[NE-21194400] Error

@Fraggle. I dont have space for all that although I wish I did. But, a multi BILLION dollar company cant afford some servers? really? couple of million bucks could buy the latest and greatest, or you cant figure it out? outsource it. Not that hard. Oh and by the way mine still doesnt connect. Just glad that foot ball is on record, so im not pulling my hair out.
I don't think it's a load or server stress issue but it could be. Something has gone very wrong somewhere though, and the delay suggests it's not a simple issue :( adding servers to fix load issues would of been sorted by now I reckon
Lmao try not taking it so personally next time, believe it or not that wasn't directed towards the people on the board but moreso the people in charge of making it work. The mobile support is terrible. But feel free to take offense to it and try to take a jab at me
We use a fully responsive design, so that your experience differs very little regardless of device. Indeed I'm typing this reply - although I'm not wholly sure why I'm bothering - from my mobile phone and having absolutely no problems doing so.
it only took you 5 years to make the game and now the servers are down more than once a week?
This is the second time since launch, two months ago...
well my point is it took 5 years to write the game and you cant figure out how to make it work right? Fire the staff and hire people that know. my other games have never had these issues. Can't be something that special. Or like I said, outsource it to someone that knows. Simple.

edit: Um no. Famine it happens about twice a week to me and my friend. One is 'sheduled maintinence' and the other few times are just random. But, its every week.
I have managed to reconnect 3 times in last few minutes in the Asia pacific, I can only hope that the problem is behind us now, I doubt it though
I do really like the game and love that they are planning on adding on to it. Big thumbs up for that, but it doesnt really work that well compared to other online games and that is really annoying.

mine is still down. arizona, america is where im at.
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Haven't read through the 32 Pages worth, I haven't played since the Day of the 1.09 Update. Everything fixed yet or still down?
Um no. Famine it happens about twice a week to me and my friend. One is 'sheduled maintinence' and the other few times are just random. But, its every week.
Scheduled maintenance is once a week, for two hours. As the name implies, this is scheduled, so to suggest it's a fault or not working right is disingenuous at best.

Outside of that, this is literally the second time that there has been a GT Sport server fault since launch. If you're experiencing more frequent disconnects it suggests that there is something about your internet configuration that does not play well with GT Sport's servers.
I managed to get in on my third try. I wonder what happened, did PD make a statement other than that they're aware of the issue? Sony blew out their server or something?
I really like GTS but, and it's a big but... how on earth does a company which took well over 4 years to create this game NOT get it running ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY considering the amount of (or lack of) content. C'mon, those PD apologists arguing how great the game is... yes, it is great but so are games which have taken half or even a quarter of the time to create with twice the content. It's not a matter of criticising the quality of the game but the lack of attention to quality control by the tech team, they've had at least a year of beta, preview and test builds to test connection and server issues, which is something almost NO other development team has had the privilege of doing, yet they failed to deliver a reliable application. I'm not sure the entire PD team should be fired, as someone suggested, but I wouldn't hesitate firing the tech unit responsible for connectivity.
well all 3 of my computers work fine as do all of my other games and both of ps4 and my ps3 games work also, so does my cable tvs and my phones. in all rooms. most people would reason that its the games fault, somewhere. Sorry I spelled scheduled wrong, my bad.

edit: AMEN ssantana
Just turned my machine back on to check and got connected first time here in Surrey, UK. Had enough for today so off to bed now.
most people would reason that its the games fault, somewhere.
Perhaps, but that isn't the question. You stated that the servers are "down more than once a week", and plonked that onto Polyphony Digital (or possibly Sony, as you referred to a multi billion dollar company) not knowing how to get it to work right.

The fact is that the game has a scheduled maintenance period of two hours once a week - which is not a fault or a server outage. Beyond that it has had two unscheduled server failures.

You're reporting an additional eight unscheduled server failures (an extra one for each week), but these have not affected or been reported by anyone else. Tell me what "most people" would reason from that...

As I said:

If you're experiencing more frequent disconnects it suggests that there is something about your internet configuration that does not play well with GT Sport's servers.
It’s fair enough to jump to PD’s defence - it’s a great game. However, I do find it remarkable that every Christmas, game companies and Sony have issues. Needless to say, at a time most people will be intending on playing.

You’d think that both parties would be prepared given that there’s been various, significant issues over the past few years!?

In this instance PD have just released a big update along with a discount for GT on the PSN store. Surely that would result in large numbers of players hitting the servers at the same time? It feels like they way they have gone about it all, and kept people updated has been pretty cavalier to say the least.

I still can’t get online by the way...
Finally, i could connect, here in Portugal, it is working(yet)... I want a answer why we couldnt play/save during this 2 days...


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My brother wasn't able to connect to the network when he was playing, but I was able to connect without any issues. Everything worked perfectly.
I guess some are having luck, I'm still not... Bought the Digital Deluxe yesterday and not only have I not received my bonuses but the game is pretty much unplayable.. if the game doesn't give me my bonuses when it fixes I'm gonna lose my mind and rip Sony's live support chat's head off.... Is there even a way to contact PD?
well im not going to argue, when you have 4 tvs 3 computers and 2 phones and 2 ps3s and every other game woks fine on all devices and your ps4...... its a game issue not a connectivity on my side. Did the internet connection test on 1 ps3 and on my only ps4 and they both said 100% so its a developer issue, not my issue. It works now, just have to re.run about 4 races is all. Again, have a merry christmas tomorrow, or maybe now as i dont know you time zone.

edit: sony customer service #800.345.7669. they are pretty good at answering the phone.
Too many connections open. There is always a limit of user connections that the main host servers can sustain and keep open. If too many connections overload the host server managing the connections, the host service will probably close and refuse connections, meaning each of those connections is one of us.

Sony network simply couldn't cope with so many clients connecting. My guess is once again the Sony network has been stress tested to the the limit. Probably now the logs on the server will show the amount of users who have tried to connect they might have some idea for the future.
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