National Finals preparation meets/spec racing (NA) All welcome!

  • Thread starter Wardez
I was thinking of going karting on Thursday afternoon. There is a kart track in Carlsbad ... K1Speed, anyone heard of it? I am on the 12:30pm shuttle to the hotel. We don't have any obligations until 7:30pm. Karting anyone?

Edit: Never mind, just realized we are not staying in Carlsbad. The hotels name has Carlsbad in it - but it's right next to the San Diego airport.

Hmm, checked the address of the hotel? It's definitely in Carlsbad/Oceanside when I look at it.

And the Racer X competition's over at 4pm, so I don't think that's really enough time to go karting on Thursday needing to be back by 7:30, considering transit times. I think it'd be better to do on Friday.

Check the dedicated thread here:
Hmm, checked the address of the hotel? It's definitely in Carlsbad/Oceanside when I look at it.

And the Racer X competition's over at 4pm, so I don't think that's really enough time to go karting on Thursday needing to be back by 7:30, considering transit times. I think it'd be better to do on Friday.

Check the dedicated thread here:

Agreed, can't wait. Carlsbad like 15 mins south of where I was born
Hmm, checked the address of the hotel? It's definitely in Carlsbad/Oceanside when I look at it.

And the Racer X competition's over at 4pm, so I don't think that's really enough time to go karting on Thursday needing to be back by 7:30, considering transit times. I think it'd be better to do on Friday.

Check the dedicated thread here:
When i type in the address it gives me a hotel near the airport, when i type in the name it gives me a hotel in Carlsbad/Oceanside :odd:
Well, I think I've entered my last race. I'm going to be pulling an all-nighter Tuesday into Wednesday and going to bed around 3pm, since I've got to be at the airport at 4am. And I'll mainly be doing solo practice to make sure I'm brushed up on as many tracks as I can. If so, it's been great racing you guys, and I'll see you in SAN DIEGO!
When i type in the address it gives me a hotel near the airport, when i type in the name it gives me a hotel in Carlsbad/Oceanside :odd:

I noticed the same thing. I'm going with the address they gave us as it's in San Diego. The hotel in Carlsbad comes up because of it being in Carlsbad, and the one in SD comes up since it's called "The Carlsbad Inn" or at least that's my theory. Confusing for sure. Might shoot Rich a text and see which just to make sure lol.
When i type in the address it gives me a hotel near the airport, when i type in the name it gives me a hotel in Carlsbad/Oceanside :odd:

Wardez, It's all the same area, I believe Oceanside is the County

"going to Oceanside."

And I know Carlsbad's its own town because that's where Incubus was formed.
Serious Wardez is Serious! l especially enjoyed the Incubus part, you know:crazy: more then me and I live 1-hour away. :dopey: Serious I didn't know that!
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I was pretty sure Oceanside was a town. I've been there twice. Once after visiting Camp Pendleton and another time to go to the beach. Both times the people I was with said we were "going to Oceanside."

And I know Carlsbad's its own town because that's where Incubus was formed.
To clear the confusion I just got confirmation from Rich it's the Hilton in Carlsbad, NOT San Diego like I was thinking lol.
Starting to get really excited but very nervous at the same time. Cant wait to see how this all unfolds.

I'm really nervous myself. I still don't know the tracks or braking points on most tracks. I need to have a serious breakthrough tonight. It's gonna be fun no matter what but i really don't wanna embarass myself.
I have raced at K1Speed in Carlsbad, but mostly in Irvine (Orange County). They have racecars on display and cool F1 and NASCAR junk hanging on the walls. it is far short from real go karts but it is the next best thing. By using asphalt instead of concrete the electric karts really stick.
I'm really nervous myself. I still don't know the tracks or braking points on most tracks. I need to have a serious breakthrough tonight. It's gonna be fun no matter what but i really don't wanna embarass myself.

I hear you not wanting to embarass yourself but look at it this way you made it to national finals. Enjoy the oppurtunity and give it all you got if it ends up one way or another at least you know you did all you could. :)
Starting to get really excited but very nervous at the same time. Cant wait to see how this all unfolds.

I'm really nervous myself. I still don't know the tracks or braking points on most tracks. I need to have a serious breakthrough tonight. It's gonna be fun no matter what but i really don't wanna embarass myself.
I can't even begin to imagine. Guess the only words of wisdom I can offer is that no matter what happens, you guys have already won by being talented enough to be in San Diego. :)

As for those trying out for Time Trialer Racer X, my suggestion is avoid overdriving the car. Getting a solid lap in may be all that's needed. Oh, and praying that an alien that slacked off during Academy doesn't show up. :lol:
Ya its in Carlsbad, first email I got was correct, they sent me another one just in case I guess.

Yeah some we're correct, but I know a few of us including myself had ones that were wrong.

So we trying to do karts on Friday then at least for us finalists?
Yeah some we're correct, but I know a few of us including myself had ones that were wrong.

So we trying to do karts on Friday then at least for us finalists?

I think Friday night would work out the best. Between travel and everything else especially for us east coasters Thursday is gonna be a super long day.
I hear you not wanting to embarass yourself but look at it this way you made it to national finals. Enjoy the oppurtunity and give it all you got if it ends up one way or another at least you know you did all you could. :)

Win or lose its gonna be a great time. That's my attitude going in. Hopefully I have that same attitude coming home. I doubt it though. TRC-Hunk beat me for a car a couple months ago and I was crushed. Sulked and moped for days lol.

And I realize I double posted. Sorry.