Nelson Mandela dies aged 95

No. You can see the emotion on his face too.

It must be a highly profound moment when you have to inform an entire nation that one of the most inspirational people of the past century has passed away.
I wasn't able to see this, has anybody got a clip?
And yet some people still see him as a terrorist.

Sad news indeed, may he RIP.
No. You can see the emotion on his face too.

It must be a highly profound moment when you have to inform an entire nation that one of the most inspirational people of the past century has passed away.

I wasn't able to see this, has anybody got a clip?

You can see it still a bit with his body language on the current BBC1 / News 24 broadcast.
ANC where he was deputy president were guilty of committing horrific crimes so it's arguably a fair opinion to have.

What can be said though is that he changed entirely. He reformed not only a country, but himself and everyone around him.
Just finished The Bang Bang Club which covers early 90's apartheid SA from the perspective of a group photojournalists, there's a very emotional chapter about voting in the '94 election. I'm quite familiar with the period as I've studied it at school, but the account really underlined the importance of what Mandela and the ANC were standing for. Rest In Peace Madiba.
He was in hospital this year IIRC for pneumonia or something like that, so it's possible he died from that or a similar disease.

He contracted tuberculosis while imprisoned and has long suffered problems with recurrent lung infections. He had been hospitalised three times in recent months but had, for the last few, been receiving treatment at home.

Thank you both for the response.
Oh wow. Half of me is relieved he has passed on now given his ill health that had been dragging on, but it is outweighed by the saddness that one of the great political figures of the world, and inspirational leaders, is gone.

It is a great shame that much of the good work he did in South Africa is being undone by the current leadership in SA, but his legacy is untouched.

Hamba Gah'le Madiba, Hamba Gah'le. :(
My thoughts.

ANC where he was deputy president were guilty of committing horrific crimes so it's arguably a fair opinion to have.
Plus he did co-found the Umkhonto we Sizwe which was Guerrilla/Militant arm of the ANC which ran a terror bombing campaign.

RIP sir. He is a inspiration on how to reform yourself and do a lot of good.
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Let's not forget what he was fighting for. Labelling him as a terrorist is just wrong. He is the true defintion of a freedom fighter.
Oh wow. Half of me is relieved he has passed on now given his ill health that had been dragging on, but it is outweighed by the sadness that one of the great political figures of the world, and inspirational leaders, is gone.

Well said.

RIP, Mr. Mandela.

One of the most important days in modern history.
Wait. This...

Oh man...Indeed a sad, sad, sad day for humanity as a whole. I don't know much of the man but I do see him as an inspiration, as an example that makes me believe righteousness, tolerance and ethics can triumph over ignorance, violence and inhumanity. I have nothing but respect for a man who changed the fate of an entire nation without having to fire a single bullet, a man who showed the true power of democracy when applied to a society willing to embrace it.

My best wishes to the entire Southafrican nation. Godspeed, Nelson Mandela. A heartfelt thank you for making the world a much better place.
A true legend that will have an everlasting legacy.


Such a horrible week.

One of the most important days in modern history.

It was. You just knew back then things were going to get better. And they did. This news tonight is just so sad. And it truly feels like end of an era. RIP Mandela.
A great man and an icon who will sadly be missed, and I find it pretty sad myself especially since his last days weren't very easy. Rest in peace, sir.
