Another fantastic turnout last night, thank you all for coming out and making Night Slide what it is. It's really awesome to see so many different people and teams showing up to these events - MLD, RSM, WSG, OHQ, Prodigy, were all well represented last night (my bad if I missed anyone

), along with several independent drifters. I wish the times weren't so difficult for all the Euro folks...nothin we can do though lol.
There seems to be a slight trend lately where certain GTP members are feeling the need to negatively generalize what GTP teams, as well as the GTP drift scene in general, is all about. It's really great to see so many talented drivers from such a wide variety of backgrounds show up at Night Slide and do nothing more than enjoy each other's company while sharing our passion for getting our cars sideways. For any of those "analysts" out there who are "studying" the GTP drift teams.....THIS is what the GTP scene is all about!!
Since it was Thanks Giving yesterday, I feel it's only fitting to say
Thank You for being so awesome GTP Community!!! Also, Thank You to all the teams and individuals who invest their free time into organizing events, meets, and comps etc that we all enjoy so much. Let's all continue to work together to progress this community 👍
Happy Thanks Giving, stay safe, KDF, and stay sideways my friends