Really, people just throw all this power into the car and expect it to fly. In a straight sure it will, but around turns you got all this extra power, what do you think will happen? I leave the cars stock mostly and just lessen the weight before adding all this power. Race tires help a great deal too. Forget the softs, add mediums and go from there. Do things in increments so that you can tell what the difference is. Don't switch so many things at once. Do one thing at a time before you test drive the car again. Then you understand what happens.
Really, people just throw all this power into the car and expect it to fly. In a straight sure it will, but around turns you got all this extra power, what do you think will happen? I leave the cars stock mostly and just lessen the weight before adding all this power. Race tires help a great deal too. Forget the softs, add mediums and go from there. Do things in increments so that you can tell what the difference is. Don't switch so many things at once. Do one thing at a time before you test drive the car again. Then you understand what happens.
jjohann35, thanks for the tune man, far out i can do nurburgring tournament in professional now with the all those touring cars that were killing me, awesome peice of work man i can actually use the viper for all the races lol, the viper is sticking to the road like glue now !!
thanks for the settings, ill try them out when i get a full susension set up. and dont listen to people that dont even have the car in the game from their perspective they are just bench racing. It may not be close to real life, but PD already f'd that up when they didnt supplement an adjustable ACR front splitter/dive planes and adjustable rear wing.
^^^ Epic fail.
Anyway, here are my current settings that I really like for the Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR. In my opinion, this is the first set of numbers that makes driving this car somewhat manageable. I'll be playing around with these settings until I discover something better.
Top speed 261
LSD 8/30/20
Height -16/-14
Spring Rate 9.0/14.0
Dampers Ext 4/5
Dampers Comp 4/5
Anti-Roll 5/6
Camber 2.0/1.8
Toe -0.10/0.10
Brakes 5/5
I installed everything imaginable in the tuneup shop except the aero kits.
Seems like a decent set up but i noticed when on the ring that the car seems to get air bourne quite easily now which normally gets you into a spin. I was thinking maybe the ride height is abit too low so maybe that needs altering. Brakes could need a little tweak aswell i think.
The 'ring is an exception to most tracks given how bumpy it is. Any time I find a tuning on this forum, I always have to raise the ride height and lower the spring rates if I plan to drive it on the 'ring. Same goes for Sarthe.
Oh ok thanks for that, the bumps are killers when you want to put a decent time down.
Btw is it possible to save setups like in GT4? Ive been looking but i haven't found anything so im assuming you can only have one setup.
Not to my knowledge, no. It absolutely sucks. I'm getting sick of trying to remember which setup I used for which lap times. It would be nice if they recorded the setup with each lap time within practice mode. And I also wish practice mode lap times would be posted online/public so we can try to beat our friends' lap times on the same track given the same horsepower limit.
Regardless that's one of the reasons why I'm sharing my setups for my various cars on this forum. It's one way to record my progress with the tunings without having to write anything down somewhere. GT5 NEEDS the ability to save multiple tunings!
Can you post the full tune you're using?
I think it's the best tune I've used so far. But it still understeers too much for my liking. This thing has GOBS of grip on the rear end (like it should) and it takes a ripping to make it come around. If there was just a way to get the rear end to come around a little more it would be perfect...
Bump up the anti-roll from 2/2 to 2/3. Stiffer rear settings promote oversteer and reduce understeer. I personally do not have a problem with the understeer but I'm using a racing wheel. And drop those LSD settings to your personal taste, maybe down to 8/20/10 if it suits your driving.
ill give it a shot tomorrow (done playing for the night)....i wouldn't say understeer is a "problem" with your tune, I would just like to get the rear around a wee bit more for my tastes...i think being able to adjust front downforce would help that...alas PD made a boo boo with this car...
What is the math you use to conver kg/mm to lbs/in?
Hey JJ, first off lemmy just thank you for your tunes on various vehicles. Your 2nd LP SV tune is pure gold, perfect for my driving style. I just owned GT all-stars with your tune on my SV, a feat I was unable to do with the ACR. Theres still too much understeer, I cant get my laptimes anywhere near my SV's times even with the 350hp difference.
Im using a wheel aswell (G27), however my driving style is more to throw the car into a turn with good speed then overcompensate aiming tighter then the turn exit. This requires some oversteer which the SV with your tune has, the ACR on the other hand does not...its all understeer understeer understeer into the wall.
ill give it a shot tomorrow (done playing for the night)....i wouldn't say understeer is a "problem" with your tune, I would just like to get the rear around a wee bit more for my tastes...i think being able to adjust front downforce would help that...alas PD made a boo boo with this car...
Add more rear toe. All the guys that track their Vipers in real life put about TRIPLE the amount of factory reccommended rear toe. I did it to mine and it does really help a lot.
Add more rear toe. All the guys that track their Vipers in real life put about TRIPLE the amount of factory reccommended rear toe. I did it to mine and it does really help a lot.
What is the math you use to conver kg/mm to lbs/in?
1 lb.= 2.2 kg.
1 lb.= 2.2 kg.
1lb. = 0.45 kilograms
You are absolutely correct. I have no idea why I didn't think of that before. Rear toe-in tends to make the rear feel lighter particularly on corner entry.
Post up some numbers. I'm curious to try your setup since you sound like you're pretty familiar with the Viper.
I'll have to try and find my alignment sheet. My home is currently under remodel so it may take a couple days. If you can find out what the factory is just triple it, prob be faster for you.