Nelson Mandela dies aged 95

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Former South African president Nelson Mandela has passed away, aged 95...

Difficult days lie ahead for South Africa, but I'm sure the world will recognise what Nelson Mandela achieved for centuries to come.

Rest In Peace, Nelson Mandela

Very sad news, if not somewhat inevitable given his age and recent illness.

RIP Nelson Mandela one of the most inspirational people to have walked this earth.
Sad news indeed but surviving to 95, especially after being in prison for many years and having health issues is an achievement. RIP.
Oh wow. Half of me is relieved he has passed on now given his ill health that had been dragging on, but it is outweighed by the saddness that one of the great political figures of the world, and inspirational leaders, is gone.

It is a great shame that much of the good work he did in South Africa is being undone by the current leadership in SA, but his legacy is untouched.

Hamba Gah'le Madiba, Hamba Gah'le. :(
Turned on the news just before Zuma came on and expected the worst, sadly. He really kept going well into his 90s. Big loss for South Africa especially.

Such incredibly sad news. My thoughts go to the Mandela family and to the people of South Africa.

May Madiba rest in peace and forever remain in our hearts as an inspiration to all humankind.
I haven't lived there for 5 years now and he has been out of the spotlight for almost 10, but I didn't think this news - although expected - would actually be quite so sad for me.

I remember watching his release from prison on TV, watching him address parliament for the first time as President, watching him broker a cessation of hostility with right wing parties and celebrate national sporting achievements on the field on play after the whistle with the common folk.

Everything comes to pass, but I do not think his legacy will fade.
Is there any word on how he died? Old age, illness, etc?
He was in hospital this year IIRC for pneumonia or something like that, so it's possible he died from that or a similar disease.
He contracted tuberculosis while imprisoned and has long suffered problems with recurrent lung infections. He had been hospitalised three times in recent months but had, for the last few, been receiving treatment at home.
Is it me or is Huw Edwards presenting the BBC news at 10 sounding a bit emotional over this..?

A quote I found on his facebook page.

“Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.” ~ Nelson Mandela 1996 Hamba Kahle Tata
Kim Jong Il and Nelson Mandela are deaths I learned about on GTPlanet. This is the sad one. R.I.P. one of the most inspirational people to have ever lived.
Is it me or is Huw Edwards presenting the BBC news at 10 sounding a bit emotional over this..?

No. You can see the emotion on his face too.

It must be a highly profound moment when you have to inform an entire nation that one of the most inspirational people of the past century has passed away.