New aspect of speculation. Weather/Night

  • Thread starter happycorey
United States
This is all speculation really, but it's something to honestly think about. I'm not sure if it's been posted before or discussed.

In GT5P, there is the clock in the top right, as well as the "World Map," and it cycles through the different cities and tracks surrounding, those which we have in the game, and a lot (okay a good amount) of race tracks around the world, and all those other famous tracks, as well as the temperature and a forecast.

Now there could this be a bridge between PD testing this world map and forecast and temperature in real time for the final release? I don't know what it has to do with GT5P other than looking cool, but it lists a good number of tracks that have been in previous GTs and possibly those for GT5. But I think it could be for a future weather and night racing since it shows basically a moon for night, sun for day, clouds for cloud cover (I don't remember seeing any rain but I watched each city pass for about 5 minutes.)

So could this mean Weather and Night could be given the option for Dynamic/Real Time/Off ? As well as new tracks we will have in store for GT5?
Well I know that, but what I'm saying is that it gives us an idea of how it might be in the game, as well as new tracks we otherwise wouldn't have known about
If you look through the ending credits you can see who PD are getting the Real Time weather feed from, can't remember who it is though, but this sort of thing is something companies would have to pay a subscription for, that being the case I can't see it being just a gimmick.
I thought of this ages ago, as have many others. I bet PD have toyed with the idea aswell.

But i don't think it should be like that. It would be cool, but then some people only get to play certain times of day, so a certain track would always be at night. Or you could start the le mans 24 hours at night, when historically they have always started in the daytime (correct me if i'm wrong, i just assume it is done that way).

I think it would be more beneficial if the night/weather system was independant from the time of day and weather in real life. I just don't think it would be good to have that feature.
Well like I said, it could be set to a real time world weather/daylight, or dynamic so it does so when you want or at random, and completely off, to always race at a nice time of the day and always sunny.
Its been suggested a hundred times before, and everytime my thoughts have been the same - its pointless. Why? Because the whole problem of real-time changes with time zones and weather sometimes being too consistent means it will be a nice little feature that is barely ever used.
What's the point in allowing to pick the weather or have real-time, I mean, how hard is it for people that are so desperate to simulate the current, real time conditions to just look up the current forecast themselves?

I don't see the draw in it at all beyond "ooh I'm racing in the conditions that are happening now" which is going to wear off pretty quickly when its always nightime or raining when I use the feature.

Plus the fact a large amount of the tracks may not even have weather or night (rally stages possibly?) and a lot are fictional.
It is possible for sure to implement, but as other have said is there much point in it, would it not be better just to give the user full control?

I say it would be possible to implement on the basis as there have been user mods for Grand Theft Auto since Vice City that allowed you to control the weather based on the actual weather.
It is possible for sure to implement, but as other have said is there much point in it, would it not be better just to give the user full control?

I say it would be possible to implement on the basis as there have been user mods for Grand Theft Auto since Vice City that allowed you to control the weather based on the actual weather.

And PC flight sims too....
This has been speculated about ever since they even showed the little clock in the corner.

And personally, I'd much rather like the option for choosing weather myself. As I stated on another forum with a similar discussion, I'm not always in the mood for rain, and sometimes just want to take a car for a spin in ideal conditions.
Its been suggested a hundred times before, and everytime my thoughts have been the same - its pointless. Why? Because the whole problem of real-time changes with time zones and weather sometimes being too consistent means it will be a nice little feature that is barely ever used.
What's the point in allowing to pick the weather or have real-time, I mean, how hard is it for people that are so desperate to simulate the current, real time conditions to just look up the current forecast themselves?

I don't see the draw in it at all beyond "ooh I'm racing in the conditions that are happening now" which is going to wear off pretty quickly when its always nightime or raining when I use the feature.

Plus the fact a large amount of the tracks may not even have weather or night (rally stages possibly?) and a lot are fictional.

They could do something like Burnout Paradise and have rewards for doing things at day, night, rain, snow, etc.
I dont know if that's new speculation ahah. Something even more indicative of possible day cycles are the spec3 intro scenes for the new cars.
I really do hope all weather are not just pre game ON and OFF functions.. same goes for day and night. I hate and Do not see point of having GT4s style rain and Night driving.. I would love to see the sun set and raise in 24h Race. I would love to drive for an hour and see the dark clouds cover the sky then just pull to pit stops to change for rain tires!
Its been suggested a hundred times before, and everytime my thoughts have been the same - its pointless. Why? Because the whole problem of real-time changes with time zones and weather sometimes being too consistent means it will be a nice little feature that is barely ever used.
What's the point in allowing to pick the weather or have real-time, I mean, how hard is it for people that are so desperate to simulate the current, real time conditions to just look up the current forecast themselves?

I don't see the draw in it at all beyond "ooh I'm racing in the conditions that are happening now" which is going to wear off pretty quickly when its always nightime or raining when I use the feature.

Plus the fact a large amount of the tracks may not even have weather or night (rally stages possibly?) and a lot are fictional.

I get that but what if you want to start a race when a real one starts in real life and race with them. I mean you can make sure the weather is correct at the beginning of the race but what happens when the rain stops half way through.. pointless unless it updates in real time during the race IMO.

Ohhh i just thought of something else, completely radical but wouldnt it be cool if PD could simulate and enter in the data from lets say to put the f1 cars position and place on the track in real time so you can try and race them while they are racing. just a crazy idea. haha
The solution to this, is to implement real time weather for those who maybe want to participate in same day races as professional drivers.Dynamic weather, for the preset weather choices to choose from.Also a menu for creating weather.These 3 weather programmes, could be used in GT mode & Arcade mode.
IMO the system can be much more simple, just get weather data from the last five years in a location, then calculate the average probability of rain, or clouds, or sun. In the race, the probabilities are testedn and maybe we have rain in the middle of the race, maybe not... Easy....:sly:
How about just finding the real-world probability of each type of weather in the region the track is situated, and then implementing that into the game?
Infinitely more simple but still effective.

Oh, yeh. The guy above me..
I'd rather just have a choice of weather in my own hands. You might have tracks where it doesn't rain much for 9 months of the year, then rains for 3 months solid. Or for me, I usually game in the evening after work... but I'd still like to be racing in the day or morning.

The only time I might real life weather is if the game follows a real life series and I want to race at the same time, but that probably wont happen because real racing is too slow to be exciting in a game context (days of practice and qualifying then finally you come to the real race, where people will probably run you off the track in the first corner anyway).
Scrap my idea, a much better idea is to find some previously recorded weather data from maybe the Met Office & make them into default choices.That is the upgrade to dynamic weather there.If you want to create your own weather, the same again use data of previous weather & include settings for TOD, severity & season changes.The circuit races, don't continue into the winter & early January so i would lock out this change of the season.The default weather, could fluctuate every time you race.Still use live real time weather as an option if you want to use it.Real time weather is an upgrade to dynamic weather, so it would look miles apart during each race, so no that wouldn't work out.

Here are a few real time videos from Simul Weather ( check the pc specification out ):
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Correct me if i'm wrong here, the latest Intel system uses this multicore thingy.I was reading an article where using all 4 cores for real time weather, is speeded up by 4x.So with all the work spread out for processing the weather effects, this should free up a huge area for producing much improved graphical quality & if it's possible make everything in real time including driving physics.
^^Ok, the recipe is....We need a 2 pieces of cell processor, a chunk of Ram, and a chunk of V ram, then mix them up together and we have real time weather change, real time damage, better physics, and awesome graphics :lol::lol:
Ok, so the CBE has 7 support processors to back up the main one (right? wrong?), which should give it a lot of internal memory right there, right? Is that why it has so little RAM? 256mb is half as much as my dumpy five year old e-Machines desktop has, how can this be next gen? What am I missing?
The PS3 has no Windows running in the background, together with 25 other programms. Games for the consoles are optimised for the respective system and dont have to run on thousands of different combinations of hardware.

Its an old story....
For 10000000 time, night racing is no new!!!

And the weaher thing, Kaz says thats is not going to happen in GT5.

Sorry my english.
Any evidence?

Kaz: “Night racing is going to be a part of GT5, but with things like dynamic weather, the choice is about whether it will improve the experience. The functionality is not a problem – we’ve got the weather system done – but if we are not sure about the quality of it, and how it improves the driving experience, we are not going to have it in the game

For me thats a NO, maybe im wrong.
Using real time weather is a big step in improvements, compared with dynamic weather & real time driving physics won't gel together very well, with the aforementioned previous technology.
^^Ok, the recipe is....We need a 2 pieces of cell processor, a chunk of Ram, and a chunk of V ram, then mix them up together and we have real time weather change, real time damage, better physics, and awesome graphics :lol::lol:

The thing is Ralph89, there are programmes out there for consoles that make real time weather, car physics & other stuff.Also the computer doesn't need to be top spec to make it look almost perfect.Try & look at their website.Also

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