Taxi. From the challenge series. Using it as a "starter car" for a while, then move to something faster later on.
Pickup. Also from the challenge series. Same as above, maybe for pursuits too.
Garbage Truck. From the challenge series as well. Using this one for pursuits since it is very tough at busting through roadblocks.
BMW M3 GTR. Who doesn't want this at the beginning? For races mainly.
Police Civic Cruiser. Got to have at least one cop in the garage.

For races and I guess pursuits.
Razor's Mustang. He took my BMW, so I took his Mustang!
Speedtest BMW M3 GTR Street Version. For pretty much everything. It has junkman tuning.
Camper. To those that don't know, it's an ai vehicle with no collision mesh, so it can drive through walls!

For fun mainly, however I discovered that using the drive through walls cheat prevents it from crashing the game like most ai cars do. So I guess I'll use it in pursuits too.
Truck without trailer. You can't see it too well, but it's a hidden fully playable truck that was possibly mean't to be used in the challenge series, but wasn't. It's no AI vehicle so it doesn't crash the game. Probably use it for pursuits.
Civil Car. For fun mainly.