Need a Tune Set Up!

  • Thread starter Ek31


There are 13 tunes for the car you're looking for in said thread.
You do realise Adrenaline can't sit by his computer 24/7 flipping through pages every single minute to pick up every tune right? He's got his own life to live, updating the site isn't the top of the priority list. What isn't there now will be there sooner or later, making a noise about it won't do anything, there is only so much a person can do in a day.
You do realise Adrenaline can't sit by his computer 24/7 flipping through pages every single minute to pick up every tune right? He's got his own life to live, updating the site isn't the top of the priority list. What isn't there now will be there sooner or later, making a noise about it won't do anything, there is only so much a person can do in a day.

I understand that you can miss tunes here and there...but a dedecated thread with 240+ tunes to oversee?

Simply don't claim something if it's not true?
Making a noise? Hahaha, this forum is full with noise (if you count my reply to somebody a noise)

@Adrenaline, don't get me wrong, great work what you do with the website, I don't use it so I don't care if and which tunes end up there.
I just thought it was funny that people here are showing your website as all including, which isn't at this moment :(
Anyway, keep up the great work, looks like many have great benefit from it.

Cheers :cheers:

I understand that you can miss tunes here and there...but a dedecated thread with 240+ tunes to oversee?

Simply don't claim something if it's not true?
Making a noise? Hahaha, this forum is full with noise (if you count my reply to somebody a noise)


All I'm saying was that what's not there will be there eventually, you just need to wait. If it's not there, he's either not seen the tunes, or its in the line of things to be added. Those are the only two options, nothing is being deliberately left out.

Eh, I guess that was an exaggeration, but I simply meant that the tunes will be there eventually.

Right, Adrenaline? ;)
Perhaps if we title it "diZ stuFz mAkE g0 f45t" we'd have to point it out less....? :rolleyes:
Perhaps if we title it "diZ stuFz mAkE g0 f45t" we'd have to point it out less....? :rolleyes:

Then you'd have older people like me left wondering and lost as all get out as to what in gods green earth that all means, lol. I can hardly keep up with my daughter when she sends me text messages that look like they were meant for some Aberiginese (spelling) tribesman, lol.
Every..... besides 244+ real replica tunes, archived by ich122 :dunce:

I don't use it so...

This is evident by the fact that "Real Replica Tunes" returns 149 results on the main page alone... Of the 248 that the main page lists.

Ich122, Jeremy_Craig, Shhiny48 & Paraclete combine for another 19.

The website is behind due to real life circumstances. It's only to date through March 31st at the moment.

Anyone want to guess, how many of the missing 80 tunes have occurred within March 31st, and August 10th? Anyone...?

Simply don't claim something if it's not true?
Maybe you should take your own advice...

Having said all that...
Replica tunes are useless to the website, and multiple times I've considered deleting them all. People are looking for race setups, that will help them achieve faster lap times, better tire wear, or just a better driving car in general. How many people looking to obtain a 'replica' look, actually care about suspension settings? On the off chance they did care, 90% of these 'tunes' ignore drivability, and focus solely on fender gap. Even if they did care, I'd guess that half of the Tunes published, are all repeat cars. If I think one replica is useless, how do you think I feel about 10 different versions of the same car? Best case Scenario, I add a 'Replica' page to the website.
@ Adrenaline: I completely agree with you on the last part of your post about replica tunes. I have the same thoughts about replica tunes as you do. Having said that, lets be clear that I have nothing against the people who make these tunes. Hell, I even tried making a few myself just for something different to do. Bottom line tho, when I go to your site, I go there for a competitive tune, not a replica. If you want my opinion, I would just do away with all of them and let OUTEKE or someone else thats heavily involved in that stuf create their own archive for those types of tunes. Just my thoughts on the matter.
My thoughts on the replica/race tune thing:
The replica page to the website does seem to be a very good idea, though I can see that it'll be no easy feat moving everything over there again…but then again, copy, paste, command F "Real Replica Tunes", delete everything that isn't highlighted. It'll still take time either way, so if you do intend to do something like that, it shouldn't be as high on the list as normal racing setups.
I'd go with the replica link/page idea. That way it can still truthfully say "every tune". :D:tup:
I'd go with the replica link/page idea. That way it can still truthfully say "every tune". :D:tup:

Thats a good idea and all but I was just thinking it would less Adrenaline would have to deal with and let someone else who is more into that type of tuning make an arhive for these. I just think they should be kept separate from the competitive tunes.
I myself was thinking about doing a database of PP specific tunes. Breaking it down to like 600 PP, 550PP, 500 PP, 400 PP, ect. Something like that so when someone wanted say, a 500 PP tune, they could go to the database under 500 PP and quicky find what they are looking for.
Thats a good idea and all but I was just thinking it would less Adrenaline would have to deal with and let someone else who is more into that type of tuning make an arhive for these. I just think they should be kept separate from the competitive tunes.
I myself was thinking about doing a database of PP specific tunes. Breaking it down to like 600 PP, 550PP, 500 PP, 400 PP, ect. Something like that so when someone wanted say, a 500 PP tune, they could go to the database under 500 PP and quicky find what they are looking for.

That's an interesting idea...
Would require quite a bit of back tracking, through all the tunes that already exist, and REorganizing them into an entire new list... but... still a good idea.

Although, unless you're in the upmost extreme competition, I've yet to find a situation where any 'max tune' tuned down, to fit your PP doesn't work just as well.

But I would like to hear some feedback on this thought. If enough people felt it worthy, I could do this eventually.
That's an interesting idea...
Would require quite a bit of back tracking, through all the tunes that already exist, and REorganizing them into an entire new list... but... still a good idea.

Although, unless you're in the upmost extreme competition, I've yet to find a situation where any 'max tune' tuned down, to fit your PP doesn't work just as well.

But I would like to hear some feedback on this thought. If enough people felt it worthy, I could do this eventually.

You do have point there Adrenaline but I still would think it would be useful. Just an idea tho I've me thinking about. I haven't done it yet tho because I have no comp and use the DS3 to type, lol.