF THOSE WHO NEED HELP WITH THEY'RE SET UP I'M HERE WILLING TO HELP YOU OUT.
well tiny if we keep winning races, that's going to happen. I posted Team_Geico_Racing so they would know were nice guys that also don't mind helping those who need help on the track. I'm too old to mess with kids that run there mouths, it's a waist of time. i do have time to teach kids how to set there cars up to were they want it and are willing to learn that way they don't have to ask how to do it any more because now know how to set em up there self. Kind of what they had in mind when they opened this forum up anyway. I've already help multiple people and they've been very thankful for the help so i know this gtplanet works to help those in need. Those that abuse the site for there own personal opinions are what upset me and sickens me. and those people should just go some where else. The tuning forum is here to help people not discriminate them. so KB18FAN if you don't need help, then good for you and stay off the forum. Thank you all.
all i'm trying to do is help those who are in need of a tune. that's what this forum is about. Nothing else. I'm not running my mouth Big dawg. if you look KB18FAN always talks shi t to every one about any thing and if you look Nicman85 even mentions this in a reply post. if you remember Bigdawg, abetterplaya is one of those canadians that frequantly wrecks in the nascar rooms so there just out here to run there mouth and that's it. I'm here trying to help those in need of a good tune and set up for there car as i put in the post.
dsweat accept my friend request.I'm still waiting
Yeah I figured he wouldn't bite.Had a few friends drop by unexpected when I joined your room,so I had to go.Everything is good up here,getting ready for the winter.
killerjimbag thats cool but i had my setup on my 88 car longer then that post you had on here, but its pretty damn close. like i said I've only reacently heard about gtplanet thats why this is the only thread i have.
KB18FAN- when I said ''seeing how i'm not a dick'' I wasn't reffering to you personaly, it's that people just don't give out a good tune and I cant find out why other than they're just being a "dick".