Need Help

Car: Impreza Rally Car Prototype
Track: Tarmac
Front Rear

Spring Rate: 15.0 14.0
Ride Height: 80 80
Shock Bound: 5 5
Shock Rebound: 8 8
Camber Angle: 2.2 1.2
Toe Angle: 0.0 0.0
Stabilizers: 3 3
Brake Balance: 22 20
Limited-slip Init. Torque: 10 10
Limited-slip Accel.: 20 40
Limited-slip Decel.: 10 20
Gear Ratio: 1st 2.618
2nd 1.764
3rd 1.288
4th 0.986
5th 0.792
6th 0.667
Final 4.444
Auto Setting 31
Downforce: 0.45 0.66
AYC Controller:
Active Stability Mgmt.: 1
TCS Controller: 1
VCD Controller: 25
Comments: This is just a quick tweak from the defaults. The handling is pretty sweet on tarmac.
I bet you if you asked a gentleman that goes by the name of Mr. P in this thread here. he might be able to help you out.

Just remember to be polite and professional when asking him. He's got some really killer set ups.