Need Help with Countersteering and Drifting - Vid inside [G27]

  • Thread starter robatw
That said, this gives me hope, but I presume this guy is pretty well practiced!

Aah it's my vid! :D

This was after a pretty solid effort in GT6 to get some decent drifitng and a massive amount of tuning experimentation. After not drifting on GT6 for a week or so, I tried to return to it and was finding it damn tricky to get a smooth run. I mean I can drift, but I'll try to extend a drift that little bit further with a little more angle and the physics engine just hands you snapback and oversteer at the same time. To get smooth I feel you've just gotta keep putting the hours in.
Aah it's my vid! :D

This was after a pretty solid effort in GT6 to get some decent drifitng and a massive amount of tuning experimentation. After not drifting on GT6 for a week or so, I tried to return to it and was finding it damn tricky to get a smooth run. I mean I can drift, but I'll try to extend a drift that little bit further with a little more angle and the physics engine just hands you snapback and oversteer at the same time. To get smooth I feel you've just gotta keep putting the hours in.
Just like real life ;)
Im still learning on DFGt its quite hard but i feel as lowering the ffb helps me drift better!You guys should try it, i think it's better IMO:)
Please listen to me, I'm a drift instructor in real life and can see all your mistakes in the way 90% of my students start out. :)

Your biggest problem is that you are starting off with bucketloads of understeer. This will cause you several problems.

1) When drifting, we rely on the castor of the front wheels to 'self-centre' and correct the slide (the reason we let go of the wheel when initiating a drift). If you start with understeer, the front tyres are already sliding and lose their desire to 'self-centre' and give no 'feeling'. This is why the car immediately spins 9 times out of 10 (one of the exceptions being at 4:05-ish)

2) In order to initiate a drift, you require the front wheels to grip and the rear wheels to slip, make sure you have enough grip to turn in with in the first place, then break traction at the rear. You current technique involves turning in way to fast, which causes understeer, which means that when the rear does then break away, it's uncontrollable.

People spend all their time associating drifting with power and wheelspin, but the simple fact is that the PRIMARY method of controlling and initiating a drift is the steering.

The best tip I can give is to watch your replays from outside the car. Your front wheels should ALWAYS point in the desired direction of travel (except in a four wheel slip/backwards entry scenario, but that's an advanced technique, so not relevant to you yet :) ). If they aren't doing that, you are going to either make a mistake, or worse, go off track.

Start by entering the corner slowly, turn in smoothly (and slightly late) and then apply the throttle smoothly and firmly. As the rear slides, you need to apply lock at an equal rate (achieved by letting go of the wheel as the rear breaks away) and then using the throttle to control the slide. As said, before, you will be better off using a higher gear. i.e. if you would use 2nd gear when racing round a corner, use 3rd when trying to drift it. :)

Have a go, try a few things and then get back to me. I can try to explain it slightly better, or maybe try to post a video of GT6 vs real life (which is SHOCKINGLY similar). :)
Thanks for the Advice. I have been playing GT since 1' but just decided to try drifting to improve my dirt driving( as it seems quite tricky in 6). It is good to know that I am not the only one finding it difficult to adapt my style. These forums are a great help and I would probably have given up otherwise. For others here learning your advice about steering correctly and not just trying " smoke it" with wheel spin has finally got me to the point of beginner and not so much spinner. Thanks again
Hello Guys,

this is my first Gran Turismo and i also bought a G27 recently and played through a lot of the campaign mode. But i have serious problems with saving cars after losing traction, now that i advanced to the more faster cars.

So i thought to myself i need to learn to counter steer and to drift, so that i can use that knowledge for the second half of the career mode.

But even though i read and watched some videos about drifting and counter steering, i can not handle it. I recorded 10 minutes of pathetic gameplay. I used the Miata Drifting Setup from this Forum.

Quality will be better in a few minutes!

I use Simulation Steering, no driving aids beside ABS on 1 (like everybody else i guess).

Can you please give me some advice?

Just from watching you at the first corner, I'd suggest that you'd work on your counter steering technique and hold the wheel at 9 and 3 instead of 10 and 2. Most of the time drifting requires god-like reactions to counter steer; so much so to the point where when I'm drifting, I can subconsciously react to oversteer and fully correct it before it has noticeably begun (loud tyre screeching, wheel turning quickly in your hands etc.). A decent drift setup will always help and the last tip I can give to you is to get used to turning the wheel quickly and efficiently; I'd suggest starting with rally driving as you're moving the wheel about considerably more than typical track driving.

Is there anyone that's consistent drifting with a wheel on gt6 yet?
Im close to giving up on this snap-back infested piece of 🤬!

Back to gt5, I guess.. :banghead:
I'm pretty consistent now, I think the cars in GT6 require more careful setup than in GT5 and more precise techniques but other then that I can drift across both games.
How can I drift with a dfgt
The same technique can be used across most wheels. However, the faster your wheel spins of its own accord the more you can let the FFB motor "do the work" for you.
DFGT fun for racing hard for drifting it just doesn't have the power to hit the spots you need you will develop a skill at flicking it through your hands rather than it spinning on its own. I'm no expert but I find GT6 requires a lot quicker inputs on the wheel than GT5 as in GT5 was slightly more forgiving.

I don't know if this will help you but I found that lowering the force feed back made it more bearable lower to a level like 6 or 7 you will still be able to feel the wheel but be able to flick it quicker in a counter steer as for getting a feel for where you need to catch it will take a lot of practice.👍
It would be nice if the DFGT could spin quicker but I find that it spins fast enough to let it spin on its own sometimes. There are mods you can do to make it spin quicker by changing the gear ratios.
Just from watching you at the first corner, I'd suggest that you'd work on your counter steering technique and hold the wheel at 9 and 3 instead of 10 and 2. Most of the time drifting requires god-like reactions to counter steer; so much so to the point where when I'm drifting, I can subconsciously react to oversteer and fully correct it before it has noticeably begun (loud tyre screeching, wheel turning quickly in your hands etc.). A decent drift setup will always help and the last tip I can give to you is to get used to turning the wheel quickly and efficiently; I'd suggest starting with rally driving as you're moving the wheel about considerably more than typical track driving.

I'm pretty consistent now, I think the cars in GT6 require more careful setup than in GT5 and more precise techniques but other then that I can drift across both games.

The same technique can be used across most wheels. However, the faster your wheel spins of its own accord the more you can let the FFB motor "do the work" for you.

It would be nice if the DFGT could spin quicker but I find that it spins fast enough to let it spin on its own sometimes. There are mods you can do to make it spin quicker by changing the gear ratios.
