New dlc , is it worth it ?

  • Thread starter Karlgaming
We can say the same about the GT5 DLC cars, basically they make you pay for (japanese) RM cars which should have been already in the game, think again folks. đź’ˇ

At least Turn10 make you pay for something great: an Audi R15++, a Lambo Aventador, a 458 GT2 an Aston Mirage Virage... seriously RM cars are just a joke compared to that. We have 4 more Skylines and the PRIUS, 'nuff said. Only Spa really worth the money imho.

I have a feeling that Turn 10 will really push PD to step up to the plate with this one, let's hope so, I have an unopened copy of forza4 ON MY DESK. :dopey:
After the amount of work the staff at Polyphony have put into this game, including the tons of bug fixes/new features etc for free, i think it was a more than reasonable price to charge for DLC.

And i think it is definately worth buying, especially for the new tracks (Kart Space is awesome for drifting around). It costs $23 here in NZ for the complete pack, but still don't regret buying it.
yeah i think it is worth it not sure about the prius but everything else is very nice :)

dunno at the moment am a bit preoccupied with battlefield 3 :D
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I'm only getting the track pack for Spa. Space from what I've seen it doesn't look realistic at all.

The car pack, only the Challenger and the Miata I'd use, so it's not worth it for me.
Looking at that Forza DLC pack, yes the cars look like a better offering than the GT5 cars on paper, but GT5 has been out a year.... Whilst PD have been working on the latest cars (yes they may just be RM'd premiums, but still required work....), given us some new tracks and other goodies, Turn 10 give you some cars that should have come with the game. Poor form imo, shows that they are driven more by the money in your wallet than producing an excellent simulation game.
Had it a week now. Kart space awesome. The cars are good too some real gems in there and some ok ones. As for spa..I just 'discovered' the joy of it. Oh and sub 30 sec laps in the dlc mx5/ miata endless fun. Worth it? Hell yeah!
The cars are really good and after GT5 being released quite some time ago its ok. I would feel riped off if a game was released with DLC announced day one. I would recommend to buy the tracks and the cars only, the gear and the paints are not that good.

I hope they add some more cars into the DLC for the same price in the future.
I just spent $23 NZ on the whole pack, I was always gonna be getting the track pack anyway, and let's face it, more cars can never be a bad thing (despite the ongoing emphasis on Skylines...). For sure I'd already played Spa online thanks to some generous souls out there, but you really can't beat having the place to yourself and just thundering around... and around... and around... Paints and race gear, well OK, not that bothered, but picked 'em up anyway (rare show of extravagance). Long live GT.
I think it is worth the bundle.

I'm absolutely in love with Spa, it's just below Nordschleife in my mind, and Kart Space is really cool, especially now that we can take cars on it for photo ops. The cars, while TC models of cars we already have, are nice updates and the sounds are pretty awesome on some of them. I like the paints, and could even see myself picking up a paint pack or two more as time goes on. And the suits, I realize they aren't for everyone and I wish they were free, but I enjoy customizing my driver and Bob's. I love watching replays and seeing the cool outfits. Just like real racers that want a unique suit to fit their style and driving, I want something unique, and definitely more options than we had back in November when you had to pick the suit and stick with it.

So overall, yeah I think $12 is worth it, it's up to you though.

Good point, the DLC cars have excellent sounds.

I think its worth it. The DLC cars may be RMed cars, but did anyone honestly expect anything else on the first DLC? And for RMed cars, they did a great job.
Spa is an excellent addition. 100 paints for less then a pack of gum...cant go wrong there.

I do love the comments about how its not worth it, just mooch it by joining the rooms of people who did buy it :)
The DLC cars may be RMed cars, but did anyone honestly expect anything else on the first DLC?
Sure, I did, why wouldn't I? Lots of missing cars in the game to choose from, and even PD should know that good DLC keeps customers playing and paying.
I'm interested to hear why you didn't expect much.
The main thing that is killing the DLC for me is that there is nothing to do with it outside of multiplayer. I mean sure you can do practice laps on Spa or play against the A.I. in Arcade mode, but it's very unrewarding and you get nothing out of it. I really wish PD would add more single player content that was rewarding and didn't involve just doing the same race over and over again.

The online events are an okay alternative to this, but it would be so much better if we had a bigger career mode that wasn't just tacked on and updated weekly.
The main thing that is killing the DLC for me is that there is nothing to do with it outside of multiplayer. I mean sure you can do practice laps on Spa or play against the A.I. in Arcade mode, but it's very unrewarding and you get nothing out of it. I really wish PD would add more single player content that was rewarding and didn't involve just doing the same race over and over again.

The online events are an okay alternative to this, but it would be so much better if we had a bigger career mode that wasn't just tacked on and updated weekly.
What do you get out of games then??

I have allways been under the asumbtion that the only thing you could get out of games was fun and enjoyment.
Seeing as how I spend more money on coffee than the cost of DLC, every week, it's a no brainer...
I'm curious as to how you can state this without owning an XBox?

Forza 3 was crap, definitely, but I rather like Forza 4's physics. The gradualness of the loss of grip and the way the cars can 4-wheel drift sideways with the camber just a little on that right hander after the Corkscrew (just like iRacing) is pretty good. Sure, the physics of catching slides needs some work [note, currently there is a bug with steering lock defaulting to 270 degrees when the car is in a slide, some remnant of previous drifting physics I believe], but apart from that I'd say Forza is matching GT5 in many ways (better in some, worse in others).

It's not as if GT5 physics are perfect: Take braking without ABS for example: Lock one front wheel up and you spear the car off the road instantly, like a digital switch [grip|no grip], hardly realistic.

And you can't argue with their car list: I wish GT5 had half the modern/botique supercars which Forza has managed to snag....

Played it at a mates for quite some time. I dont have to own an xbox to have played it đź’ˇ

I agree F4 has improved but the physics just aint there still. With all assists off theres still assists or thats how I exlain how it feels anyway. Others have confirmed this.

No sim is perfect but GT just feels real. They have the fundamental bare bones of the physics right. The immersion is there where as with Forza its not. Not bashing Forza here just saying I am not buying until they can match the physics of GT
We can say the same about the GT5 DLC cars, basically they make you pay for (japanese) RM cars which should have been already in the game, think again folks. đź’ˇ

At least Turn10 make you pay for something great: an Audi R15++, a Lambo Aventador, a 458 GT2 an Aston Mirage Virage... seriously RM cars are just a joke compared to that. We have 4 more Skylines and the PRIUS, 'nuff said. Only Spa really worth the money imho.

I totally aggree with you.

The DLC car pack was very disappointing for me.

Only RMed cars... 4 Skylines...1 Prius...

They could have atleast give us other RMed cars. We already got a R35 GT500, we got the Schulze R35, we got impreza/evo rally cars

But not a single premium DTM car. Or a Ferrari/Mclaren/Lambo GT car.

I really hope that we will get the C Class DTM (W204), M3 DTM, a A4 DTm or atleast a Ferrari race car in the next dlc.

Forzas 458 Italia GT2 looks so beautiful...
Yeah I took a look to the todays FM4 DLC (only 3 weeks after game release) and think that it´s worth...

Even though I wont buy it because I cant accept MS/T10 milking policity... To pay another 7$ for 10 cars, only 3 weeks after game release...
Is it worth it? hell yes!


Great photo! đź‘Ť
Well, at first i thought ''what a mistake'' but now i find my self and my friends using Spa more than other tracks.

About the cars, well, yes, they´re only RM cars that we allready have, but i like them, i love the honda (yes i do) and the new gtr´s are something to try.

Paints and suits.... don´t know what to say, i use the suits and i will use the paints at some points, but i can live without them.

So, is worth it?? yes if i can use the cars, and the tracks (the kart track too) in some races as seasonal or whatever they come up with.

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