Need help with the Yellowbird

  • Thread starter GfxJG
So yeah. I just bought this from the OCD. So far, best 131K ever spent. Problem is, this car has virtually no grip. I've been spending the last 30 minutes taking it around the TGTT, first corner, Birdie wants to go sideways. I have it fully tuned, as I have a habit of fully tuning every car I get, so everything is customisable. Currently running on Sports Mediums, as I didn't have enough CR. to buy Racing Softs. Sure, I can get enough in like 2 races, but I CBB.

So really, what I need is a setup that makes the Yellowbird easier to drive, and doesn't want to go sideways every opportunity it gets. If such a setup exists.

EDIT: Just took it round on my first valid lap, 1.16.157, rolling start, which proves even more that I need help, as that time pretty much sucks.
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Yup, edited it my first post...TGTT stands for what ?

btw, I migth come back on this setup this weekend, there's some few things to fix.
TGTT = Top Gear Test Track. See the abbreviation now? XD And thanks, testing the setup now, will tell you if it works ;D
To start, you probably shouldnt tune that car to the max, it has more than enough hp to deal with stock, especially on anything less than Sport Softs. I dont have the Bird yet, but I have tuned an '86 BTR that will run all day at the TGTT and stock hp (~385).

To start, try pushing the brake bias to the rear and add a good amount of rear toe in as well as camber. Also, stiffen the rear springs and soften the front, that should keep it from rotating around. Lowering the rear anit-roll bar should help with rotation as well. If you have the LSD, raise the decel value. Your LSD values should look something like: Initial - 12 / Accel - 22 / Decel - 20.

Give it a shot and get back, if you still need help I can post the tune for my BTR or maybe even buy the Bird and give it a shot. That car has always been a handful, but its amazing when tuned properly.
To start, you probably shouldnt tune that car to the max, it has more than enough hp to deal with stock, especially on anything less than Sport Softs. I dont have the Bird yet, but I have tuned an '86 BTR that will run all day at the TGTT and stock hp (~385).

To start, try pushing the brake bias to the rear and add a good amount of rear toe in as well as camber. Also, stiffen the rear springs and soften the front, that should keep it from rotating around. Lowering the rear anit-roll bar should help with rotation as well. If you have the LSD, raise the decel value. Your LSD values should look something like: Initial - 12 / Accel - 22 / Decel - 20.

Give it a shot and get back, if you still need help I can post the tune for my BTR or maybe even buy the Bird and give it a shot. That car has always been a handful, but its amazing when tuned properly.

I know now that I probs shouldn't have maxed it, but too late now as most of the upgrades can't be removed again =/ Maybe I'll sell the one I have now, and find a new untuned one at the OCD/UCD again =P They're there quite often, and only like 130K.

And thanks for the setup, I'll try it. I tried Blueshifts, still went sideways a lot. For racing, I'll stick to my 430 Scuderia, generally faster and easier to drive =P
edit because I'm a dork and posted in the wrong thread.

Any ways. Keep practicing with the stock car. When I started with the Yellowbird, I didn't touch it right away. I got use to how it handled. Then I added small things like better tires and lsd. As she sits now, she is a dream to drive and I wouldn't do anything else to her.
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And thanks for the setup, I'll try it. I tried Blueshifts, still went sideways a lot. For racing, I'll stick to my 430 Scuderia, generally faster and easier to drive =P

Try those few things I mentioned and it should help a lot. As for online racing, its going to be very hard to be competitive with the cars in that hp range with the Bird. I use my 430 Scuderia online a lot as well, its perfectly balanced. Ill try and give the YellowBird a decent, balanced tune when I get a hold of one.