Need your opinion. Is clipping toe nails in the kitchen disgusting?

  • Thread starter Pako

Is clipping toe nails in the kitchen gross?

  • YES! It is absolutely disgusting! Should be done in private.

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • No! It's not bad as long as you clean up your mess.

    Votes: 13 46.4%

  • Total voters
Every office in which I've worked has had one person who clips their fingernails at the office. BLEAH.

Why wouldn't you want to do it in private?
Every office in which I've worked has had one person who clips their fingernails at the office. BLEAH.

Why wouldn't you want to do it in private?
But not the toenails, right? :scared:

I've always cut my nail in the bedroom, but I just remembered something. When I was growing up, nail clippers in Japan were enclosed, so the nails you cut goes inside the compartment. Here in the U.S., they are open. This means that nails go flying all over the place! What a mess. I should get somebody to pick me up a couple of Japanese clippers. 👍
Umm.. No. It is fine. Adds a nice crunch to your favorite foods!

After your post and this damn finger incident over here I absolutely hate anything to do with hands and food in the same sentence.

One day I was eating meat my mom made, bit into it and felt something hard only to find out it was a finger nail. My mom said... oh I was wondering where it went. :banghead: :yuck: Needless to say I didn't have an appetite after that.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with cutting your nails anywhere but it's what you do with them after they are cut off. If you just let it fling all over and stuff they yes it's highly 🤬 discusting. 👎:grumpy:
I'm guessing you had an "incident" Pako?

Umm...well yeah. My wife says it's disgusting. She had to spit out her pancake she was eating because she was gonna barf. I said her aversion to feet was a little unnatural and she begged to differ. So, I was wondering what the opinions here on GTP were. Growing up in Hawaii, I saw a lot of feet, and I guess they don't bother me. They're like hands and fingers as far as I'm concerned. :)
Umm...well yeah. My wife says it's disgusting. She had to spit out her pancake she was eating because she was gonna barf. I said her aversion to feet was a little unnatural and she begged to differ. So, I was wondering what the opinions here on GTP were. Growing up in Hawaii, I saw a lot of feet, and I guess they don't bother me. They're like hands and fingers as far as I'm concerned. :)

I fully agree with you. It's not like you're picking your nose and eating it...
I've always cut my nail in the bedroom, but I just remembered something. When I was growing up, nail clippers in Japan were enclosed, so the nails you cut goes inside the compartment. Here in the U.S., they are open. This means that nails go flying all over the place! What a mess. I should get somebody to pick me up a couple of Japanese clippers. 👍
Just another reason why the Japanese are so much more advanced than the rest of us! :lol:

But I see no problem with it as long as you clean up your mess, and as long as you don't do it in front of other people.
I usually just clip my toenails out on the back steps, which ironically, is just off the kitchen.

But to answer your question, no. It's not disgusting at all.
Just another reason why the Japanese are so much more advanced than the rest of us! :lol:

But I see no problem with it as long as you clean up your mess, and as long as you don't do it in front of other people.
Actually, I don't even know who invented the "catchers", but every nail clippers are that way over there.

I guess you can order them on the internet:

Here's another example I found thru google. :lol: :

I'm gonna get one. :)
I voted no, I (along with the most of my family) have kind of nasty feet. I get lots of ingrown nails so sometimes it gets a bit bloody. Running only mashes them up more.

I don't wanna watch you clip your nails either.
I don't think clipping your toenails in the kitchen is gross at all. In fact feet are quite lovely. Once, at band camp, I sucked on this girls' toe for like, an hour and it was like, so hot.
I hope you didn't take that seriously. I really honestly hope you didn't. But hey, Pako, chicks do like their feet rubbed. Maybe you can bless us with a few more mods in the comming years? :P :D :lol:
I hope you didn't take that seriously. I really honestly hope you didn't. But hey, Pako, chicks do like their feet rubbed. Maybe you can bless us with a few more mods in the comming years? :P :D :lol:


Well, she would like one or two more, but.....I don't know.

Anyways, thanks for the opinions guys! I guess I need to quite publically clipping my feet. I grew up barefoot in Hawaii, what can I say.....feet are neat and socks suck!

I'm with xcsti – I don't think it's a problem in itself, but our family has disgusting feet, so it's a big no-no for us. All of us have terrible (and stubborn) foot fungus (and right now, I have the worst of it – I almost completely removed the nail on my left big toe, because it was about to just fall off), and my long-distance running doesn't help it in any way (an hour of nonstop running = very sweaty feet)

I don't mind feet, but my nails are so gross I don't wear sandals out in public anymore. A shame, because I love wearing sandals.
I'm with xcsti*– I don't think it's a problem in itself, but our family has disgusting feet, so it's a big no-no for us. All of us have terrible (and stubborn) foot fungus (and right now, I have the worst of it – I almost completely removed the nail on my left big toe, because it was about to just fall off).

I don't mind feet, but my nails are so gross I don't wear sandals out in public anymore. A shame, because I love wearing sandals.

You do have to post a pic. :yuck:
C'mon, we saw his meatflap for two weeks! Your feet can't be that bad! (Come on succumb to the...PEER PRESSURE!!! Mwahaha!)