New Design of gauges?

United Kingdom
Bristol UK
Hello fellas,

recently i got my old NFS Porsche out, and i'm playing alot. Just finsihed to be a ACE Factory Driver :dopey:

The thing why i'm opening a thread here is, you can choose next to the real cockpit view, also a bumber cam, where the gauges vary between the Porsche models. Same as in NFS Hot Pursuit 2!!!:)

So i was thinking, for sure PD wont be able to put a cockpit view of each car into the game - TO LESS AMOUNT OF TIME- so i was thinking, what if they keep on the bumber cam, just make the real life gauges in there. that would make driving a lot more enjoyable ,... for me at least:D

Let me hear your opinion.


The gauges in a cockpit cam probably won't look that good when right up close, doesn't really bother me much what the dials look like if they're all the same of not. The only thing that bothered me in GT4 was in the over the bonnet camera the gauiges stayed ion the center of the screen and basically made it hard on some cars too judge exactley where the from of the bonnet was becasue the gauges were blocking you view somewhat.
I like that idea. 👍 I also would like to see customization of the gauges like in NFS: Most Wanted except use aftermarket gauges.
Gauges in GT4 = Crap

It either went to 180mph or 240mph, even the Motor Wagen had a speedo which went to 180mph.

They need degisning more realisticly, soon.
well, like life4speed said, in the nfs games the gauges looked pretty good to me.

i hope they change the gauges, cause it was really boring to see everytime the same!!!
I'd like to see the cars real gauges displayed on the screen, instead of one of two generic sets of dials. It's the details for me, that can really make a game stand out from the crowd.

I also demand 3D cockpits as well, but that's a whole different kettle of fish.
I'd like to see the cars real gauges displayed on the screen, instead of one of two generic sets of dials. It's the details for me, that can really make a game stand out from the crowd.

I also demand 3D cockpits as well, but that's a whole different kettle of fish.

yea, now thats what i'm talking about. Details !!!

3D Cockpit would be awesome, but for sure there wont be any :(
3D Cockpit would be awesome, but for sure there wont be any :(

Why not? It's starting to look like every other game is going to have them.. It would actually be very bad for PD if GT5 ended up being the only next-gen racing game without a cockpit view.

Besides, they already showed the cockpit view at TGS last year.
-> 3D cockpits are a good idea, but it impedes visibility quite much (as experienced in OutRun series, Battle Gear series, and PGR series). The only people who can benefit such feature are the ones with big widescreen TV's with two small monitors each side (like the F355 Challenge arcade). While for the rest of us "poor/unfortunate" people, authentic gauges are more suitable for most people.

-> I think 2D gaugess are better, Battle Gear represents the best layout.



-> But I really like to see this while racing on GT5:




No no. GT5 should be like this (IMHO):

2 or 3 different exterior car views
Cockpit view (a la F355 Challenge)
Current bumper cam just with F1 style guages.
Then something like Battle Gear for those of us who really don't have the cool panormic TV's.
And OF COURSE put the real life guages of the actual cars in them.

P.S. Test Drive: Unlimited is going to have real life recreations of all the cockpits of its cars. Everything from Mustangs to CCR's

Check it out, it's worth a look.

Also maybe the new Driving Force wheel for PS3 can have something in the hub of the wheel where it shows you speed and revs like GT3 did during the replats, just built in so its more F1-ish.
The Vanishing Boy
-> 3D cockpits are a good idea, but it impedes visibility quite much (as experienced in OutRun series, Battle Gear series, and PGR series). The only people who can benefit such feature are the ones with big widescreen TV's with two small monitors each side (like the F355 Challenge arcade). While for the rest of us "poor/unfortunate" people, authentic gauges are more suitable for most people.
Speak for yourself, I don't have a widescreen monitor or TV, nor do I have a three screen setup but I always play in an cockpit camera when available, it's much much better, more fun and more immersive for me, and I thank the makers of every game that take their time to include a cockpit camera.
Why not? It's starting to look like every other game is going to have them.. It would actually be very bad for PD if GT5 ended up being the only next-gen racing game without a cockpit view.

Besides, they already showed the cockpit view at TGS last year.

thats true that TGS showed cockpit view, but if you remember, they didnt show any gauges or other objects in the car, you just could see that youre in the car, but no gauges, no nothing:dopey:

any, i at least hope that PD changes the gauges....cause they were very poor....:grumpy:
I don't really care, so long as I can drive the bumper cam with an analogue rev counter.

👍 Agree!

But i like the system that Live For Speed use(game,not you L4S :D)
Though the cars are not licenced!
I don't have too much to offer on this deal, but I will say this. PD should avoid what "Pro Race Driver" did for most of its cars. The in-car views were some one-size-fits-most views. Only different views were with the mid-engined sportscar racers. And if they can't come up with a true-to-life cockpit view for as many cars as will be featured, then at least a hood view would suffice. Just be sure to have the driver side view best. For example, a right-hand drive Caterham Fireblade shouldn't show a left-hand view.

I may have more to discuss when I actually come around to those points.
I thought there was way too much junk on the GT4 screen. When I finally went to to "simple" display, it was sooooo much better. I never knew how much that blinking "suggested gear" bothered me until I turned it off :). Furthermore, I don't understand why we need an analog speedometer in addition to the digital display. We don't need both. In fact, during races, speed is a completely useless bit of information. All I want is a tach and gear indicator. I rarely look at those anyway, but occasionally I want to see them.

Overall, I'd like to see the option in GT5 to turn on/off any of the gauges that you want, which gives the possibility of having nothing on the screen (which a lot of us would like), or everything (which some people need).

But style-wise, I think the gauges look fine; simple and functional. There's just too many of them in GT4.
I think the bumper cam will always be the best but it would be really cool if it used the gauges from the real car BUT you could buy the easy to use ones like in other GTs, and buy them cheap at that.
EDIT: and yeah, there'd be cars that don't have speedos (let alone tachs) like the Motor Wagen. And plenty without tachos, and another thing. there would be many many cars without rev limiters!
I've driven PGR3 on the X360 a number of times, while in GameStop recently. Other than the fact that the Xbox controller blows huge chunks of steaming moose crap, the in-cockpit view is pretty good. It offers a decent view of the gauges, as well the steering wheel and your arms steering. I can't imagine that the PS3 won't be able to handle something similar.

One option that would be really nice would be the ability to turn the on-screen steering wheel/arms displpay on or off. When using a controller, it's nice to have that visual feedback. But using a wheel and looking past your own arms and wheel to a second set on screen would be weird.
The Vanishing Boy
-> But I really like to see this while racing on GT5:





my first post... well anywho
👍 i think this is a great idea, each car should have thir own 2D guage, i do know that the power of Blu-ray and PS3 can fit in all of the 3D stuff, but i dont think the GT team can create everything in time. besides i dont think that many people would get use to driving in the 3D setting so not many will use them. Personally i still think the bumper cam is the best one. I would also love to raise and lower the bumper cam in the options menu and as well i would love to make a custom guage and place it in a different position like to the side of the screen etc.
Gday from Down Under,

would like to see incar view changed to something very similar to the incar view from project gotham exact replica of the inside of every individual car....but without the annoying steering wheel and hands shuffling about(cause if im playing with Driving force pro I can already see my own hands and wheel!!)....if need be show this only in analog controller mode.
Also when in-car view my focus should be through the windscreen so I shouldn't be seeing the gauges that clearly???..if I want to see the gauges I should have to arrow down during the race to read the instruments(and arrow right/left to view cars around me)...I also find you sit very low in other games in-car veiws.
I use the bonnet/hood view at the moment as I like to see a bit of the car Im driving and sometimes alternate this to the whole car view but my only thing with an in-car view is I hope PD doesnt make it pitch from side to side too hard (limiting view) to replicate the body roll of the car.

what do u guys suggest

ps must include all Aussie muscle cars (1967-present day) in GT5
I don't think we'll get a inside cockpit view that includes gauges. If we do, it'll be a different view from the inside the cockpit view that this GT5 footage reveals.

I think we'll get the same display we've always had along with this view point...

^That's totally fine with me. TOCA 3 uses this same principle (in-car camera, with gauges over-layed), and it works just fine. I don't think that "working gauges" in the dashboard would really add to the game.
I think it would. A fully-working 3D interior view is very immersive.

However, expecting such a thing with the 1000+ cars that GT5 will probably have would be ludicrous, even with oodles of processing power and disc space.

Car-specific 2D overlay gauges and a generic dash view like the one Solid Lifters posted would be fine with me. 👍
i love the idea of showing the gauges of each car but as Wolfe said it would take waaayy to long, especially if GT5 had 1000+ cars. I would be fine with just a sweet looking dash, the dashes in GT4 dont bother me at all. But i hate it when it has unrealistic speedo numbers. Maybe there could be an option where you could buy set aftermarket tachos, or the style of the tacho changes when you upgrade the car.
You know people in the underground and in the mainstream. Stupid amounts of detail make better games to some or most people. My premise is that there can be exceptional dashboards and gauges like in "Project Gotham Racing 3." I'm always wondering if PD can make as many people happy as possible. I've looked up (be careful of advertisments) for PGR3 pictures. The first page alone features a few pictures of in-car views complete with the gauges and steering wheel. See for yourself: { }. Almost any good XBOX360 racing game that's good will have to be a reference point in which PD must try to study and try to do one better. Feel free to browse through some of the other pictures in addition to the ones I've provided. The first few pictures are from a... I guess you'd call it a staple to games with Japanese sports cars, the loved-and-hated Nissan Skyline GT-R. There's one in-car view on Page 1 that is not in any GT game, and it's a Ferrari... F50 I believe. PGR3 is going to have to serve as a model for in-car views among a next-gen racing game. I'm not going to say that GT5 will be disappointing if every other game has visible dashes and gauges while GT5's stuck in the past with no visible dashboards and gauges. And I actually find the roof cam to be quite helpful, especially in rally racing. You get more of a view of the course to help you in tarmac and non-tarmac rallies.

Now for a segway into my Racing Modifications thread. My thread entitled "Racing Modifications in GT5: Discuss and Review" is all about Racing Modifications for cars. Taking a street car and turning it into a race car that looks the part has to entail all kinds of things. One would imagine that EVERYTHING would be modified to the modder's extent. Nothing says real race car like a MoTeC ADL installed up front. I learned that "ADL" stands for "Advanced Data Logger" (thanks: Google). One of the funniest things about GTR is that you get MoTeC software included in the package. I say it's funny because you may not even have a race team (like 75 to 80 percent of all GTPlanet members) but still get racing software when you decide you're ready to build a championship racing team with championship racing team software. This is an example of the MoTeC SDL (Sports Dash Logger): { }. Modified cars and purpose-built race cars should REALLY have exquisite in-car views and realistic gauges. So I don't know. PD may surprise us a bit. Never know.
To me i dont mind if we dont have an in dash view, when i play TOCA and use the in dash view i find it annoying, you dont get a good view of the racetrack or the people racing you. I also dislike how you can see the steering wheel move, when you yourself is using one, i dont know maybe thats just me! Dont tease me! haha.
Having a in dash view would be alright though, it would make the game even more realistic, and that couldnt be that bad huh?
If they include it...I just pray the graphics inside match up to the rest of the game...if I see another god awful cockpit view like Toca (even the latest cockpit view is poor in terms of graphics and detail)
George Morley
Gauges in GT4 = Crap

It either went to 180mph or 240mph, even the Motor Wagen had a speedo which went to 180mph.

They need degisning more realisticly, soon.

I agree, car specific gauges would add a lot of depth to the cockpit view.