Need you opinon on 3 Digi cams...

  • Thread starter DDMv2
Hey guys, Im in need of a Digital Camera in the $200 price range (cnd by the way). I have picked out 3 different cameras that I would be intersted in buying and want to know if any of you own it.




Ive used Sony cameras before and I really like them. I havent used Fujifilm or Hp cameras but I heard good things about em. So if you own any of these can you please give me feedback on them? Are they good? worth it? battery life etc.
Anyone? :nervous:

I need some advice on all these cameras. Im leanning more towards the sony because Ive read fantastic reviews about it and out of all of them its nice and small.

No experience with the Fuji, but I've used HPs and Sonys in this range. I actually won a kit a couple of Christmases ago with an HP camera and photoprinter. I liked the HP outdoors, but it absolutely sucked raw eggs using flash. Anything closer than 6 feet was white, anything farther was black, no depth at all. I returned the kit and got a Sony Cybershot which I love (except for having to use Memory Sticks). Picture quality is great, the flash works well at any distance out to 15 or 20 feet. At the time, Memory Sticks were considerable more expensive than SD cards, which I don't think is as much the case any more.
Have you tried I don't really know much about those cameras, but I think I'd want something with an image stabilizer and a digital zoom. For $350 you could get a way better camera in the canon powershot S3 IS - though it wouldn't be as portable.

dpreview should have the answers you're looking for.
yeah ive seen the reviews on all three cams there. Just would like some insight on the people that bought them and use em alot. I think for now ill just buy one of these and later on ill upgrade to something else like maybe the sony DSCH5:dopey:

But I just want one for cheap that is good for taking pics outside and inside. Is the sony camera hard to take pics with? is it shaky? About the memory sticks I dont mind as I own a sony psp so I can use it on both the digi cam and the psp.

thanks for your input!
I'm not sure if they fit your price range, but be sure to check NIkon and Canon - both companies make some pretty nice point and shoot cameras. For picture quality between the 3 you've listed, I'd go with the Sony. However, after having been royally screwed by their warranty department in the past, I'd personally go for an alternative regardless of how good the Sony may be. Overall, I really like Fuji's cameras but they tend to have some nasty image noise at high ISO settings. I also love the natural color balance they hit in outdoors shots since they lean towards blues and greens and they tend to do well indoors as well. Check for their sample shots. For your question on shaky, they're all shaky. I can't think of even one small point and shoot that comes with an image stabilizer. For ease of use, Fuji is my all out fave, but Sony does a fantastic job as well. I have no experience with HP so I can't give you any info there.
Have you tried I don't really know much about those cameras, but I think I'd want something with an image stabilizer and a digital zoom. For $350 you could get a way better camera in the canon powershot S3 IS - though it wouldn't be as portable.

dpreview should have the answers you're looking for.

I really do hope you mean optical zoom since digital zoom just destroys image quality.
thanks for the link!

Yeah as I said above, I just need a cheap nice point and shoot for now. Next year ill upgrade to a better one.

Again thanks for all the replys!


Ok so I have tooken your advice on the Nikon point and shoot and have come up with a camera that fits my budget and takes good pics.

Nikon Cool Pix L4 4MP


The Nikon is cheaper. $189.99 CND. The sony is $199.99 CND

Anyone here own the Nikon L4? if so post if you like it please.

Thanks again!
I can't give a valid opinion about the Fuji, since I haven't tried one, but go with the Sony. My mom has an HP and my dad a Sony, and the HP literally sucks. It can do some basic things somewhat decently, but if you expect better, then stay away from it. The Sony on the other hand, is a lot better, for reasons I can't put my finger on. All I'm saying is to just stay away from the HP.
allright guys thanks for all your input and I think ive made my final decision:)

Im gonna go with the sony . Ive researched all 3 cameras on many sites and the coolpix wouldve been the one I bought except for the fact that it does not have Video with AUDIO. Thats a big no, no to me.The sony has video with audio at 30FPS so it sounds good to me.

Once again thanks for all your opinions!
Ill make a new thread of when I buy it!:D
Nice choice. The Sony is a pretty decent point and shoot. Although, I would've gone with a maybe a Canon A530 or something close to it. Only thing I don't like about the Sony is the Memory. It has 32mb internal. But, you have to buy a memory stick duo seperate. If only they'd accept compact flash cards or something. Oh well. Also, there is no manual mode what so ever with the sony. But one of the cool things about the Sony is it has one of the widest lenses on a point-and-shoot camera. Which will come in handy if you're ever indoors. :)

Ok so today was the day I went to buy the sony camera:) :) :) :)
And I gotta say what an amazing camera for the price!

Video mode is excellent. Only bad thing is takes up alot of space.

The pics come out so nice and crisp. So far im loving it!:dopey:

Ill post some pics up after when I go take some...:)

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