I hate all the NASCAR bashers as much as the next guy, but even those who defend only mention that its hard to pack race and its all a thinking game and pit stops and so on and so forth. What nobody ever mentions is that NASCAR Sprint Cup Cars are hard to drive. Sure it wouldnt seem it since you just go left (the usuall argument) but the truth is it's very difficult. Stock Cars have alot of horsepower which means the rear end almost never has grip coming out of the turns. You cant mash the gas coming out of a corner you have to very slowly roll out of the throttle and half the time countersteer. Even on the ovals those cars are pitched around 5 degrees going though the corners because the rear end always wants to come around. Dont belive me? buy a copy of Nascar Racing 2003 Season for the PC or get yourself an iracing.com suscription and try running an impalla SS around Atlanta without hitting anything. If GT5 gets the physics down correctly, you're all in for a hell of a surprize.
BTW i highly reccomend iracing.com. Best racing sim on the PC! (probably ever)
BTW i highly reccomend iracing.com. Best racing sim on the PC! (probably ever)