Need For Speed (2015) Screenshots/Photos

Great shots all ^^ 👍

@FT-1 I didn't see these tail lights before. I will check them out later to finish off my car:sly:..(I am also not so sure on this body kit we both chose- I can't see me choosing these exhausts-I still can't change exhausts, it seems I must do lots of amys missions to do this?? any tips on what I need to change them? :indiff:

[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307201053 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307201146 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307203224 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307205459 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307205804 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307205912 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]

[url=]Need for Speed™_20160307210005 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
@Bershka I'm really liking that porsche, I might have to buy one I have a few spare slots left now (remember max 800px pics/ link on GTP) ;) 👍

@FT-1 Nice lights aren't they 👍
Need for Speed™_20160307213613 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308104820 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308104643 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308104411 by torque99, on Flickr

Edit: Added a few more scenery shots
Need for Speed™_20160307214110 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160307214126 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160307214144 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160307214232 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160307214421 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308192717 by torque99, on Flickr
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I hope we get more lighting options in the future, although I am getting used to driving and taking pics in the dark/dawn now it would be great to see some brighter day light added or a day/night cycle soon 👍

More Subaru and the community wrap I have 'tweaked' :sly:
Need for Speed™_20160308192820 by torque99, on Flickr Being watched by Security cam ^^^
Need for Speed™_20160308192633 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308192453 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308192128 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160308184714 by torque99, on Flickr
@FT-1 Nice shots 👍... I do like body kits on some cars not others- I found this awesome 'shared' community wrap and nice Body kit for the M4...I am liking this car now more ;)

Need for Speed™_20160309094538 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309094829 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309095248 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309095401 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309095448 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309095556 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309100107 by torque99, on Flickr
Half my rides ;)
Need for Speed™_20160309100545 by torque99, on Flickr
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I work strange hours so I blame this for all the photos on my days off when no one is about, I am liking the snap shot pro mode and the game the more I am on it, with each car having so many wraps and body parts makes for some awesome combos..

I think I can squeeze this lot in to one post:ill:..Thanks to Magnus and the other guy for the use of the Loan Porsche's in the game..Although you can't change the kits or wraps..This Matt black Porsche is bad a** :D

Need for Speed™_20160309092549 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309154032 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309154142 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309154346 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309154448 by torque99, on Flickr

Need for Speed™_20160309160925 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309161005 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309161056 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309161344 by torque99, on Flickr

Need for Speed™_20160309151650 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309151549 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309151438 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309151329 by torque99, on Flickr
@Bershka Don't worry, I am sure a lot of others don't too :sly:..It helps loading with these threads full of pics..I think they are working on the site so max size is auto...already it auto resizes if you upload a file direct from pc/usb just not the links. 👍
Great Pics again ...:cheers:
It is quiet in here today:gtpflag:, I feel like I am the only one posting :ill: I had a good drive this evening in VB ;) and also spent a while in the garage messing around with community wraps and visuals and brought a few cars..These will follow soon, for now these shots were left over from the last few days to keep the thread going..👍
Need for Speed™_20160308110625 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309090926 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309091015 by torque99, on Flickr
Need for Speed™_20160309091229 by torque99, on Flickr
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311082532 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]

[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311083108 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311083531 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311083603 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311083653 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160311083941 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160310183656 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160310185423 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_20160310185707 by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
[url=]Need for Speed™_Robyn's Hideout by torque99, on Flickr[/URL]
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Great Shots so far by all ^^- This Snapshot pro is turning out to be a pretty good sharp little camera (If you don't use too much DOF/blur) I have quite a few more to post as I have been on NFS quite a bit (few days leave) trying to do all the missions and stopping for a photo or two ;) and could do with more than 10 spaces in the garage :lol:As not many are posting regular I hope you guys don't mind me posting away my shots so far otherwise as said I can set up my own thread or link to flickr.👍:gtpflag:

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