Need Codebreaker Hybrid Making Help

Originally posted by Heydu
U have to add the basecodes in front of those. Have U checked out My Site ? If not, go there and click on CB2 part codes.
Also was able to load your cars to the Garage editor, is it there you convert parts only, an need to use the Code Generator to convert to CB format... I'm not understanding where the codes are generated
In the garage editor, once U have loaded a gamesave, U can import other cars, change cars or add parts to existing cars. Once U have a car set the way U want it, click on any cell in that car so that it is hilited. Now right click with your mouse and select "set code base", and choose CB4, then close that window. Right click again, and select "List coded car", and U will get a complete code list for that car in CB format.

As far as the HP modifier, I haven't done any conversions for CB, but when U produce the code list for the car, U will see the basecode for it, along with the CB value for zero. U can get values for it by using another program included with MK's. If U go to the folder where U unziped MK's, there is a program called GS2GT3. Open that, and put the decimal value that U would like to convert in the decimal box, and hit your tab key. The value that appears in the hex box is your CB value that U can use with the basecode.
Originally posted by Heydu
In the garage editor, once U have loaded a gamesave, U can import other cars, change cars or add parts to existing cars. Once U have a car set the way U want it, click on any cell in that car so that it is hilited. Now right click with your mouse and select "set code base", and choose CB4, then close that window. Right click again, and select "List coded car", and U will get a complete code list for that car in CB format.

As far as the HP modifier, I haven't done any conversions for CB, but when U produce the code list for the car, U will see the basecode for it, along with the CB value for zero. U can get values for it by using another program included with MK's. If U go to the folder where U unziped MK's, there is a program called GS2GT3. Open that, and put the decimal value that U would like to convert in the decimal box, and hit your tab key. The value that appears in the hex box is your CB value that U can use with the basecode.
Sounds simple enough, NOT... You explained well, an I do appreciate it, have put 400 miles on my Diablo, using the F1 engine an tranny, my Fav car was the Viper til it stopped handling the corners, maybe when i get smart can try using F1 tires. Thank 4 all your help
Originally posted by Masterblaster
Sounds simple enough, NOT... You explained well, an I do appreciate it, have put 400 miles on my Diablo, using the F1 engine an tranny, my Fav car was the Viper til it stopped handling the corners, maybe when i get smart can try using F1 tires. Thank 4 all your help
Theres a site where they have a top end of 450 mph, find that hard to believe. But it appears to be correct, have finally got my Diablo in the high 390's
Originally posted by Astaroth13th
I tried playing around with the downforce, final drive, and HP multiplyer to see what I could do to make the car into a nice hybrid.

Here's what I got with the car now:
~540 top speed
Handling is excellent, but you CANNOT take a turn and accelerate or brake at the same time. Obviously this needs work. Taking turns w/o doing anything else works wonderfully though.
Horrible 0-60 acceleration
Godlike 60-540 acceleration.
Default braking isn't good enough to slow the car down from 300+ MPH to take a turn. Straightaway-> Hairpin turn = bad.

It's _almost_ drivable. Here are my questions:
1. What do I do to get brakes that can slow you down quickly from insane speeds to take a corner?
2. What could get rid of that nasty tendency to spin around in circles insanely fast when you make a mistake? It really tends to do this on the test course on the turn part. I can do a faster lap time on midfield than I can on the test course. :lol: It's all because it's soooo hard to stop the car after it starts spinning and bouncing around like that.
3. How do I improve 0-60? Would changing the first gear setting work?

If I can fix these 3 problems, especially #2, then I'll have one awesome hybrid. It's already sweet. I have an idea to make it go even faster too. :cool:

Try this. Max out yor Brake Balence Controller at 9,999,999,999..
Also, Try out my ZZIIX, It might give you a exampl of how to make a fast, well balenced hybrid.


CarBase 2A93B76D - A657D830 2A9FB76D - 000797D7 zz2_00
BodyColor 2A9BB76D - 000004C2 2A87B76D - 00000001 Black
CarType 2A83B76D - 00000001 2A8FB76D - 00000000 Race

brakes 2A8BB76D - 5CD7F0D1 2A77B76D - 193B9D35 Normal, mclaren_mp4_5b
brake controller 2A73B76D - 000030E1 2A7FB76D - 00000000
chassis 2A7BB76D - 3D2CC95A 2A67B76D - 74DF130D vertigo_97
engine 2A63B76D - 58A1488D 2A6FB76D - ED337505 Normal, storm_v12_race_00
drivetrain & VCD 2A6BB76D - 7E5BCB4C 2A57B76D - 19C49ECD VCD, impreza_22b_98
transmission 2A53B76D - 5CD7EFD2 2A5FB76D - 52BB9D35 Full-Racing, mclaren_mp4_5b
suspension 2A5BB76D - 5CD7F355 2A47B76D - 5ABB9D35 Full-Racing, mclaren_mp4_5b
LSD 2A43B76D - 7E5BCC91 2A4FB76D - 19449ECD Full, impreza_22b_98
front tyres 2A4BB76D - 5CD7F192 2A37B76D - 1A3B9D35 T5 Medium, mclaren_mp4_5b
rear tyres 2A33B76D - C4FA0C23 2A3FB76D - A75C3F16 T5.5 Medium, williams_fw11
17 2A3BB76D - 0027F731 2A27B76D - 00000000
weight reduction 2A23B76D - ACAA495F 2A2FB76D - AB3CC31D Stage 3, viper_gts_00
body & downforce 2A2BB76D - F688AC97 2A17B76D - DFF5E995
polish 2A13B76D - F122DD93 2A1FB76D - 485CBB34 Polished, _156_25v6_00
balance 2A1BB76D - 75B2A48C 2A07B76D - A5C78725 Balanced, accord_euror_00
displacement 2A03B76D - C5706976 2A0FB76D - F91382BD Increased, r32_gtr_v2_00_ext
computer 2A0BB76D - F523DDF9 2AF7B76D - 796B4784 Tuned, _180sx_x_96
NA tune 2AF3B76D - 1090354F 2AFFB76D - 6C4F7138 Stage 1, opel_speedster_00
turbo 2AFBB76D - F688ED18 2AE7B76D - DFF5E995 Stage 2
flywheel 2AE3B76D - 7E5BCC0D 2AEFB76D - 9B449ECD Full-Racing, impreza_22b_98
clutch 2AEBB76D - 7E5BCA6D 2AD7B76D - D5C49ECD Triple Plate, impreza_22b_98
shaft 2AD3B76D - 7E5BCC8E 2ADFB76D - 19449ECD Carbon, impreza_22b_98
muffler 2ADBB76D - F122DD95 2AC7B76D - 4A59C534 Full-Racing, _156_25v6_00
intercooler 2AC3B76D - 00000000 2ACFB76D - 00000000
ASM 2ACBB76E - 000030E1 2AB7B76E - 00000000
TCS 2AB3B76E - 000030E1 2ABFB76E - 00000000
wheels 2ABBB76E - 060D2FE4 2AA7B76E - B5DFEBBB ozw004_b

R gear 2AA3B76E - 00001255 4.693
1 gear 2AAFB76E - 0000118F 4.495
2 gear 2AABB76E - 00000A78 2.680
3 gear 2A97B76E - 00000746 1.862
4 gear 2A93B76E - 0000053F 1.343
5 gear 2A9FB76E - 0000036A 0.874
6 gear 2A9BB76E - 00000295 0.661
7 gear 2A87B76E - 000001F4 0.500
Final Drive 2A83B76E - 000009C4 2.500
Auto gear 2A8FB76E - 00000030 48
VCD 2A8BB76E - 00000027 39
Front Brakes 2A77B76E - 000F423F 999999
Rear Brakes 2A73B76E - 000F423F 999999
Front DF 2A7FB76E - FFFFFFFF 42949672.95
Rear DF 2A7BB76E - FFFFFFFF 42949672.95
Turbo1 2A67B76E - 00000008 8
Turbo2 2A63B76E - 00000035 53
Turbo3 2A6FB76E - 0000005F 95
Turbo4 2A6BB76E - 0000000F 15
Turbo5 2A57B76E - 00000050 80
Turbo6 2A53B76E - 0000003C 60
Front Camber 2A5FB76E - 00000014 2.0
Rear Camber 2A5BB76E - 0000000A 1.0
Front Height 2A47B76E - 0000003E 62
Rear Height 2A43B76E - 0000003C 60
Front Toe 2A4FB76E - 00000086 3.0
Rear Toe 2A4BB76E - 00000082 1.0
Front Springs 2A37B76E - 00000069 10.5
Rear Springs 2A33B76E - 00000080 12.8
Front grip 2A3FB76E - 000000F5 245
Rear grip 2A3BB76E - 000000BD 189
Front Bound 2A27B76E - 0000000A 10
Front Bound 2A23B76E - 0000000A 10
Front Rebound 2A2FB76E - 0000000A 10
Front Rebound 2A2BB76E - 0000000A 10
Rear Bound 2A17B76E - 0000000A 10
Rear Bound 2A13B76E - 0000000A 10
Rear Rebound 2A1FB76E - 0000000A 10
Rear Rebound 2A1BB76E - 0000000A 10
Front Stabilizer 2A07B76E - 00000001 1
Rear Stabilizer 2A03B76E - 00000001 1
Front LSD Init 2A0FB76E - 00000005 5
Rear LSD Init 2A0BB76E - 00000005 5
Front LSD Accel 2AF7B76E - 0000000F 15
Rear LSD Accel 2AF3B76E - 00000018 24
Front LSD Decel 2AFFB76E - 00000005 5
Rear LSD Decel 2AFBB76E - 00000005 5
Final Drive 2AE7B76E - 000009C4 2.500
TCS 2AE3B76E - 00000001 10
84 2AEFB76E - 00000000 0
Power Multiplier 2AEBB76E - 00000DEB 3.563
ASM 2AD7B76E - 00000014 19
87 2AD3B76E - 00000001 1
88 2ADFB76E - 00000001 1
89 2ADBB76E - 00000001 1
90 2AC7B76E - 00000000 0
fittment1 2AC3B76E - 7D44A799 6658 BB82
fittment2 2ACFB76E - 20629194 6B6E 9DDF
fittment3 2A77B76F - 00694100 FFBE 96FF
travelmeter 2AAFB76F - 00000000 0.0
oil1 2AABB76F - 49127C00 FF83 EDB6
oil2 2A97B76F - C7F88649 B679 0738
dirtyness 2A93B76F - FFFFFFFF 0000 0000
98 2A9FB76F - 00000000 0
99 2A9BB76F - 00000000 0
100 2A87B76F - 00000000 0
101 2A83B76F - 00000000 0
102 2A8BB76F - 00000001 1

Ahhh, Have fun typi those in!
Originally posted by Heydu
OK RX-Eighties, Since U haven't put your location in your profile, I don't know if U are using Pal or NTSC, but it goes like this.

In this code
Car Purchasable for Zero Credits


2A3F465E and 2A3B465E are both base codes, they are always the first half of the codeline. The zeros in this code are the "part code" or value in this case since this code doesn't install a part. For further explaination of this click the link for the guide I posted in the previous post.

Click on the link Astaroth13th has in the first post to see a chart with all the basecodes I know of. If U are an NTSC(American) user, That same link has other links to all kinds of parts with basecodes that will work with GS2/ARv2/CB1. If U are a PAL or Japanese user, U will have to substitute the proper basecodes. I hope this helps, if U have any problems, just ask.
You mentioned a link to a list of all basecodes, in another post but I didnt see that link. help plz
Originally posted by Masterblaster
You mentioned a link to a list of all basecodes, in another post but I didnt see that link. help plz
Whoaaaaa, just hit 443.9 on the Test Track, this sites a life saver an has made this game great to play again..

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