Need advise, want to buy FM4

Touge (峠) is Japanese, meaning mountain pass.

とうげ (written in Hiragana) To u ge
トウゲ (written in Katana)
峠  (written in Kanji) The left side of this character says "Yama" means mountain
The top right section of this Kanji character means "Ue" meaning up.
The bottom right section means "Shi-ta" meaning down.
It´s a special kind of racing, where you don´t overtake each other, but try to keep up with the guy in front of you. If the gap is smaller than when you started, you win, otherwise the guy in front wins.
Hey guys,

What's this "Simulation steering" setting I've read about? Is this new to Forza 4?
I have Forza 1 and 2 but didn't get into 3.
Yeah it's new.
It's only really seen unless you have a wheel, if you use a pad then it makes things a bit harder, not more realistic.
Yeah it's new.
It's only really seen unless you have a wheel, if you use a pad then it makes things a bit harder, not more realistic.

Ok. Thanks for the reply. Well hard is better than easy :)
Looking forward to trying it.

If using a control, what part of the driving does it effect?
Just the way the car steers, I believe with it on the steering is more liable to snap, and it's harder to regain control after a spin, Im not sure. I drive with everything off already so Im not sure what the aids really do.
Just the way the car steers, I believe with it on the steering is more liable to snap, and it's harder to regain control after a spin, Im not sure. I drive with everything off already so Im not sure what the aids really do.

Cool. Thanks again for the info! That mixed with Fujimi should be fun! hahaha