man, how'd I miss THIS thread...probably when my lemon was broke down again
isn't that design the one w're geytting here in the states? th 'squint" job mas mentioned by Wolfe 2x7 in the march C and D (which I have) comparo with the GTI?
as for you ye little yank bashin sod,
we're not the ones with 2 meter wide streets for two lanes of traffic that you can't keep paved cause it costs too much. americans have bigger things cause when the colonists came over here, there was all this
room. Native Americans didn't have the continent packed full to bursting either.
rant ended.
it is a bit fugly. the color reminds me of the one that was on the Spoon Civic R in GT2. a bit too garish. also, yellow is a performance color. i think it got a rep because yellow was typically used on the likes of an AMC gremin and other duds.
i wouldn't mind the likes of a TVR either, or a European Scrooge-mobile, but, in the same issue mentioned by wolfe there is a report on america's weird "foreign market" setup that doesn't allow anything into the country younger than 25 years old without extensive modifications to the structure, etc to pass
American safety standardsfirst. someone should post the article for our European members to start a 20 page thread about. wish I could find it.