NEMESIS Night Slide | PPD until GT6 | Tandem Drifts

  • Thread starter k0di
Its thursday boys n girls let bring out the power, slip till we grip, and live free, so we can slide till we die!

Haha that's awesome Red!! I'll be there tonight for sure....even if I have to snort an 8-ball to myself, I refuse to fall asleep waiting for the room to open :lol: see ya guys on track....and go easy on me, I'm gonna be rusty

Hopefully I can stay awake as well haha, coffee at 10pm sounds like a plan to me. :lol:

Im thinking of coming, but it'll open around 7 am so... Not too sure yet.

Yeaa! Let's goooo! Let's keep pullin them e-brakes!

haha I agree twitch. *9:59pm and waiting for DGambino* *10:00, DGambino online* *excitement goes up* lol

haha yo Stone, drink coffee and eat rice bro :lol: trust

fuuuuu 7am is too early for me lol! Gotta hand it to you though for waking up that early lol.
Had a great time tonight everyone had good runs....except His connection issues was killing th vibe ..and then the BIG GAM BOOT was put on some guys backside. So remember boys and girls..NO RACISM WILL BE TOLERATED!! or its BGB.LMAO.
Sorry guys, too tired. And addicted to a TV series too, so... Maybe in a couple of weeks time, I don't know yet. :)
Had, Great fun today! especially with gam not being able to breathe from laughing so much LOL. Exceptional skill, and great Drift Etiquette. Hopefully i come across Night Slide another time!
Great runs to everyone lastnight awesome runs with rice but had to head out :lol: soon as i got ready to leave race started.
We are having a theme tonight for Night Slide..

We are going to be rolling the oldies but goodies out tonight! So bring out all of your Pre-74 cars (whatever it is). See you all tonight!
We are having a theme tonight for Night Slide..

We are going to be rolling the oldies but goodies out tonight! So bring out all of your Pre-74 cars (whatever it is). See you all tonight!

Hey my 69 vette and 69 Camaro are legal lol. And my Miura I want to tune. 👍 I don't think there are any good JDM's hmmm
Nice shots Push, I wish I could make night slide but I have work Fridays.

no worries bro I will post some other shots from open lobbies we have on our other page bro. Hope everything is going well with the team bro.
Had ! fun lastnight guys great tandems with GAM, Red & PUSH plus others mad respect goes to team nemesis oh yea me an push got some type of weird beef :lol: see you guys on the track ! 👍
Night Slide will happen tonight due to 4th of July tomorrow! It does not make sense to have it tomorrow at night when everyone will be partying!

Night Slide tonight at 10pm PST TONIGHT!

Back to normal schedule next week.
Can I just ask a question. I was just wondering whats special about the 4th of July lol.

It is the celebration of America's Freedom from the British and thats when the Declaration of Independence was signed and junk.
Can I just ask a question. I was just wondering whats special about the 4th of July lol.

I always say its the Americans that are ignorant to history from the rest of world... I may be proven Wong just this once haha :P remind me guys, what time is this normally? A GMT time if you will? :P
I always say its the Americans that are ignorant to history from the rest of world... I may be proven Wong just this once haha :P remind me guys, what time is this normally? A GMT time if you will? :P

It's at 10:00 PM PST, which is GMT it's at 6:00 AM Friday morning for you, unless my math sucks.

But not this week, we already did Night Slide last night, due to today being a holiday in the U.S.

Thanks to everyone who made it out last night, despite the last minute schedual change. Lots of great drifting and lots of laughs, as always :)

Hopefully I'll get a few pics up over the weekend.