Need Drift Help For GT Driving Force Wheel


Ever since I started drifting two days ago, I learned how hard drifting with a steering wheel can be. I encountered a multitude of problem, most of them I solved... But there is this one I have not.

The problem I am having, is that I am having trouble continuing my drift. Can anyone offer an y tips or advice for me and my noobyness?

*If it matters I use a Fairlady Z (z33) 2007.
Doesn't matter what car you have...It's the steering wheel. The biggest problem I'm guessing you're having, is modulating the throttle. Don't floor it all the way through the slide. And offer just the right amount of countersteer.
hmmm, I used to drive with the DFGT as well and I learned some great tips watching the B.M.I. Drift Bible video. It shows alot of tricks on drifting. Another thing is make sure you are feathering your gas no need to enter a corner at 167mph. 40-70 is a resonable speed to enter a corner.
Ever since I started drifting two days ago, I learned how hard drifting with a steering wheel can be. I encountered a multitude of problem, most of them I solved... But there is this one I have not.

The problem I am having, is that I am having trouble continuing my drift. Can anyone offer an y tips or advice for me and my noobyness?

*If it matters I use a Fairlady Z (z33) 2007.

Youve not really explained what happens that causes you to end your drift abruptly...
Off course opinions may differ; but imo its not the wheel. Yes it sucks but it does the job a lot better then you would think..

Let me guess that mid dirft you let off the throttle a bit which makes the car go into understeer and you cant get it to come into oversteer anymore. (that a problem that i had and still sometime do.)
The answer is not in a tune or setting; its in you. The DFGT is way more precise than it lets you think. The reason for the understeer is too large oversteer corrections followed by to little initiation inputs. The weight is then no longer on one side.. I can some times reinitiate by ripping the ebrake (if i can find it) and immediatly powering over while steering into the corner.. Takes some practice though as i used to just spin out then..

Hope that helps